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Introduction into creating bitcoin addresses and formats used in cryptocurrencies.


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  • goals of this workshop
    • introduction to encoding formats: DER, hex, sha256, ripemd160, base64, base58
    • understanding of bouncy castle lib
      • generating elliptic curve key pair
      • deriving public key from private key
      • entities: SECObjectIdentifiers, ECDomainParameters, ECNamedDomainParameters
    • understanding how bitcoin address is created from public key
    • can explain elliptic curve domain parameters


  • DER
    • is a binary format for data structures described by ASN.1
    • used as the most popular encoding format to store X.509 certificates in files
    • basic rule: all data types shall be encoded as four components in the following order:
      • Identifier octets
      • Length octets
      • Contents octets
      • End-of-contents octets
    • exercise
      • using Secp256k1.derivePublicKey, derive public key (DER) from private key
        a76448f06981aeb02df458f657be1f2994729f8df0de672ecc0095421089f5bc // HEX private key
      • encode public key in base64
        echo "3056301006072a8648ce3d020106052b8104000a03420004f51b58c89eebcdcdedfb6733bfe45fb884186e8277910ea7dea83fd44380a96de8671ddb36f0bf38d502d9ec7b1973ffe6d696431edc163d73f95cf9acd2180a" | xxd -r -p | base64
      • use openssl asn1parse to see details and key
         echo MFYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEAAoDQgAE9RtYyJ7rzc3t+2czv+RfuIQYboJ3kQ6n3qg/1EOAqW3oZx3bNvC/ONUC2ex7GXP/5taWQx7cFj1z+Vz5rNIYCg== | base64 -d | openssl asn1parse -inform der -dump
      • output
         0:d=0  hl=2 l=  86 cons: SEQUENCE
         2:d=1  hl=2 l=  16 cons: SEQUENCE
         4:d=2  hl=2 l=   7 prim: OBJECT            :id-ecPublicKey
        13:d=2  hl=2 l=   5 prim: OBJECT            :secp256k1
        20:d=1  hl=2 l=  66 prim: BIT STRING
           0000 - 00 04 f5 1b 58 c8 9e eb-cd cd ed fb 67 33 bf e4   ....X.......g3..
           0010 - 5f b8 84 18 6e 82 77 91-0e a7 de a8 3f d4 43 80   _...n.w.....?.C.
           0020 - a9 6d e8 67 1d db 36 f0-bf 38 d5 02 d9 ec 7b 19   .m.g..6..8....{.
           0030 - 73 ff e6 d6 96 43 1e dc-16 3d 73 f9 5c f9 ac d2   s....C...=s.\...
           0040 - 18 0a                                             ..
      • compare it with deriving key in HEX format
        hex encoded:            3056301006072a8648ce3d020106052b8104000a03420004f51b58c89eebcdcdedfb6733bfe45fb884186e8277910ea7dea83fd44380a96de8671ddb36f0bf38d502d9ec7b1973ffe6d696431edc163d73f95cf9acd2180a
        from openssl asn1parse: --------------------------------------------0004f51b58c89eebcdcdedfb6733bfe45fb884186e8277910ea7dea83fd44380a96de8671ddb36f0bf38d502d9ec7b1973ffe6d696431edc163d73f95cf9acd2180a
      • and then convert it back to DER:
        • prefix: 3056301006072a8648ce3d020106052b8104000a0342
        • raw key: 0004f51b58c89eebcdcdedfb6733bfe45fb884186e8277910ea7dea83fd44380a96de8671ddb36f0bf38d502d9ec7b1973ffe6d696431edc163d73f95cf9acd2180a
        • command
          (echo -n 3056301006072a8648ce3d020106052b8104000a0342; echo 0004f51b58c89eebcdcdedfb6733bfe45fb884186e8277910ea7dea83fd44380a96de8671ddb36f0bf38d502d9ec7b1973ffe6d696431edc163d73f95cf9acd2180a) | xxd -r -p | base64
        • result
  • hex - base16
    • values: (0–F)
    • hex digit is called nibble
  • base64
    • values: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 (62 values) and +, /
  • base58 - base64 without the 0, O, l, I, +, /
  • sha256
    • cryptographic hash function that outputs a 256-bit (32-byte) number
  • ripemd160
    • cryptographic hash function that outputs a 160-bit (20-byte) number

keys, addresses

  • string of digits and characters
  • derived from public keys
    • algorithms used to make a bitcoin address from a public key: SHA256 and RIPEMD160
      • PKH = RIPEMD160(SHA256(PUBLIC_KEY))
      • PKH - public key hash
      • RIPEMD160 - deliberate choice to make the PKHs shorter
      • motivation of using two different hash functions
        • well-balanced trade-off between security and size
        • different roots
          • SHA256 - US National Security Agency (NSA)
          • RIPEMD160 - European university in open collaboration with a broad community
        • composite hash does not have a Merkle–Damgård structure
          • concern about possible weaknesses in the Merkle–Damgård structure itself
            • example: length extension attack
        • pre-image-resistant = is the property of a hash function that it is hard to invert
          • if either hash function turns out to not be pre-image-resistant, the other still is
            • example
              • if you can calculate an input to RIPEMD160 that gives a certain PKH output, you still need to pre-image attack SHA256 to find the public key
                • 2^255 guesses
          • first preimage attack
          • second preimage attack
        • however if the output set of either cryptographic hash function is smaller than anticipated => output set of combined hash-function is affected
          • pretend SHA256 has only 100 possible output values => Only 100 different PKHs
          • just try different random privateKey => use corresponding publicKey => calculate corresponding PKH
  • represent the owner of a private/public key pair
    • or a payment script
  • almost always encoded as "Base58Check" to help human readability
    • Base58Check = base58 plus checksum
      • checksum = additional four bytes
        • appended to the end
        • hashOfHash = SHA256(SHA256(prefix+data))
          • prefix example
            • bitcoin address: zero (0x00 in hex)
              • Base58 result prefix: 1
            • private key: 128 (0x80 in hex)
              • Base58 result prefix: 5, K, or L
        • checksum = first four bytes of hashOfHash

bouncy castle

  • it would be valuable to take a look here:
  • bouncy castle
    • to create public key in DER format we need
    • publicKeyParams are created from a constructor
      public ECPublicKeyParameters(
          ECPoint             q, // point representing the public key
          ECDomainParameters  parameters) // domain parameters representing the curve
    • ECNamedDomainParameters = ASN1ObjectIdentifier (curve name) and ECDomainParameters (domainParameters)
              ECCurve     curve,
              ECPoint     G, // generation point
              BigInteger  n, // order of point G
              BigInteger  h) // cofactor of G

compressed public keys

  • introduced to bitcoin to reduce the size of transactions
  • reduce size of bitcoin blockchain database
  • each public key requires 520 bits (prefix + x + y)
  • public key is a point (x,y) on an elliptic curve
    • (x, y^2 mod p = (x^3 + 7) mod p)
    • we can store only x and sign
      • reduce the size by 256 bits
  • uncompressed public keys have a prefix of 04
    • compressed - either a 02 or a 03 prefix
    • in binary arithmetic y coordinate is either even or odd (corresponds to the positive/negative sign)
      • 02 if the y is even, and 03 if it is odd
  • corresponds to the same private key
  • remark
    • a single private key can produce a public key expressed in two different formats that produce two different bitcoin addresses