- San Francisco, CA
- https://mrry.github.io/
- @mrry
nsync is a C library that exports various synchronization primitives, such as mutexes
Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
Minimal example of how to create a custom Dataset library in Tensorflow
A modular implementation of timely dataflow in Rust
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
Flappy Bird hack using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep Q-learning).
Interactive, node-by-node debugging and visualization for TensorFlow
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
This is a research prototype of the Dryad and DryadLINQ data-parallel processing frameworks running on Hadoop YARN.
A scripting language for distributed, parallel computation
sos22 / ciel
Forked from mrry/cielA distributed execution engine for cloud computing
jepst / ciel
Forked from mrry/cielA distributed execution engine for cloud computing
Thesis -> word count -> Twitter in one easy script
avsm / ciel
Forked from mrry/cielA distributed execution engine for cloud computing
ms705 / ciel
Forked from mrry/cielA distributed execution engine for cloud computing
Language and execution engine for cloud programming