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Based on the popular Bootstrap 3 library, this theme shows how mobile friendly CSS framework can be used to create sleek, simple, fast and functional websites, with ease and intuitive way in modern front-end web developmen days.


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WP Less is More

Summary: WP Less is More
Editors: @mrpauloen
Contributors: @miccweb, @szepeviktor
Requires at least: 5.5
Requires PHP: 7.0
Tested up to: 6.0
Version: 1.1.9
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http:
Tags: responsive-layout, mobile-ready, light, white, narrow, one-column, custom-menu, custom-background, custom-header, custom-logo, editor-style, footer-widgets, featured-images, sticky-post, post-formats, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, e-commerce, entertainment, portfolio


Based on the popular Bootstrap 3 library, this theme shows how mobile friendly CSS framework can be used to create sleek, simple, fast and functional websites, with ease and intuitive way in modern front-end web developmen days.


Manual installation:

  1. Download the archiwe from WordPress repository on the computer.
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Then Upload the wp-less-is-more folder to the /wp-content/themes/ directory

Installation using Add New Theme

  1. From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Themes -> Add New
  2. Search for WP Less is More
  3. Click the Install button to open the theme's repository listing
  4. Click the Install button

Activiation and Use

  1. Activate the Theme through the Themes menu in WordPress
  2. See Appearance -> Theme Options to change theme specific options

Copyright & License Notes

WP Less is More WordPress Theme, Copyright 2016-2022 Paweł Nowak

WP Less is More is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

License URI: http:

In general words, feel free and encouraged to use, modify and redistribute this theme however you like. You may remove any copyright references (unless required by third party components) and crediting is not necessary. The theme is offered free of charge. If someone asked money for it, someone just tricked you.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

WP Less is More theme bundles the following third-party resources:

Theme Features

Theme has several options available from Customizer

Read Me First section

Here you can find quick links to most important sites like:

  • support
  • review
  • author page
  • components

Custom footer section

You can turn off/on or change default footer text simple on Customizer screen Allowed HTML tags: a, b, del, em, i, q, s, strike, strong with some attributes. Footer text is on by default.

Custom Excerpt Length section

By default the excerpt length is set to return 55 words. Now you can change it in Customizer by moving the slider. Available range is from 1 to 100 but you can set it precisely by input field below.

This functionality works only for posts with empty excerpt metabox (even if you used tag) and only with the_excerpt function, so it doesn't work for teaser when the_content() function is used.

Read more in codex: See docs for more information about this filter:


Theme has four widgets area at the bottom, below main content area but above footer

  • on the left side
  • in the left middle side
  • in the right middle side
  • on the right side Widges are in responsive columns. Preview shown on screenshot.


If there is something you don't understand, please use official WordPress support forum on theme forums:


Are you familiar with github? Great! Use it as an extended support for reporting any bugs, keep track of tasks, propose enhancements or contributing to project.


If you are interested in making major changes or looking for paid help, write me a message to fanpage, or just simple create a new (separate) thread on the support forum.


If you want to beautify your theme using the ready-made CSS, HTML and JS components, go to the official Bootstrap 3 Documentation site.

Some improvements comming soon! :)



Released: Oktober 30, 2022

  • Code reviewed with WPThemeReview and WordPress-Core standards
  • Removed fields argument from comment_form()
  • Add 4 new filters to comment form field:
    • comment_form_field_author
    • comment_form_field_email
    • comment_form_field_url
    • comment_form_field_cookies


Released: Oktober 22, 2022

Maintaining support

  • New Contributor on GitHub: @szepeviktor
  • Code reviewed and made some fixes
  • Added Starter Content


Released: August 16, 2020

  • Fixed some issue with comments reply script after wordpress update to 5.5
  • Added:
    • wp-less-is-more-popover.js script for allowed_tags popover, tooltip and autoheight comment textarea trigger handler
    • wp_localize_script with allowed_tags value for popover button
  • Comment legend moved to wp_less_is_more__comment_legend function and added extra condition
  • Minified jumbotron-narrow.css and wp-less-is-more-popover.js
  • Theme description changed to more reliable


Released: August 09, 2020

  • Theme URI changed to:

  • Author URI changed to:

  • Screenshot licence changed to: as well as image link

  • Removed:

    • wp_less_is_more__contact_form() with its related page template due to Theme requirements
    • wp_less_is_more__bootstrap_link_pages()
    • comment_form_before and comment_form_after action hook
    • wp_less_is_more__numeric_posts_nav()
    • wp_less_is_more__custom_comments_list_template()
    • wp_less_is_more__collapse_comments_list()
  • Added:

    • native function wp_link_pages()
    • native function the_posts_pagination()
    • new design of comment form
    • new design of comments list (comments no longer collapse)
    • function wp_less_is_more__filter__hide_thumb_if_post_protected() (hides thumbnails if post password required)
    • function wp_body_open() after body tag with backward compatibility
    • navigation_markup_template filter hook
    • skip link
    • function wp_less_is_more__password_protcted() (adds padlock to post title)
    • Current page number indicator for posts pagination on home.php and archive.php template
    • Default css for WordPress gallery
    • Style version param to wp_enqueue_style
    • cancel_comment_reply_link action hook with extra glyphicon
    • class WP_Less_Is_More_Page_Walker extends Walker_Page
    • pencil icon to point customizer container
    • templates folder


Released: August 25, 2019

  • Bootstrap updated from 3.3.1 to 3.4.1 and config.json added to customize Bootstrap's components
  • Author URL changed to
  • Sticky post title highlighted with background and pin

Released: October 12, 2017

  • Small corrections in gettext strings
  • Extra tags were added
  • Screenshot changed to more realistic view
  • Functions names changed to more readable


Released: September 26, 2017

  • Fixed some html errors
  • Added:
    • Single taxonomy title on archive page
    • Editor style
    • Contact form templafe + contact form
    • theme options to customizer:
    • the post meta date text replacement to icons
    • Speed Up & Clean Up option
    • Read Me section (for better support)
  • Post author is now hyperlinced with the_author_link() function


Released: April 06, 2017

  • Fixed some strings in translation


Released: April 05, 2017

  • Fixed some strings in translation


Released: March 23, 2017

  • Added:
    • Customizer with 2 options:
    • custom footer text
    • excerpt lenght
  • note when comments are closed
  • comments pagination buttons
  • New page template:
    • Template Name: ''Page with title''
  • Comments reply corrected (now link moves the comment form to just below the comment parent)
  • Removed/replaced Leave a Response button
  • Removed collapse effect (class) from form
    • See: inc/customizer/customizer.php

Released: July 26, 2016

  • Added:
    • Custom Site Title
    • See: line 494 in functions.php

Released: July 26, 2016

  • Added page template to retrieve or display list of pages in list (li) format.
    • Template Name: ''List Child Pages''
    • See: page_list-child-pages.php file
  • Fixed issues with: Post Area.
    • Post area didn't responding properly - nonclickable read more etc.

Released: July 18, 2016

  • Theme has been approved and went live


Initial Release


Based on the popular Bootstrap 3 library, this theme shows how mobile friendly CSS framework can be used to create sleek, simple, fast and functional websites, with ease and intuitive way in modern front-end web developmen days.








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