AUTHOR: M. Rovira-Navarro.
DATE: October 2021.
CODE: Code accompanying the paper: "The Tides of Enceladus' Core". It can be used to obtain the viscoelastic or poroviscoelastic tidal response of a moon due to eccentricity tides.
The following information is given here:
- INCLUDED FUNCTIONS: Functions included, their use, input and outputs
- HOW TO USE? Description of how the code is normally used.
- EXAMPLES: Description of the examples accompanying the code.
Description: Propagate the solution from the center to the surface
- l: spherical harmonic degree.
- R: vector containing the upper boundary of each layer.
- rho: vector containing the average density of each layer.
- rhof: vector containing the fluid average density of each layer.
- mu: vector containing the shear modulus of each layer.
- Ks: vector containing the solid bulk modulus of each layer.
- etas: vector containing the viscosity of the solid.
- alpha: vector conatining alpha.
- poro: vector containing porosity for each layer.
- k_perm: vector containing permeability for each layer.
- etaf: vector containing fluid viscosity for each layer.
- Kf: vector containing the fluid bulk modulus of each layer.
- liquid: vector stating if layer is fluid (1) or not (0). Here used to indicate the model has a fluid core.
- omega: forcing frequency.
- radial_points: number of radial points
- resample: To solve the PDE it is good to have a lot of points in the radial direction, but then to build the solution u need to deal with big matrices that slows things down. In such case the resample option is useful. radial_points X lat_points X lon_points
- pressure_BC: use pressure boundary condition instead of constant flux
- strain_BC: use prescribed strain as in Liao et al. 2020
- print_results: print some results on the screen solution at the surface, Love numbers and y plots
- self_gravity: (1) if self-gravity is used in the momentum equation, (0) if not
- tidal_fluid: (1) if tidal potential affects the fluid, (0) if not
- gravity_on: turn gravity on (1) and off (0). Default 1
- y(1:8,1:nrr,1:Nlayers): solution vector for each layer, y functions are given in Appendix A
- y1: normal displacement
- y2: tangential displacements
- y3: normal stress
- y4: tangential stress
- y5: perturbing potential
- y6: potential stress
- y7: pore pressure
- y8: radial flux
- r: radial points where solution is obtained
Description: Propagate the solution from the core to the surface but with the possibility of a subsurface ocean
- l: spherical harmonic degree
- R: vector containing the upper boundary of each layer
- rho: vector containing the average density of each layer
- rhof: vector containing the fluid average density of each layer
- mu: vector containing the shear modulus of each layer
- Ks: vector containing the solid bulk modulus of each layer
- etas: vector containing the viscosity of the solid
- alpha: vector conatining alpha
- poro: vector containing porosity for each layer
- k_perm: vector containing permeability for each layer
- etaf: vector containing fluid viscosity for each layer
- Kf: vector containing the fluid bulk modulus of each layer
- liquid: vector stating if layer is fluid (1) or not (0). Here used to indicate the model has a fluid core, or a subsurface oceam
- omega: forcing frequency
- radial_points: number of radial points
- resample: To solve the PDE it is good to have a lot of points in the radial direction, but then to build the solution u need to deal with big matrices that slows things down. In such case the resample option is useful.
- pressure_BC: use pressure boundary condition instead of constant flux
- strain_BC: use strain as boundary condition as in Liao et al. 2020
- print_results: print some results on the screen solution at the surface, love numbers and y plots
- self_gravity: (1) if self-gravity is used in the momentum equation, (0) if not
- tidal_fluid: (1) if tidal potential affects the fluid, (0) if not
- gravity_on: turn gravity on (1) and off (0). Default 1
- y(1:8,1:nrr,1:Nlayers): solution vector for each layer, y functions are given in Appendix A
- y1: normal displacement
- y2: tangential displacements
- y3: normal stress
- y4: tangential stress
- y5: perturbing potential
- y6: potential stress
- y7: pore pressure
- y8: radial flux
- r: radial points where solution is obtained
Description: Compute the propagation matrix for the poroviscoelastic normal mode problem (Eq. (B1))
- lin: spherical harmonic degree
- rL: radial position
- rhoL: average density
- rhofL: fluid density
- muL: shear modulus
- lambdaL: Lame parameter
- KsL: solid bulk modulus
- KuL: undrained bulk modulus
- KdL: drained bulk modulus
- KfL: fluid bulk modulus
- alphaL: alpha
- poroL: porosity
- k_perm2L: permeability/viscosity
- gL: gravity
- omega: forcing frequency
- self_gravity: (1) if self-gravity is used in the momentum equation, (0) if not
- tidal_fluid: (1) if tidal potential affects the fluid, (0) if not
- Y: Propagation matrix
Description: Compute the propagation matrix for the ocean layer (Eq. (B2))
- lin: spherical harmonic degree
- rL: radial position
- rhoL: density of the mantle
- gL: gravity Outputs:
- Y: Propagation matrix
Description: Given the solution vector y(r), compute the solution in a colat-lon-r grid for a given order and degree (see Appendix C)
- y: solution vector y(1:8,1:nrr,1:Nlayers)
- r: radial points corresponding to y(1:8,1:nrr,1:Nlayers)
- rhof: fluid density
- rhos: solid density
- Ks: bulk modulus of the solid
- Kf: bulk modulus of the fluid
- mu: shear modulus of the solid
- etas: viscosity of the solid
- etaf: viscosity of the fluid
- liquid: 1 if layer is liquid
- k_perm: permeability
- w_moon: forcing frequency of the moon
- alpha: Biot constant
- poro: porosity
- l: degree of the tidal forcing
- m: order of the tidal forcing: %0,-2 or 2.
- tidal_fluid: (1) if tides affect the fluid, (0) if not.
- lat_points: number of points used in the latitide,longitude grid. Default 70
- colat: colatitude where solution is given
- lon: longitudes where solution is given
- rr: radial points where solution is returned
- displacements: displacement vector
- displacements(icolat,ilon,ir,1): radial component of the displacement
- displacements(icolat,ilon,ir,2): latitudinal component of the
- displacement
- displacements(icolat,ilon,ir,3): longitudinal component of the diplacement
- flux: flux vector
- flux(icolat,ilon,ir,1): radial component of the flux
- flux(icolat,ilon,ir,2): latitudinal component of the flux
- flux(icolat,ilon,ir,3): longitudinal component of the flux
- stress:
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,1)=\sigma_r_r;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,2)=\sigma_theta_theta;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,3)=\sigma_phi_phi;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,4)=\sigma_r_theta;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,5)=\sigma_r_phi;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,6)=\sigma_theta_phi;
- strain: strain tensor
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,1)=\epsilon_r_r;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,2)=\epsilon_theta_theta;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,3)=\epsilon_phi_phi;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,4)=\epsilon_r_theta;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,5)=\epsilon_r_phi;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,6)=\epsilon_theta_phi;
- gravpot: perturbing gravitational potential, gravpot(icolat,ilon,ir,1)
- p_fluid: fluid pore pressure, p_fluid(icolat,ilon,ir,1)
- C_fluid: variation of fluid content, C_fluid(icolat,ilon,ir,1)
- varargout can be used to get some extra outputs
- varargout{1}: porosity change
- varargout{2}: divergence of the displacements
- varargout{3}: divergence of the flux
Description: Given the strain, stress, variation of fluid content and pore pressure compute energy dissipated.
- strain: strain tensor
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,1)=\epsilon_r_r;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,2)=\epsilon_theta_theta;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,3)=\epsilon_phi_phi;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,4)=\epsilon_r_theta;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,5)=\epsilon_r_phi;
- strain(icolat,ilon,ir,6)=\epsilon_theta_phi;
- stress: stress(icolat,ilon,ir,1)=\sigma_r_r;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,2)=\sigma_theta_theta;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,3)=\sigma_phi_phi;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,4)=\sigma_r_theta;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,5)=\sigma_r_phi;
- stress(icolat,ilon,ir,6)=\sigma_theta_phi;
- flux: flux vector
- flux(icolat,ilon,ir,1): radial component of the flux
- flux(icolat,ilon,ir,2): latitudinal component of the flux
- flux(icolat,ilon,ir,3): longitudinal component of the flux
- p_fluid: fluid pore pressure, p_fluid(icolat,ilon,ir,1)
- C_fluid: variation of fluid content, C_fluid(icolat,ilon,ir,1)
- omega: forcing frequency
- etaf: viscosity of the fluid
- k_perm: permeability
- energy_solid(icolat,ilon,ir): volumetric energy dissipated in the solid matrix, computed using Eq. (19a)
- energy_solid_pore(icolat,ilon,ir): energy dissipated in the solid due to pore pressure, Eq. (19a) term with pressure
- energy_fluid(icolat,ilon,ir,1): energy dissipated in due to Darcy's flow, computed using Eq. (19b)
- energy_solid_surface energy_solid_surface(icolat,ilon): energy dissipated in the solid matrix integrated radially
- energy_solid_pore_surface(icolat,ilon): energy dissipated in the solid due to pore pressure integrated radially
- energy_fluid_surface(icolat,ilon): energy dissipated in due to Darcy's flow integrated radially
- energy_solid_total: Total energy dissipated in the solid integrated
- energy_fluid_total: Total energy dissipated in the fluid
- Define interior model
- Obtain radial functions using tidal.m or tidal_ocean
- Obtain the complex fields a(colat,lon,r)
- Compute tidal dissipation
The following example scripts are included
Example to compute the tidal response of a viscoelastic Europa. The interior model of Europa is given by that of Beuthe, 2013 "Spatial patterns of tidal dissipation" We use the interior structure given in Table 5
Example to compute the tidal response of a viscoelastic Io.
The interior model of Io corresponds to models A and B of Steinke et al. 2020.
Example to compute the proviscoelastic response of Enceladus. We consider the model of Liao et al. 2020: In such case the boundary conditions are given by Eq. (A16)
Example to compute the proviscoelastic response of Enceladus.
Interior model parameters given in Table 1 of the paper