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hCaptcha Component Library for SvelteJS.

hCaptcha is a drop-replacement for reCAPTCHA that protects user privacy, rewards websites, and helps companies get their data labeled. It's a simple way of proving that site users are human.

Sign up at hCaptcha to get your sitekey today. You need a sitekey to use this library.

This library is heavily inspired by react-hcaptcha.


You can install this library via npm:

npm install svelte-hcaptcha --save-dev


The two requirements for usage are the sitekey prop and a parent component such as a <form />. The component HCaptcha component will automatically include and load the hCaptcha API library and append it to the parent component, ready for use.

The HCaptcha component dispatches various events which you can listen to in the parent;

  • mount - the component has been mounted
  • load - the hCaptcha API script has successfully loaded
  • success - a user has successfully completed an hCaptcha challenge. The payload of this event contains a token which can be used to verify the captcha
  • error - something went wrong when the user attempted the captcha
  • close - the captcha was closed
  • expired - the captcha has expired and needs to be re-verified

You can read more about these events below. In particular, errors are described here.

If you don't supply the sitekey prop to the HCaptcha component, then it will try and load this from a window.sitekey variable. This approach can be useful e.g. when the component is to be mounted on a synchronously-rendered page, as you can inject the window.sitekey variable from a server backend.

Note also that it's not possible to develop against localhost or when using this component. A useful tool in this scenario is ngrok. On Linux, you can also add an entry into /etc/hosts like, then you can run svelte with --host This is explained in the HCaptcha docs.

Basic usage


If you want to be able to reset the component (hint: you probably want to do this, for instance, if captcha verification fails), then you'll need to bind to it in the parent. The component exposes a .reset() method;

  let captcha;

  const handleError = () => {




Name Values/Type Required Default Description
sitekey String Yes - This is your sitekey, this allows you to load captcha. If you need a sitekey, please visit hCaptcha, and sign up to get your sitekey.
apihost String No See enterprise docs.
hl String No - Forces a specific localization. See here for supported language codes.
reCaptchaCompa Boolean No null Disable drop-in replacement for reCAPTCHA with false to prevent hCaptcha from injecting into window.grecaptcha.
theme CaptchaTheme No CaptchaTheme.LIGHT hCaptcha supports a dark mode and a light mode. By default we render the light variant; set to CaptchaTheme.DARK to get the dark mode variant.


Event Params Description
success token Fires when a user successfully completes a captcha challenge. Contains the token which is required to verify the captcha.
load - Fires when the hCaptcha api script has finished loading.
mount - Fires when the component is mounted.
close - Fires when the captcha is closed by the user (i.e. s/he has not completed it).
error - Fires when hCaptcha encounters an error and cannot continue. If you specify an error callback, you must inform the user that they should retry.
expired - Fires when the token is expired and needs to be re-verified.


Method Description
reset() Reset the current challenge.
execute() Trigger the HCaptcha workflow programmatically. See HCaptcha docs for details.


Pull requests, suggestions, comments, critiques - all welcome :)

Please get in touch with the maintainers if you need help or advice to get the project to run.


An HCaptcha component for Svelte projects.







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