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Releases: mrcjkb/rustaceanvim


03 Mar 16:12
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.11.0] - 2024-03-03


  • LSP: By default, don't auto-attach to buffers that aren't files [#268].


  • LSP: Bug preventing reload workspace on save Cargo.toml
    when opening another Rust buffer [#270].
  • LSP: Don't try to delete RustLsp command on client exit
    if it doesn't exist, and fail silently.

[4.10.2] - 2024-03-01


  • LSP: Schedule Neovim API calls on on_exit [#267].
    Thanks @tomtomjhj!

[4.10.1] - 2024-02-27


  • UI: Explicitly disable signcolumn for grouped code action
    and hover action windows [#262].

[4.10.0] - 2024-02-23


  • LSP/Grouped code actions: Add <ESC> keymap to close buffer.
    This is consistent with the behaviour of the hover actions buffer.

[4.9.0] - 2024-02-23


  • Nix: codelldb adapter package (without the vscode extension)
    as a nixpkgs overlay and a flake output.


  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same
    This prevented the client from reattaching when running
    :e on a buffer [#250].

[4.8.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Neotest: Expose doctests in :Neotest summary window [#247].
    Thanks @bltavares!


  • Testables: Run doctests when cargo-nextest is present [#246]
    Thanks @bltavares!
  • Windows: Normalize file actions when comparing to root dir [#245].
    Thanks @bltavares!

[4.7.5] - 2024-02-20


  • DAP: Use deep copies of dap configs.
  • DAP: Bad config validation: dap.configuration.env should be
    a table, not a string.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0)....
Read more


01 Mar 21:30
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.10.2] - 2024-03-01


  • LSP: Schedule Neovim API calls on on_exit [#267].
    Thanks @tomtomjhj!

[4.10.1] - 2024-02-27


  • UI: Explicitly disable signcolumn for grouped code action
    and hover action windows [#262].

[4.10.0] - 2024-02-23


  • LSP/Grouped code actions: Add <ESC> keymap to close buffer.
    This is consistent with the behaviour of the hover actions buffer.

[4.9.0] - 2024-02-23


  • Nix: codelldb adapter package (without the vscode extension)
    as a nixpkgs overlay and a flake output.


  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same
    This prevented the client from reattaching when running
    :e on a buffer [#250].

[4.8.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Neotest: Expose doctests in :Neotest summary window [#247].
    Thanks @bltavares!


  • Testables: Run doctests when cargo-nextest is present [#246]
    Thanks @bltavares!
  • Windows: Normalize file actions when comparing to root dir [#245].
    Thanks @bltavares!

[4.7.5] - 2024-02-20


  • DAP: Use deep copies of dap configs.
  • DAP: Bad config validation: dap.configuration.env should be
    a table, not a string.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of `:Rus...
Read more


27 Feb 22:23
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.10.1] - 2024-02-27


  • UI: Explicitly disable signcolumn for grouped code action
    and hover action windows [#262].

[4.10.0] - 2024-02-23


  • LSP/Grouped code actions: Add <ESC> keymap to close buffer.
    This is consistent with the behaviour of the hover actions buffer.

[4.9.0] - 2024-02-23


  • Nix: codelldb adapter package (without the vscode extension)
    as a nixpkgs overlay and a flake output.


  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same
    This prevented the client from reattaching when running
    :e on a buffer [#250].

[4.8.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Neotest: Expose doctests in :Neotest summary window [#247].
    Thanks @bltavares!


  • Testables: Run doctests when cargo-nextest is present [#246]
    Thanks @bltavares!
  • Windows: Normalize file actions when comparing to root dir [#245].
    Thanks @bltavares!

[4.7.5] - 2024-02-20


  • DAP: Use deep copies of dap configs.
  • DAP: Bad config validation: dap.configuration.env should be
    a table, not a string.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loaded.
    Can be disabled by setting vim.g.rustaceanvim.dap.autoload_configurations = false.


  • LSP: If inlay hints are enabled ...
Read more


23 Feb 19:09
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.10.0] - 2024-02-23


  • LSP/Grouped code actions: Add <ESC> keymap to close buffer.
    This is consistent with the behaviour of the hover actions buffer.

[4.9.0] - 2024-02-23


  • Nix: codelldb adapter package (without the vscode extension)
    as a nixpkgs overlay and a flake output.


  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same
    This prevented the client from reattaching when running
    :e on a buffer [#250].

[4.8.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Neotest: Expose doctests in :Neotest summary window [#247].
    Thanks @bltavares!


  • Testables: Run doctests when cargo-nextest is present [#246]
    Thanks @bltavares!
  • Windows: Normalize file actions when comparing to root dir [#245].
    Thanks @bltavares!

[4.7.5] - 2024-02-20


  • DAP: Use deep copies of dap configs.
  • DAP: Bad config validation: dap.configuration.env should be
    a table, not a string.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loa...
Read more


23 Feb 11:10
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.9.0] - 2024-02-23


  • Nix: codelldb adapter package (without the vscode extension)
    as a nixpkgs overlay and a flake output.


  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same
    This prevented the client from reattaching when running
    :e on a buffer [#250].

[4.8.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Neotest: Expose doctests in :Neotest summary window [#247].
    Thanks @bltavares!


  • Testables: Run doctests when cargo-nextest is present [#246]
    Thanks @bltavares!
  • Windows: Normalize file actions when comparing to root dir [#245].
    Thanks @bltavares!

[4.7.5] - 2024-02-20


  • DAP: Use deep copies of dap configs.
  • DAP: Bad config validation: dap.configuration.env should be
    a table, not a string.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loaded.
    Can be disabled by setting vim.g.rustaceanvim.dap.autoload_configurations = false.


  • LSP: If inlay hints are enabled for a buffer, force Neovim
    to redraw them when rust-analyzer has fully initialized.
    This is a workaround for neovim/26511.
  • LSP: On client stop, reset the experimental/serverStatus handler's
    internal state for the respective client, so that the handler can be
    rerun on restart.
  • LSP/Windows: Norm...
Read more


20 Feb 18:31
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.8.0] - 2024-02-20


  • Neotest: Expose doctests in :Neotest summary window [#247].
    Thanks @bltavares!


  • Testables: Run doctests when cargo-nextest is present [#246]
    Thanks @bltavares!
  • Windows: Normalize file actions when comparing to root dir [#245].
    Thanks @bltavares!

[4.7.5] - 2024-02-20


  • DAP: Use deep copies of dap configs.
  • DAP: Bad config validation: dap.configuration.env should be
    a table, not a string.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loaded.
    Can be disabled by setting vim.g.rustaceanvim.dap.autoload_configurations = false.


  • LSP: If inlay hints are enabled for a buffer, force Neovim
    to redraw them when rust-analyzer has fully initialized.
    This is a workaround for neovim/26511.
  • LSP: On client stop, reset the experimental/serverStatus handler's
    internal state for the respective client, so that the handler can be
    rerun on restart.
  • LSP/Windows: Normalize case sensitive root_dir [#151].
    Thanks @TrungNguyen153!

[3.15.0] - 2024-01-11


  • :RustAnalyzer restart command.
  • Smarter completions for :RustAnalyzer commands.
    • Only suggest start command if there is no
      active client for the current buff...
Read more


20 Feb 07:42
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.7.5] - 2024-02-20


  • DAP: Use deep copies of dap configs.
  • DAP: Bad config validation: dap.configuration.env should be
    a table, not a string.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loaded.
    Can be disabled by setting vim.g.rustaceanvim.dap.autoload_configurations = false.


  • LSP: If inlay hints are enabled for a buffer, force Neovim
    to redraw them when rust-analyzer has fully initialized.
    This is a workaround for neovim/26511.
  • LSP: On client stop, reset the experimental/serverStatus handler's
    internal state for the respective client, so that the handler can be
    rerun on restart.
  • LSP/Windows: Normalize case sensitive root_dir [#151].
    Thanks @TrungNguyen153!

[3.15.0] - 2024-01-11


  • :RustAnalyzer restart command.
  • Smarter completions for :RustAnalyzer commands.
    • Only suggest start command if there is no
      active client for the current buffer
    • Only suggest stop and restart if there is an
      active client for the current buffer

[3.14.0] - 2024-01-10


  • :RustLsp renderDiagnostic command:
    Render diagnostics as displayed during cargo build.
  • Add Open in split action to explainError and renderDiagnostic
    float preview windows.

[3.13.1] - 2024-01-10


  • DAP: Use codelldb adapter nvim-dap field when using codelldb.

[3.13.0] - 2024-01-09


  • Config: tools.float_win_config for all floating Windows
    created by this plugin.
Read more


19 Feb 07:47
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.7.4] - 2024-02-19


  • LSP: Support both top-level rust-analyzer object and object with
    "rust-analyzer": key when importing settings from rust-analyzer.json.
    The fix introduced in version 4.6.0 had accidentally broken
    backward compatibility. The new implementation is backward compatible again.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loaded.
    Can be disabled by setting vim.g.rustaceanvim.dap.autoload_configurations = false.


  • LSP: If inlay hints are enabled for a buffer, force Neovim
    to redraw them when rust-analyzer has fully initialized.
    This is a workaround for neovim/26511.
  • LSP: On client stop, reset the experimental/serverStatus handler's
    internal state for the respective client, so that the handler can be
    rerun on restart.
  • LSP/Windows: Normalize case sensitive root_dir [#151].
    Thanks @TrungNguyen153!

[3.15.0] - 2024-01-11


  • :RustAnalyzer restart command.
  • Smarter completions for :RustAnalyzer commands.
    • Only suggest start command if there is no
      active client for the current buffer
    • Only suggest stop and restart if there is an
      active client for the current buffer

[3.14.0] - 2024-01-10


  • :RustLsp renderDiagnostic command:
    Render diagnostics as displayed during cargo build.
  • Add Open in split action to explainError and renderDiagnostic
    float preview windows.

[3.13.1] - 2024-01-10


  • DAP: Use codelldb adapter nvim-dap field when using codelldb.

[3.13.0] - 2024-01-09


  • Config: tools.float_win_config for all floating Windows
    created by this plugin.
    Moved border, max_width, max_height, auto_focus
    from hover_actions to float_win_config.
    The hover_actions window options are still applied
    if they ex...
Read more


15 Feb 21:23
Choose a tag to compare


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.7.3] - 2024-02-15


  • LSP: Error when running reloadWorkspace,
    rebuildMacros or workspaceSymbol from a non-rust buffer [#234].
  • Internal: Don't pass client not found error to handler.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loaded.
    Can be disabled by setting vim.g.rustaceanvim.dap.autoload_configurations = false.


  • LSP: If inlay hints are enabled for a buffer, force Neovim
    to redraw them when rust-analyzer has fully initialized.
    This is a workaround for neovim/26511.
  • LSP: On client stop, reset the experimental/serverStatus handler's
    internal state for the respective client, so that the handler can be
    rerun on restart.
  • LSP/Windows: Normalize case sensitive root_dir [#151].
    Thanks @TrungNguyen153!

[3.15.0] - 2024-01-11


  • :RustAnalyzer restart command.
  • Smarter completions for :RustAnalyzer commands.
    • Only suggest start command if there is no
      active client for the current buffer
    • Only suggest stop and restart if there is an
      active client for the current buffer

[3.14.0] - 2024-01-10


  • :RustLsp renderDiagnostic command:
    Render diagnostics as displayed during cargo build.
  • Add Open in split action to explainError and renderDiagnostic
    float preview windows.

[3.13.1] - 2024-01-10


  • DAP: Use codelldb adapter nvim-dap field when using codelldb.

[3.13.0] - 2024-01-09


  • Config: tools.float_win_config for all floating Windows
    created by this plugin.
    Moved border, max_width, max_height, auto_focus
    from hover_actions to float_win_config.
    The hover_actions window options are still applied
    if they exist, so as not to break compatibility.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • DAP: Don't load lldb_commands when using codelldb.
  • DAP: Make sure the client configuration type is 'codelldb'
    when using a 'codelldb' adapter.

[3.12.2] - 2024-01-07


  • LSP: Don't set `augments...
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13 Feb 08:21
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.7.2] - 2024-02-13


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.7.1] - 2024-02-12


  • LSP: checkOnSave = false not respected when clippy is installed
    (introduced with clippy auto-detection in version 4.6.0).

[4.7.0] - 2024-02-11


  • Testables: Add tools.crate_test_executor option for running
    crate test suites (--all-targets).
  • Rustc: Do not require a main function,
    and support the 2024 edition
    via unstable-options.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • Neotest: Nested modules + position updates when switching buffers [#223].
    Thanks @jameshurst!
  • Testables: Support neotest executor when using nextest.
  • Testables: Support aliases for test_executor and crate_test_executor.

[4.6.0] - 2024-02-07


  • LSP: New tools.enable_clippy option (defaults to true).
    Enable clippy lints on save if a cargo-clippy installation
    is detected.


  • testables/neotest: Don't use nextest if disabled in the config.
  • LSP: load project-local rust-analyzer.json configs into
    server['rust-analyzer'], instead of replacing the server config.

[4.5.2] - 2024-02-06


  • runnables/debuggables/testables: cd into directory with spaces [#212].


[4.5.1] - 2024-02-03


  • LSP: Notify if an LSP request was made but no rust-analyzer client is attached.
  • Neotest: Only the current buffer was queried for test positions.

[4.5.0] - 2024-02-02


  • Filtered workspace symbol searches with
    :RustLsp[!] workspaceSymbol [onlyTypes?|allSymbols?] [query?].
    Will include dependencies if called with a bang !.
  • Neotest: Basic support for require('neotest') { suite = true }.
    This will run the current crate's test suite, if detected.
    Note that positions are still only discovered for buffers with an attached
    LSP client.

[4.4.0] - 2024-02-01


  • You can now register a rustaceanvim.neotest adapter with neotest.
    It will query rust-analyzer for test positions and test commands in any
    buffer to which the LSP client is attached.
    If you do so, tools.test_executor will default to a new 'neotest'
    executor, which will use neotest to run testables or runnables that are tests.
  • Support for require('neotest') { strategy = 'dap' }.
    This will use the same logic as :RustLsp debuggables to set neotest's
    DAP strategy. No extra configuration needed!
  • :RustLsp testables: Prettier selection options.


  • DAP(codelldb): Redirect stdio (stdout) to a temp file.

[4.3.0] - 2024-01-31


  • LSP: Improved parsing of test result failure messages.

[4.2.1] - 2024-01-30


  • LSP: Only advertise rust-analyzer.debugSingle command capability
    if nvim-dap is installed.
  • LSP: nil error if running :RustLsp! testables and there is no
    previous testable.
  • LSP: Update previous testables cache if executing a rust-analyzer.runSingle
    command that is a test.

[4.2.0] - 2024-01-30


  • Config: Separate tools.executor and tools.test_executor options.
    The test_executor is used for test runnables (e.g. cargo test).
  • LSP: New test executor, 'background' that runs tests in the background
    and provides diagnostics for failed tests when complete.
    Used by default in Neovim >= 0.10.
  • LSP: :RustLsp testables command, which is equivalent
    to :RustLsp runnables, but filters the runnables for tests only,


In Neovim < 0.10, 'background' executor blocks the UI while running tests.

[4.1.0] - 2024-01-29


  • :Rustc unpretty command:
    Use rustc -Z unpretty=[mir|hir|...] to inspect mir and other things,
    and achieve an experience similar to Rust Playground.
    (currently requires a nightly compiler).
    Thanks saying121!
  • Config: tools.rustc arguments for rustc.


  • Improved command completions.
    • Filter suggested subcommand arguments based on existing user input.
    • When calling, :RustLsp!, show only subcommands that change
      behaviour with a bang.


  • Command completions: Removed completions
    for runnables/debuggables last.

[4.0.3] - 2024-01-28


  • renderDiagnostic: Window closes immediately if auto_focus
    is disabled [#193].
  • explainError/renderDiagnostic: Fall back to first
    detected diagnostic if none is found close to the cursor.

[4.0.2] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP (standalone): Use bufnr passed into lsp.start function when
    determining detached file name.

[4.0.1] - 2024-01-27


  • LSP: Fix resetting client state on :RustAnalyzer stop
    if only one client is attached.


  • Only setup vim.lsp.commands for rust-analyzer on the first
  • Don't run ftplugin/rust.lua more than once on the same

[4.0.0] - 2024-01-25


  • To run the previous runnable/debuggable, you would call :RustLsp runnables last
    or :RustLsp debuggables last.
    These two functions now take optional arguments that you can pass to the executables.
    The new way to run the previous runnable/debuggable is with a bang (!).
    e.g. :RustLsp! debuggables.
    In Lua, this is vim.cmd.RustLsp { 'debuggables', bang = true }, and the same
    for 'runnables'.


  • LSP: Option to fall back to if there
    are no code action groups when running :RustLsp codeAction.
  • LSP/DAP: Allow overriding executable args with
    :RustLsp runnables args[] and :RustLsp debuggables args[].


  • LSP: Focus lost when secondary float opens on :RustLsp codeAction [#169].

[3.17.3] - 2024-01-25


  • DAP: nil safety in standalone files [#182].

[3.17.2] - 2024-01-22


  • LSP: Properly sanitize hover actions debug command [#179].
    Thanks @Tired-Fox!

[3.17.1] - 2024-01-22


  • Spawn rust-analyzer in detached mode when no project root is found.
    This adds support for standalone files without a Rust project.

[3.17.0] - 2024-01-20


  • Cache runnables and debuggables run with commands/code lenses.

[3.16.3] - 2024-01-20


  • Performance (DAP): Use cached source map,
    LLDB commands and library path.
  • DAP: Set autoload_configurations only for Neovim >= 0.10,
    as compiling the debug build is not async in Neovim 0.9.

[3.16.2] - 2024-01-19


  • DAP: nil error when executing rust-analyzer.debugSingle
    or :RustLsp debuggables last commands (introduced in 3.16.0).

[3.16.1] - 2024-01-17


  • DAP: Improve reliability of loading Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
  • DAP: Assign lldb and codelldb configurations found in launch.json
    to dap.configurations.rust.

[3.16.0] - 2024-01-15


  • DAP: Better nvim-dap integration:
    Automatically try to load Rust debug configurations on LSP attach.
    This lets you use require('dap').continue() instead of :RustLsp debuggables,
    once the configurations have been loaded.
    Can be disabled by setting vim.g.rustaceanvim.dap.autoload_configurations = false.


  • LSP: If inlay hints are enabled for a buffer, force Neovim
    to redraw them when rust-analyzer has fully initialized.
    This is a workaround for neovim/26511.
  • LSP: On client stop, reset the experimental/serverStatus handler's
    internal state for the respective client, so that the handler can be
    rerun on restart.
  • LSP/Windows: Normalize case sensitive root_dir [#151].
    Thanks @TrungNguyen153!

[3.15.0] - 2024-01-11


  • :RustAnalyzer restart command.
  • Smarter completions for :RustAnalyzer commands.
    • Only suggest start command if there is no
      active client for the current buffer
    • Only suggest stop and restart if there is an
      active client for the current buffer

[3.14.0] - 2024-01-10


  • :RustLsp renderDiagnostic command:
    Render diagnostics as displayed during cargo build.
  • Add Open in split action to explainError and renderDiagnostic
    float preview windows.

[3.13.1] - 2024-01-10


  • DAP: Use codelldb adapter nvim-dap field when using codelldb.

[3.13.0] - 2024-01-09


  • Config: tools.float_win_config for all floating Windows
    created by this plugin.
    Moved border, max_width, max_height, auto_focus
    from hover_actions to float_win_config.
    The hover_actions window options are still applied
    if they exist, so as not to break compatibility.
    Thanks @saying121!


  • DAP: Don't load lldb_commands when using codelldb.
  • DAP: Make sure the client configuration type is 'codelldb'
    when using a 'codelldb' adapter.

[3.12.2] - 2024-01-07


  • LSP: Don't set augmentsSyntaxTokens capability.
    This appears to cause problems for some colorschemes.

[3.12.1] - 2024-01-06


  • Config: Report error if new validations fail.

[3.12.0] - 2024-01-06


  • Config: Some more validations.

[3.11.0] - 2023-12-2...

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