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Tags: mqudsi/syngesture



Toggle 2.0.0's commit message
Automatically set RUST_LOG only under debug builds


Toggle 1.0.1's commit message
Syngestures 1.0.1

This minor update to `syngestures` includes many under-the-hood
improvements that speed up processing and reduce CPU usage throughout
the duration of a click/gesture.

* Improved `evtest` output handling. `syngestures` was already very
  resource efficient, but this update further reduces calculation and
  CPU usage for the duration of touchpad events.
* Updates to underlying libraries (cargo dependencies) to keep
  everything mantained and running smoothly.
* Fixed some typos in the README and in some of the error messages
  emitted by `syngestures`.
* More helpful command line output when `syngestures` is run without
  arguments to help first-time users.
* Implemented `--help` and `--version` command line switches (and their
  short versions `-h` and `-V`, respectively).


Toggle 1.0's commit message
Syngesture 1.0

This is the first "official" release and will have accompanying Linux
binaries precompileda and uploaded to the GitHub repository.

See README and sample configuration file for more information.