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Avalonia Project with simple coffee ordering system


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MAUI Client

Welcome to the MAUI Client! This client application is designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for interacting with the MAUI (Mobile App for Unified Interaction) system. Below, you'll find information on key functionalities, including authentication, order creation, order payment, and order status tracking.


The MAUI Client offers a secure authentication system to ensure the privacy and security of your account. To get started, click on the Login button to access the MAUI features. If you are a new user, you can register by clicking on the Register button and providing the necessary information, including your username, email, and password.

Order Management

Firstly, add order items from home page clicking Add To Cart button. Proceed to Cart page, confirm your order items, set delivery address and press Place An Order.


Keep track of your orders and proceed to payment in the Order section.

State Description
Submitted Initial State Of Order
StockConfirmed Product API Confirmed Order's Stock
Paid Payment Service Captured Payment Response
Shipped Shipment Service Registered Order

It must be noted, that order will not proceed to Paid state, if user will not pay. After order's state will be changed to StockConfirmed, order should receive payment confirmation link from Payment Service. Then user can proceed to payment from Order page.


API Overview

API Libraries Services
OrderingAPI Core PaymentService
ProductsAPI Messages ShipmentService
IdentityAPI Domain

To create messaging through MassTransit, all message models were moved to the Coffeespace.Messages project.

Lets start with services, that some microservices can use.

Service registration is implemented using the Scrutor library, which gives a great opportunity to add your services using reflection, as shown below.

 public static IServiceCollection AddApplicationService<TInterface>(
        this IServiceCollection services,
        ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped)
        services.Scan(scan => scan
            .AddClasses(classes =>

        return services;

Basically, when an interface is parsed to a parameter, it scans all classes from its assembly and implements each of the derived classes as an implementation.



ICacheService is coming from the Coffeespace.Core class library. There are generic services and settings, which can be used across microservices.

Caching is implemented in Ordering API and Product API using Proxy pattern. Ordering API uses Mediator's notifications to move cache invalidation logic into Notification Handler.

After each of the process mutation process, I implicitly publish message to invalidate cache.

public Task<IEnumerable<Order>> GetAllByBuyerIdAsync(Guid buyerId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return _cacheService.GetAllOrCreateAsync(CacheKeys.Order.GetAll(buyerId.ToString()), () =>
            var orders = _orderService.GetAllByBuyerIdAsync(buyerId, cancellationToken);
            return orders;
        }, cancellationToken);
   public async Task<bool> CreateAsync(Order order, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        bool isCreated = await _orderService.CreateAsync(order, cancellationToken);
        if (isCreated)
            await _publisher.Publish(new CreateOrderNotification
                Id = order.Id,
                BuyerId = order.BuyerId
            }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        return isCreated;

Example is from Cached Order Service.

While Product API using different approach. Instead of moving cache invalidation logic to a different file, it invalidates 'on-place'.

 public Task<IEnumerable<Product>> GetAllProductsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return _cacheService.GetAllOrCreateAsync(CacheKeys.Products.GetAll, () =>
            var products = _productRepository.GetAllProductsAsync(cancellationToken);
            return products;
        }, cancellationToken);

    public async Task<bool> CreateProductAsync(Product product, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        bool created = await _productRepository.CreateProductAsync(product, cancellationToken);
        if (created)
            await _cacheService.RemoveAsync(CacheKeys.Products.GetAll, cancellationToken);

        return created;

Example is from Cached Product Repository.

Decorator attribute, tells Scrutor to not register classes who applied this attribute. In this application I've been using this attribute to implement Proxy pattern.


Ordering API

This API works as a command center for all messages related to creating, updating, scheduling and deleting orders. It publishes events to a message provider, that can then be consumed by other microservices.

Here is the workflow of the Ordering API after an order is submitted.

    participant Customer
    participant Ordering
    participant Product
    participant Payment
    participant Shipping
    Customer->>Ordering: Submit Order
    alt Stock Confirmed?
        Ordering->>Product: Check Stock Availability
        alt Product Available
            Product-->>Ordering: Confirm Stock
            Ordering->>Payment: Request Payment
            Payment-->>Ordering: Payment Success
            alt Payment Valid
                Ordering->>Shipping: Ship Order
                Shipping-->>Ordering: Shipping Complete
                Ordering->>Customer: Order Complete
            else Payment Not Valid
                Ordering->>Customer: Cancel Order
        else Stock Not Available
            Ordering->>Customer: Cancel Order
    else Stock Not Confirmed
        Ordering->>Customer: Cancel Order


As you can see, the Ordering API can both publish and consume messages from other microservices. It uses the Masstransit StateMachine, which provides great opportunities to manage order state. There are five states: Submitted, StockConfirmed, Paid, Shipped, and Canceled. When an order receives a new state, the Order State Machine changes its state in the database. The Ordering API has two databases: Ordering DB and Order State DB. When an order is submitted, it is saved in the Ordering DB, and then the Order State Machine sends all the necessary messages. The Order State Machine uses the Order State DB as a storage for orders. When an order reaches the Shipped or Canceled state, it is immediately removed from the database. With this feature, the Order State Machine can easily continue to work with messages after it was stopped.

Furthermore, the Ordering API has one message for the Identity API. Basically,when someone deletes a buyer, it sends a message to the Identity API to remove the buyer from its database. It also has a consumer that creates a new buyer if someone completes registration.

In addition to its message publishing and consuming capabilities, the Ordering API also implements the transactional outbox pattern to ensure reliable message delivery. This pattern involves storing messages in a separate Outbox table within the Ordering DB database. When an order is submitted or its state changes, the Order State Machine writes the corresponding messages to the Outbox table within the same database transaction. This approach guarantees that the messages are persisted atomically with the database changes, ensuring transactional consistency.

    participant OrderingApi
    participant OrderStateMachine
    participant OrderingDb
    participant OutboxTable
    participant MessageBroker

    OrderingApi->>OrderStateMachine: Submit Order
    activate OrderStateMachine
    OrderStateMachine->>OutboxTable: Write Messages
    activate OutboxTable
    OutboxTable->>OrderingDb: Store Messages
    activate OrderingDb
    OrderingDb-->>OutboxTable: Messages Stored
    deactivate OrderingDb
    OutboxTable-->>OrderStateMachine: Messages Written
    deactivate OutboxTable
    OrderStateMachine->>OrderingDb: Commit Transaction
    activate OrderingDb
    OrderingDb-->>OrderStateMachine: Transaction Committed
    deactivate OrderingDb
    OrderStateMachine->>MessageBroker: Publish Messages
    activate MessageBroker
    MessageBroker-->>OrderStateMachine: Messages Published
    deactivate MessageBroker
    deactivate OrderStateMachine
    OrderingApi->>OrderStateMachine: Change Order State
    activate OrderStateMachine
    OrderStateMachine->>OutboxTable: Write Messages
    activate OutboxTable
    OutboxTable->>OrderingDb: Store Messages
    activate OrderingDb
    OrderingDb-->>OutboxTable: Messages Stored
    deactivate OrderingDb
    OutboxTable-->>OrderStateMachine: Messages Written
    deactivate OutboxTable
    OrderStateMachine->>OrderingDb: Commit Transaction
    activate OrderingDb
    OrderingDb-->>OrderStateMachine: Transaction Committed
    deactivate OrderingDb
    OrderStateMachine->>MessageBroker: Publish Messages
    activate MessageBroker
    MessageBroker-->>OrderStateMachine: Messages Published
    deactivate MessageBroker
    deactivate OrderStateMachine


All requests have a timeout value. If a request exceeds this timeout value, it will automatically be moved into a canceled state.

Product API

The Product API provides CRUD operations for managing products, and it is responsible for verifying the stock of orders.If the order item's title is not found in the ProductApi database, the product cannot be fulfilled, and the order is moved to the cancel state.

Product_API excalidraw (1)

Identity API

The Identity API allows users to log in or register as new users, using IdentityDbContext for authentication and identity storage purposes.

    participant A as Client
    participant B as API Gateway
    participant C as Identity API
    participant D as Authentication & Authorization Provider
    participant E as Data Store
    participant F as External Services
    A->>B: Sends request
    B->>C: Routes request
    alt Request is for registration
        C->>D: Registers user
        D->>E: Stores user data
        C->>F: Interacts with External Services
    else Request is for login
        C->>D: Authenticates user
    alt Authentication/Registration succeeded
        C-->>B: Responds with JWT Token
        B-->>A: Responds with JWT Token
    else Authentication/Registration failed
        C-->>B: Responds with 404 status code
        B-->>A: Responds with 404 status code

Once a user registers with the Identity API, it sends a message to the message provider, and the Ordering API acts as an external service and receives the message. This process results in the creation of a buyer after registration.


Payment Service

This service is designed to seamlessly handle the payment processing for orders received from an ordering API. It integrates with the PayPal API to facilitate secure and efficient transactions.

    participant OrderingAPI as Ordering API
    participant PaymentService as Payment Service
    participant PayPalAPI as PayPal API
    participant Database as Database
    participant Client as Client

    OrderingAPI ->> PaymentService: Create Payment
    PaymentService ->> PayPalAPI: Create Order Request
    PayPalAPI -->> PaymentService: PayPal Response
    PaymentService ->> Database: Store PayPal Response
    PaymentService ->> Client: Send Payment Approval Link (SignalR)
    Client ->> PaymentService: Proceed with Payment
    PaymentService ->> PayPalAPI: Capture Payment
    PayPalAPI -->> PaymentService: Payment Captured
    PaymentService ->> Database: Update Payment Status
    PaymentService ->> OrderingAPI: Send Payment Captured Response

In order to create request more readable, I've implemented Builder pattern for OrderRequest. With PayPalOrderRequestBuilder order creation process can be simplified using Payment Constants.

Shipment Service

The Shipment Service is a simple service that returns a successful result. However, in a real-world scenario, it would redirect to an external shipment service to handle the actual shipment.

Log & Trace

Logging and tracing is an essential of all Web API's, Therefore, I added Datadog support for all microservices. Providing DD_API_KEY to microservice, it will automaticlly send logs to datadog instance.

Log is sent by Serilog.

In order to add tracing, I've added additional env variables for DD instance. DD_LOGS_INJECTION, DD_APPSEC_ENABLED, DD_RUNTIME_METRICS_ENABLED, all of the provided env variables is optional and not required for proper work of Coffee Space, except of DD_API_KEY.

Environment Variables

In order to run this project, you need to configure the following environment variables in your secrets:

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: The client ID of your Azure application.
  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret of your Azure application.
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: The ID of your Azure tenant.
  • AZURE_VAULT_NAME: The name of your Azure Key Vault.
  • DD_API_KEY: Datadog API key.

These environment variables are necessary for authentication and accessing the Azure Key Vault in the project. Make sure to set the values of these variables appropriately in your secret management system or environment configuration.

Configure for local running

To configure each of the microservices manually for local running, follow these steps:

  1. Clone Git repo
git clone
  1. Set up the required environment variables by creating a .env file or utilizing Kubernetes secrets. Refer to the "Environment Variables" section for more information on the specific variables needed.

Running in K8s

To run the microservices in K8s, follow these steps:

  1. Proceed to section above to download and configure project env.

  2. Start the deployment of the microservices to Kubernetes by running the following command:

kubectl apply -R -f ./deploy
  1. To delete all pods, execute the following command in your terminal:
kubectl delete -R -f ./deploy

All requests should be made to the API Gateway, which will eventually redirect them to the appropriate controller.

Postman Configuration

You will find the Postman collection file named "CoffeeSpace.postman_collection" in the root of the project. This file contains the collection of API endpoints and associated requests that can be imported into Postman for testing and interacting with the project's APIs.

To import the Postman collection:

  1. Launch Postman.
  2. Click on the "Import" button located in the top-left corner.
  3. Select the option to "Import File" and choose the "CoffeeSpace.postman_collection" file from the project's root directory.
  4. Postman will import the collection, and you will be able to see the available requests and their associated details.

After importing the collection, you can explore the endpoints, customize the request parameters, and execute the requests against the project's APIs directly from Postman. This allows you to easily test and interact with the functionality provided by the project.


Contributions to CoffeeSpace project are always welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions or improvements in mind, I would be more than happy to have them! You can start contributing by forking the repository, making your changes and submitting a pull request.

Some areas where you can contribute to are:

  • Improving the existing microservices
  • Adding new microservices
  • Implementing new features
  • Refactoring the code
  • Improving the documentation
  • Adding client support
  • Datadog configuration

Please make sure to follow the code style and the existing patterns in the project. If you're not sure about something, feel free to create an issue and ask for help.

Also, I recommend discussing your ideas and changes by creating an issue, so I can make sure that your work is in line with the project's goals and direction.


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