A collection of aliases and functions that help you speed up your programmer's everyday life!
This project as three files:
- bash_alias
- bash_functions
- bash_envvar
The file bash_alias has three parts:
Mix of shell command to browse folder
There are shortcut to working folder. I like to have each folder for:
- codebase: Develop
- project: my project's documentation files and schemas
- tools: here put settings file for your sofwtare tools Some example:
alias dev='cdl ~/develop'
A programmer types the same git command, sometimes long command, a lot of time in a day. There you go, a list of aliases of most common and repetitive Git commands. Here some examples of most interesting alias (I skipped the obvius like git add or git status):
#List the first 10 commit in the given format:
alias gcl='git log --pretty=format:"%h %cn %cd %s" -n 10'
#Unstaged files
alias grt="git restore --staged"
#Git commit and show the diff before write the commit message
alias gcv='git commit -v'
#Git push a new branch (you don't need to type the branch name)
instead of
git push --set-upstream origin branch-name
#Reset the last commit but put the code in stage
alias grs='git reset --soft'
A docker command usually is quite long (number of characters) has more than one option and more than one parameters. We are developers and we don't like repetitive things, so I try to wrap up some command. One of the longest commad is
alias dkps='docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}"'
That command shows in a glace the most usefull information (id, docker image, name, status and port) of all docker container running.
To start up a docker compose just type:
$dkcomp -d
rather than docker-compose up -d
#Stops a container id and remove the container and the image
function dkclean
#Lists all the container present on your machine
Same problem of docker... The Kubernest CLI has a long command kubectl, so there you go:
alias kc='kubectl'
And if I want to list all the pods?
alias kclp='kc get pods'
This files contains a list of command that are quite complex to alieses.
Open a folder and list its content in one commnad
#Function that run grep in ignore case mode -i and list all the results
Rename the file from bash_[functions, alias, envart] to .bash_[functions, alias, envart] and copy this snippet in your .*rc file or profile and source it! Enjoy!
if [ -f ".bash_aliases" ]; then
source .bash_aliases
if [ -f ".bash_functions" ]; then
source .bash_functions
- Add function
(git push) - Add function
(git rebase master) - Add function
(git current branc with master)
I created this readme with readme.so