Web Application Firewall Envoy Go built on top of Coraza. It can be loaded directly from Envoy.
go run mage.go
lists all the available commands:
▶ go run mage.go
build builds the Coraza goFilter plugin.
doc runs godoc, access at https://localhost:6060
e2e runs e2e tests with a built plugin against the example deployment.
ftw runs ftw tests with a built plugin and Envoy.
runExample spins up the test environment, access at https://localhost:8080.
teardownExample tears down the test environment.
go run mage.go build
You will find the go waf plugin under ./plugin.so
In order to run the Envoy-Go-Waf we need to spin up an envoy configuration including this as the filter config
- filters:
- name: envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager
"@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager
stat_prefix: ingress_http
- name: envoy.filters.http.golang
"@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.golang.v3alpha.Config
library_id: example
library_path: /etc/envoy/plugin.so
plugin_name: waf-go-envoy
"@type": type.googleapis.com/xds.type.v3.TypedStruct
directives: |
"Include @demo-conf",
"Include @crs-setup-demo-conf",
"SecDefaultAction \"phase:3,log,auditlog,pass\"",
"SecDefaultAction \"phase:4,log,auditlog,pass\"",
"SecDefaultAction \"phase:5,log,auditlog,pass\"",
"SecDebugLogLevel 3",
"Include @owasp_crs/*.conf",
"SecRule REQUEST_URI \"@streq /admin\" \"id:101,phase:1,t:lowercase,deny\" \nSecRule REQUEST_BODY \"@rx maliciouspayload\" \"id:102,phase:2,t:lowercase,deny\" \nSecRule RESPONSE_HEADERS::status \"@rx 406\" \"id:103,phase:3,t:lowercase,deny\" \nSecRule RESPONSE_BODY \"@contains responsebodycode\" \"id:104,phase:4,t:lowercase,deny\""
default_directive: "waf1"
host_directive_map: |
Core Rule Set comes embedded in the extension, in order to use it in the config, you just need to include it directly in the rules:
Loading entire coreruleset:
"@type": type.googleapis.com/xds.type.v3.TypedStruct
directives: |
"Include @demo-conf",
"SecDebugLogLevel 9",
"SecRuleEngine On",
"Include @crs-setup-demo-conf",
"Include @owasp_crs/*.conf"
default_directive: "waf1"
Loading some pieces:
"@type": type.googleapis.com/xds.type.v3.TypedStruct
directives: |
"Include @demo-conf",
"SecDebugLogLevel 9",
"SecRuleEngine On",
"Include @crs-setup-demo-conf",
"Include @owasp_crs/REQUEST-901-INITIALIZATION.conf"
default_directive: "waf1"
- In order to mitigate as much as possible malicious requests (or connections open) sent upstream, it is recommended to keep the CRS Early Blocking feature enabled (SecAction
The following command runs the go-ftw test suite against the filter with the CRS fully loaded.
go run mage.go ftw
Take a look at its config file ftw.yml for details about tests currently excluded.
One can also run a single test by executing:
FTW_INCLUDE=920410 go run mage.go ftw
If you want to compare the performance of two plugins, just take a look at the online documentation below