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Moonery is a community-driven, no-loss price game and no-loss pool launchpad


Moonery is a community-driven, no-loss price game and no-loss pool launchpad


The guides in the OpenZeppelin docs site will teach how to deploy and interaction to smart contract.

Step by Step Installation using Truffle

  1. Make sure you have node v12.8.3 or higher, check it with
node --version
  1. Install packages
  1. Download, install and open Ganache

  2. Compile solidity with hardhat

yarn compile
  1. Deploy smart contracts to your localhost Hardhat
yarn deploy

result of your deployment:

yarn run v1.22.10
warning ../../../package.json: No license field
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
Moonery deployed to: 0x4A679253410272dd5232B3Ff7cF5dbB88f295319
✨  Done in 9.05s.

Testing and linting

Running unit test

yarn test

Running test coverage

yarn coverage

Lint solidity

yarn lint:sol

Connecting to public test networks

see also Connecting to public test networks

Create a new account

To send transactions in a testnet, you will need a new Ethereum account using mnemonics package

yarn mnemonics
drama film snack motion ...

Copy and change secrets

cp secrets.json.example secrets.json

Copy your mnemonics words to secret.json

Get funds

Using Binance Testnet Faucet or using MetaMask’s faucet

Deploy and migrate to Binance testnet

yarn truffle migrate --network binance_testnet

Verify your contract on Binance Smart Chain

  1. Generate an API Key on your BSCscan account

If you don't have one yet, just go to this page to sign up.

Add your BSCscan API key to your secrets.json

  1. Deploy your contract
yarn compile
yarn deploy:testnetya


truffle compile
truffle migrate --network testnet
  1. Verify your contract
npx hardhat verify --network testnet 0x34602183Bc6F93631a0e85EBFD50ECA0DC3CA668 "0xD99D1c33F9fC3444f8101754aBC46c52416550D1"

truffle run verify Moonery@0x5EB91bE972486007908B5749e93fa1F4165B657c --network testnet


If you find a security issue, please join our Discord

Developer Resources

  • Ask for help and follow progress at: Discord

Interested in contributing to MOONERY?


Code released under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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