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workman - Workflow Manager

A minimalist, lightweight workflow manager.

Create a Workflow as a YAML file and pass the path as the first positional argument. Refer to the sample Workflow YAML file below.

Things to remember:

  • The steps will be executed sequentially in ascending order one at a time.
  • There is an option to pass the selective steps to be executed. Refer to the usage section below.
  • Every run will get a unique runId in the format: YYYYMMDDHH24MMSS.
  • Install the requirements before running the script to avoid errors.

Sample Workflow File:


Run Command:

usage: [-h] [-l LOGDIR] [-s STEPS] [-v] wfFile


positional arguments:
- wfFile:
  Workflow yaml file that is to be executed by the runner.
optional arguments:
-h, --help
  Display Help
-l LOGDIR, --logDir LOGDIR
Log file directory. Passing this will implicitly enable logging the   output to a file.
  Log file will be in the format: "runnerlog.WorkflowName.runId.log"
-s STEPS, --steps STEPS
  Steps to execute. If not passed, all the steps will be executed.
  2 Formats supported:
    --> 'ST-EN'. Example: 1-3, 2-5. Both the values need to be a positive   integer number.
    --> 'STEPNO, {STEPNO,}'. Example: 1,3,5. All the step numbers needs to be   positive integer numbers.
  Steps will always be executed sequentially in ascending order.
-v, --verbose
  Increase log verbosity.



To install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt