Vue Js component for Medium Editor wrapper with But all plugins are re-writing in Vue.js All Medium Editor configs are supported
- Medium like editor
- Image uploader and description
- Image width configable width for normal / expand / full screen sizing
- Imgur uploading
- Embed Gist
- Inline code syntax highlighting
yarn add vuejs-medium-editor
npm install vuejs-medium-editor
add to global component
import Vue from 'vue'
import MediumEditor from 'vuejs-medium-editor'
Vue.component('medium-editor', MediumEditor)
Don't forget to include css file in your project
require 'medium-editor/dist/css/medium-editor.css'
require 'vuejs-medium-editor/src/themes/default.css'
// for the code highlighting
require 'highlight.js/styles/ocean.css';
OR in styles
like below
<style lang="css">
@import "~medium-editor/dist/css/medium-editor.css";
@import "~vuejs-medium-editor/src/themes/default.css";
/*@import '~highlight.js/styles/github.css';*/
@import '~highlight.js/styles/ocean.css';
v-on:uploaded="uploadCallback" />
import Editor from "./Editor.vue";
export default {
data() {
return {
content: "",
options: {
components: {
"medium-editor": Editor
methods: {
onChange() {
uploadCallback(url) {
console.log("uploaded url", url)
- prefill(string) - Pre filled editor value - default value,
- readOnly(boolean) - make the editor read only. Default - false
- options - used to pass editor options, see below
- onChange - pass onchange event
- hideImage - Hides image upload option (default -false)
- hideGist - Hides gist code embed - default(false)
- uploaded - imgur image upload callback
you can customize the toolbar buttons too
toolbar: {
buttons: ["bold", "italic", "underline", "quote", "h1", "h2", "h3", 'pre', 'unorderedlist']
available options: All options are available here You can also override options like in Medium Editor ;
buttons: [
name: 'pre',
action: 'append-pre',
aria: 'code highlight',
tagNames: ['pre'],
contentDefault: '<b><\\></b>',
contentFA: '<i class="fa fa-code fa-lg"></i>'
Using the image option in toolbar, Add image link, highlight to edit, then select image icon
name: 'image',
action: 'image',
aria: 'insert image from url',
tagNames: ['img'],
contentDefault: '<b>image</b>',
contentFA: '<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>'
Also, available option: thanks to ErgoFriend pull request on the original repo
options: {
uploadUrl: "",
uploadUrlHeader: {'Authorization': 'Client-ID a3tw6ve4wss3c'},
file_input_name: "image",
file_size: 1024 * 1024 * 10,
imgur: true,
- Code highlighting is inbuilt using highlight.js
Add code snippet, highlight, then select code in toolbar(you need to add
in toolbar, see options above)
You should include the highligh.js
css file within the styles
/*default css */
@import '~highlight.js/styles/default.css';
/* github style */
@import '~highlight.js/styles/github.css';
You can get more theme styles here
- Code highliting using gist, also inbuilt. Click + button, then click code(Add gist), then add gist URL, click Enter to finish
<medium-editor :prefill="defaultValue" :read-only="true" />
create a plugin file vuejs-medium-editor.js
inside /plugins
import Vue from 'vue'
import MediumEditor from 'vuejs-medium-editor'
Vue.component('medium-editor', MediumEditor)
import a plugin in nuxt.config.js with disable ssr mode
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/vuejs-medium-editor', ssr: false },
include a css file
css: [
'highlight.js/styles/ocean.css' //if using code highlight
The original repo vue2-medium-editor customised this to my preference
Happy coding, Star before Fork 😊💪💯