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This project is my humble attempt to display how beautiful and elegant algorithms can be.


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Daedalus 🧭: brings mazes to life! ✨

Watch as intricate mazes are generated and solved step-by-step 👣. It's like magic, but it's algorithms! 🧠

📖 Introduction

I've always been fascinated by the elegance and beauty of algorithms, especially those used to create and solve mazes. Daedalus is my way of bringing those algorithms to life – a simple, yet visually captivating way to explore their beauty.

I hope you have as much fun playing with this project as I had creating it! 😊

Gif showing Daedalus in action ☝️ Click to see Daedalus in action!

🚀 Technologies & Tools

  • TypeScript.
  • 2D canvas API.
  • Nextjs and NextUI componments.

✨ Features

  • Watch mazes come to life: Witness the step-by-step creation and navigation of intricate mazes, all in real-time 📽️.

  • Adapts on the fly: Effortlessly adjust the grid or move the start/finish points, and watch the path recalculate instantly ⚡.

  • Depth filter: Mazes are colored using filter, showing the distance from a starting point in vibrant hues 🎨.

  • Simple controles: Seamlessly adjust animation speed, pause to analyze the process, or reset with ease – all without a single refresh 🕹️.

🤓 The Algorithms

Before we dive into the algorithms, let's understand a few key concepts:

1. Graphs & Mazes 🗺️

  • Graph: Think of a graph like a connect-the-dots puzzle. Each dot is a "node," and the lines between them are "edges." Nodes can represent anything – cities, websites, or even locations in a maze. The edges show the possible paths between nodes.
  • Manhattan Grid: Daedalus uses a special type of graph called a "Manhattan grid" to represent mazes. It's like a city block where you can only move horizontally or vertically along the streets (the edges).

2. Weight, Cost, & Distance ⚖️

Think of a maze as a simple graph:

  • Nodes: These are the points or intersections in the maze.

  • Edges: These are the paths (corridors) between the nodes.

  • Weight: Each edge (path) can have a weight. Imagine it like a difficulty level for that path.

    • For example:
      • A narrow, twisting path might have a weight of 5.
      • A wide, straight path might have a weight of 1.
  • Cost: The total weight of all the paths you've taken so far to reach a certain point (node). Think of it like the total energy or effort you've spent.

  • Distance: How far apart two nodes are, regardless of the path taken. It's the shortest possible straight line, even if you can't walk that way in the maze.

Why it Matters:

Different algorithms care about different things:

  • Some algorithms want the shortest distance: They might ignore weights and just find the path with the fewest turns.
  • Some algorithms want the lowest cost: They'll consider weights and try to find the easiest, most efficient route, even if it's a bit longer.

In Daedalus: You can play around with weighted and unweighted paths to see how these ideas affect the way your maze is solved!

3. Heuristics in Algorithms 🧠

Imagine you're trying to find the quickest route to a friend's house across town. You could wander around randomly, but that would take forever. Instead, you use a heuristic – a rule of thumb – to guide you.

Heuristic: It's like a shortcut or a best guess to help you make decisions faster. It might not always be perfect, but it's usually helpful.

In our example, your heuristic might be: "Always move towards my friend's neighborhood."

This doesn't guarantee the fastest route, but it's a lot better than going in random directions. You might take a slightly longer route, but you'll get there much faster overall.

In Pathfinding Algorithms:

Heuristics work similarly, It's like the algorithm's "instinct" for finding its way through the maze. Imagine the algorithm is navigating a maze to find the exit. A common heuristic is the "Manhattan distance" – the straight-line distance to the goal.

The algorithm thinks: "I don't know the exact path yet, but I'll prioritize exploring paths that seem to be getting closer to the exit based on this straight-line distance."

Why Heuristics Matter:

  • They make algorithms faster: By focusing on promising directions, algorithms avoid exploring useless paths.
  • They don't always guarantee the best solution: Sometimes, the heuristic might lead the algorithm astray, but in most cases, it significantly speeds things up.

now with that out of the way let's check the algorithms used in Daedalus.

🤖 Maze Generation Algorithms

  • Simplified Prim: This algorithm is a modified version of the original Prim graph MST (minimum spanning tree) algorithm.

    • It randomly selects a cell from a set of cells that are intended to be visited, adds a random unvisited neighbour of that cell to the set, and links it to the current cell. This process is repeated until all grid cells are visited.
  • Recursive Backtracker: This algorithm is a tweaked implementation of the graphs algorithm DFS (depth-first search).

    • It explores the grid as deep as it can in random directions before backtracking to the last place where it can continue exploring until the grid is fully explored.
  • Recursive Divider: This algorithm creates mazes by placing walls on an empty grid, It differs from conventional methods of carving out the maze features.

    • It divides the available space into two at a random point and repeats this process recursively until further divisions are not possible.
  • Randomized Kruskal: This algorithm is a modified version of the original Kruskal graph MST (minimum spanning tree) algorithm.

    • It utilizes sets to maintain the connected parts of the maze and deconstructs walls between every pair of unlinked sets until all sets are connected.

🕵️ Path-Finding Algorithms

  • Dijkstra: This algorithm ensures the shortest path and supports weighted graphs.
    • It works by expanding outward from the starting node, visiting nodes closer to the start first while taking into account the additional cost imposed by the weighted cells.
    • It uses the Priority Queue Data Structure.
  • A* (A-star): This graph search algorithm ensures the shortest path and supports weighted graphs.
    • It combines aspects of Dijkstra's algorithm and heuristics to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph.
    • It prioritizes the nodes that are estimated to be closer to the goal based on a heuristic function (Manhattan distance).
      By intelligently guiding the search towards the goal, It can often find the optimal path more quickly than Dijkstra's algorithm, especially in large graphs.
    • It uses the Priority Queue Data Structure.
  • Breadth first search (BFS): This algorithm ensures the shortest path but does not support weighted graphs.
    • It searches by expanding outward from the starting node, visiting nodes closer to the start first.
    • It uses the Queue Data Structure (first in, first out).