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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Basic template with Eleventy, LiquidJS & Sass processing

Folder structure

  • pages in /src
  • Sass files in /sass
  • layouts in /_layouts
  • includes in /_components
  • Json files in /_data
  • images & JavaScripts in /assets

Page layout

  • _layouts/base.liquid
  • _components/header.liquid
  • _components/nav.liquid
  • _components/footer.liquid

Responsive navbar

  • responsive mobile menu with CSS without JavaScript from LogRocket, without classes
  • add tags: primary in frontmatter

Package.json scripts

  • "watch:eleventy": "npx @11ty/eleventy --serve",
  • "watch:sass": "npx sass src/sass:_site/assets/css --watch",
  • "start": "npm run watch:eleventy & npm run watch:sass",
  • "build": "sass src/sass:_site/assets/css --style=compressed && eleventy",
  • "debug": "DEBUG=* eleventy"


  • "@11ty/eleventy": "^2.0.1",
  • "sass": "^1.69.0"
  • ready for Decap CMS integration.

Simple.css framework with dark mode

Simple.css classless framework

  • version 2.2.1 (May 17th, 2023)
  • hue editable variable
  • calculated complementary & analogous variables
  • primary, secondary & 2 accent colors
  • 100 to 900 lightness indice
  • html[data-theme='light'] + html[data-theme='dark']
  • descriptive variables for light & dark mode
  • article & aside as box elements

HTML checkbox to switch mode

  • input element with type checkbox

JavaScript to switch between light & dark mode

  • html element with data-theme attribute
  • activate the input element to toggle light & dark mode