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Matlab Package Manager (mpm)

A simple package manager for Matlab (inspired by pip). Downloads packages from Matlab Central's File Exchange, GitHub repositories, or any other url pointing to a .zip file.


Download/clone this repo and add it to your Matlab path (using addpath).


Install a single package

Install without a url (searches FileExchange and Github):

>> mpm export_fig

Install a particular Github release (by tag)

>> mpm matlab2tikz -v 1.0.0

Search without installing:

>> mpm export_fig -s

Install from a url:

>> mpm export_fig


>> mpm export_fig

Note that for Github repo urls you must add the '.git' to the url.

Overwrite existing packages:

>> mpm matlab2tikz -f

Install multiple packages using a requirements file

>> mpm -r /Users/mobeets/example/requirements.txt

Specifying a requirements file lets you install multiple packages at once. See 'requirements-example.txt' for an example. Make sure to provide an absolute path to the file!

What it does

By default, mpm will install all Matlab packages to the directory specified by userpath. You can edit mpm_config.m to specify a custom installation directory.

If you restart Matlab, you'll want to call mpm_paths to re-add all the folders in the installation directory to your Matlab path. Better yet, just call mpm_paths from your Matlab startup script.


To run the basic version of mpm you will need a working Python installation. I recommend anaconda.

To install repositories without specifying a url, you will also need the lxml and PyGithub packages (which you can install with $ pip install ...).

Finally, make sure you set PYTHON_EXE in the config.m file appropriately.

Note that mpm requires the absolute path to any files/directories.


Because there's no standard directory structure for a Matlab package, automatically adding paths can get a bit messy. When mpm downloads a package, it adds a single folder within that package to your Matlab path. If there are no *.m files in the package's base directory, it looks in folders called 'bin', 'src', 'lib', or 'code' instead. You can specify the name of an internal directory by passing in an -n or --internaldir argument.

Mpm keeps track of the packages its downloaded in a file called mpm.json.