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Thats an AWS CDK Construct for get and set the value of an SSM parameter. It is designed to be loose coupled and be not managed through AWS CDK / Cloudformation so that the SSM parameter can exist across different stacks and be updated without causing a drift. The looseness is reached through using CFN Custom Resources.

The implementation simply leverages AwsCustomResource as an SDK wrapper for:


  • If the parameter doesn't exist, it will be created. Otherwise it pulls the current value of the parameter.
  • optional delete when destroying the stack

Use Case

Initialize a parameter to some value upon creation, but allow it to diverge during future CDK deployments.

SSM StringParameter APP_VERSION of an image is used across ECS deployments. New ECS deployments use that latest version value in it. APP_VERSION isn't managed / editable with CDK but if APP_VERSION wouldn't exist you can specify kind of default.


const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'ssm-demo-stack', { env });

// Create a loose coupled SSM Parameter from type String
new SSMParameter(stack, 'SSMParameter', {
  parameterName: 'fooString',
  defaultValue: 'fooValue',

// Create a loose coupled SSM Parameter from type StringList
new SSMParameter(stack, 'SSMParameterStringList', {
  parameterName: 'fooStringList',
  defaultValue: 'fooValue1,fooValue2,fooValue3',
  type: SSMParameterType.StringList,

// Delete the SSM Parameter if the stack gets deleted
new SSMParameter(stack, 'SSMParameterWithDelete', {
  parameterName: 'fooWithDelete',
  defaultValue: 'fooValue',
  delete: true,

Local Testing

For local testing simply run

yarn deploy --profile X

For destroying use

yarn destroy --profile X


  • SSM SecureString Parameter are not supported
  • default description are not supported