Update: Use this colab notebook to reproduce our results
If you use this code or part of it, please cite the original reference:
Minici, M., Cinus, F., Monti, C., Bonchi, F., & Manco, G. (2022, October). Cascade-based echo chamber detection. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (pp. 1511-1520). doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3511808.3557253
Before running any experiment, we suggest you install the provided conda environment.
How to install the conda environment:
conda env create --file environment.yml
In both sections, the parameters highlighted in bold are the ones you should modify in order to fully reproduce our results.
In order to run a synthetic experiment, you can use python grid-synthetic.py
if you want to use default settings, otherwise, you can specify several options:
- seed, to change the initial random seed for stochasticity;
- N, to change the number of initial users;
- eta, to change the polarity of each community;
- s, to change the social prior size;
- h, to change the echo-chamber prior size;
- B, you can ignore this parameter;
- items_per_node, to change the number of items per user;
- lr, learning rate of ECD procedure;
- epochs, number of epochs of ECD procedure;
- oversampling, whether you want to oversample the minority class --- either edges or propagations;
- reweighting, whether you want to reweight the two classes w.r.t. their cardinality;
- annealing, whether you want to add an annealing procedure;
- ablation, whether you want to exclude links or propagations from the ECD procedure;
- training_type, you can ignore this parameter;
- model_type, you can ignore this parameter;
- device, whether you want the experiment to be run on GPU. If no GPU is available, then pass an empty string.
In order to run a synthetic experiment, you can use python grid-real.py
if you want to use default settings, otherwise, you can specify several options:
- seed, to change the initial random seed for stochasticity;
- dataset, to change the dataset to analyze. Pick one between
. - K, to change the number of communities you want to find;
- s, to change the social prior size;
- h, to change the echo-chamber prior size;
- B, you can ignore this parameter;
- lr, learning rate of ECD procedure;
- epochs, number of epochs of ECD procedure;
- oversampling, whether you want to oversample the minority class --- either edges or propagations;
- reweighting, whether you want to reweight the two classes w.r.t. their cardinality;
- annealing, whether you want to add an annealing procedure;
- link_removal, you can ignore this parameter!
- prop_removal, whether you want to exclude some propagations from the dataset;
- prop_removal_perc, the percentage of propagations you want to remove;
- stance_detection_exp, it is a boolean flag --- i.e.: True or False --- that when you want to analyze the stance detection capability of ECD if set to True, removes all propagations of the analyzed users.
- ablation, whether you want to exclude links or propagations from the ECD procedure;
- training_type, you can ignore this parameter;
- model_type, you can ignore this parameter;
- device, whether you want the experiment to be run on GPU. If no GPU is available, then pass an empty string.