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CμMD Implementation for PLUMED2

This repository hosts the implementation for PLUMED 2 of the CmuMD method, which allows to mimic open boundary conditions in NVT molecular simulations involving solid/fluid interfaces, and enables the simulation of concentration-driven fluxes through porous membranes.

The method, with an application to crystal growth is described in the paper:

[1] Molecular dynamics simulations of solutions at constant chemical potential
C Perego, M Salvalaglio, M Parrinello, J Chem Phys (14), 144113, 2015, arxiv

The adaptation of CmuMD to model concentration driven membrane fluxes is described in the paper:

[2] Concentration gradient driven molecular dynamics: a new method for simulations of membrane permeation and separation A Ozcan, C Perego, M Salvalaglio, M Parrinello, O Yazaydin Chem Sci 8 (5), 3858-3865, 2017

The version hosted here has been developed by Dr. Claudio Perego and is maintained by the Salvalaglio and Yazaydin groups at UCL Chemical Engineering.

The method has been further developed into a "cannibalistic" variant, and adapted into a spherical variant to model crystal nucleation at constant supersaturation by Dr. Tarak Karmakar.


CMUMD is implemented as a PLUMED 2 Collective Variable (CV), the purpose of which is that of computing the density in a specific region of the simulation box. The derivatives of such variable are suitably modified to apply forces at the interface between a physical region of the simulation box and the system' reservoir.

NB: CMUMD is defined as a CV but IT IS NOT an actual CV, the derivatives are formally wrong for any typical CV usage.

The forces are then applied by using the RESTRAINT keyword in PLUMED 2 (see the examples following). The method as implemented in this repository can be applied only to a planar geometry.

In order to install CmuMD:

  1. Download the file Cmumd.cpp
  2. Copy the source code in the PLUMED source directory:
    cp CMUMD.cpp $PLUMED_DIR/src/colvar
  3. compile PLUMED 2

Example 1: Concentration Driven Flux - methane permeation in a ZIF-8 membrane

This example reports the PLUMED file used to implement the method discussed in Ozcan et al., Chem Sci, 2017. The input files for a typical simulation are available in Examples/Example1_methane_permeation_in_ZIF-8_membrane

GROUP ATOMS=5361-5785:1 LABEL=solute

CMUMD LABEL=LEFT GROUP=solute NSV=1 FIXED=0.350932603  DCR=0.087733  CRSIZE=0.087733 WF=0.00877 ASYMM=-1
CMUMD LABEL=RIGHT GROUP=solute NSV=1 FIXED=0.649067397  DCR=0.087733  CRSIZE=0.087733 WF=0.00877 ASYMM=1


  1. GROUP defines the group of atoms that are monitored to bias and monitor the density. More about the syntax of GROUP can be found in the PLUMED 2 manual

  2. CMUMD LABEL=LEFT GROUP=solute NSV=1 FIXED=0.350932603 DCR=0.087733 CRSIZE=0.087733 WF=0.00877 ASYMM=-1 CMUMD LABEL=RIGHT GROUP=solute NSV=1 FIXED=0.649067397 DCR=0.087733 CRSIZE=0.087733 WF=0.00877 ASYMM=1

    These line computes the methane number density in a CR located at distance DCR from the left and right sides of the membrane slab.


    • GROUP = the group of atoms for which the density will be controlled
    • NSV = (compulsory) number of atoms per solvent molecule
    • SOLUTE = number of atoms per solute molecule
    • DCR = (compulsory) distance of the CR inner boundary from the left and right interfaces of the crystal slab (all lengths are in units of Z box size!!!).
    • CRSIZE = (compulsory) width of the CR.
    • WF = (compulsory) Fermi function length at the CR boundaries.
    • COF = Cutoff for the Fermi function
    • WIN = Fermi function truncation distance inside the CR
    • COIN = Cutoff for the Fermi function inside the CR
    • WOUT = Fermi function truncation distance outside the CR
    • COOUT = Cutoff for the Fermi function outside the CR
    • FIXED = Fix the position of the interface
    • NZ = Number of histogram bins for the density in z
    • NINT = Density at the phase boundary (effective boundary condition)
    • COMST = Use solute centre of mass in the density calculation
    • COMSV = Use solvent centre of mass in the density calculation
    • DELTA = Difference in density in two different CR regions when using the asymmetric variant
    • NOSCALE = Use absolute length units
    • ASYMM = Indicates that this statement defines the concentration on the left side of the membrane slab, ASYMM=-1 indicates the left side of the membrane slab, ASYMM=1 indicates the right side of the membrane slab.

    Impose an harmonic constraint on the concentration, in the left and right volumes. More about the syntax of RESTRAINT can be found in the PLUMED 2 manual

  4. PRINT ARG=LEFT,RIGHT STRIDE=500 FILE=COLVAR_2 Print statement. More about the syntax of RESTRAINT can be found in the PLUMED 2 manual

Example 2: Concentration Driven Flux - methanol-water separation in an MFI membrane

This example illustrates the application of the CGD-MD method for the liquid phase separation of methanol-water mixture. Madero-Castro et al., 2021. The input files are available in Examples/Example2_methanol_water_separation_in_MFI_membrane

Example 3: Concentration Driven Flux - ternary gas separation in a ZIF-8 membrane (with LAMMPS)

This example illustrates the application of the CGD-MD method for the separation of a ternary gas mixture. Namsani et al., 2021. The input files are available in Example3_ternary_gas_separation_in_a_ZIF-8_membrane

Example 4: Concentration-dependent features of the NaCl double layer (with GROMACS 2018.6)

This example illustrates the application of the CmuMD method for investigating the structure of the solution / graphite interface. The input files are available in Example4_NaCl_at_graphite

PLUMED Tutorial

A tutorial on the use of CmuMD is available as part of the PLUMED documentation.


CmuMD implementation for PLUMED2







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