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React Netflix Clone


This project is a Netflix clone built using React and Next.js, showcasing modern web development technologies. The goal is to replicate the user interface and functionality of the popular streaming platform Netflix, providing users with a dynamic and responsive viewing experience.

Technologies Used

  • React and Next.js:

    • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
    • Next.js: A React framework for building server-rendered applications.
  • Authentication:

    • NextAuth.js: An authentication library for Next.js applications, providing a simple and extensible solution.
  • Data Fetching and State Management:

    • SWR (React Hooks Library): A library for data fetching and state management.
    • Zustand: A small, fast, and scalable state management for React.
  • Styling and UI:

    • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for quickly building custom designs.
    • React Icons: A library providing popular icon packs as React components.
  • Database and Prisma:

    • Prisma Client: An auto-generated query builder for databases, used for seamless database interactions.
  • Security and Authentication:

    • Bcrypt: A library for hashing passwords, enhancing security in user authentication.

Getting Started

First, install dependencies, and then run the development server:

npm install

npm run dev

Open https://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Explore and modify the codebase to customize the Netflix clone according to your preferences. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the MIT License.