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Demo Onglet Evolution


This project helps me manage my cryptocurrency transactions a little more efficiently.

It's really an unpretentious tool but if it can help others....

After entering my history since 2017 (big job !), I can now enter my transactions as they happen which greatly simplifies monitoring.

In addition to this project, my other crypto-updater project will be necessary to obtain the latest crypto prices using the coingecko APIs. These are the only internet access.

In addition, no data such as the address of your wallets is entered. On the other hand, you have the possibility when creating a transaction to provide the transaction identifier and thus have the possibility of accessing it via the appropriate blockchain.

Associated with the crypto-updater project, crypto-dashboard allows:

  • manage the platforms/wallets to use,
  • enter transactions as they occur, view them, delete or modify them,
  • to have a multi-platform/portfolio,
  • to see the evolution of cryptos (at 5mn, 1h, 1 day et 1 week),
  • define alerts,
  • to monitor cryptos that you have not yet purchased.
  • to access token charts and possibly explorers.

I started to look at automatic feeding via the APIs of the main platforms but it's not won:

  • Coinbase is the most "open" and all transactions can be found there but no swagger. Crypto receiving transactions are commonly found with the 'send' type. This doesn't sound very serious. Coinbase indicates that they have reviewed all of this but in reality we are not clear.* Binance provides a set of APIs as considerable as Coinbase except that the public API for trades (swap in particular) is not made available
  • Bitpanda after various "tinkering" turns out to be usable
  • Coinhouse / eToro and the whole "clique" of its kind hide behind their public image and only offer paltry APIs (when they exist). They would still have to start by providing the hash of the transactions! To use it, all you need is a machine with docker installed.

But as a young retiree after 46 years in computer sciences, including 20 years in IT, I have to keep busy :)

As a user of the Binance platform, among others, I have implemented the possibility of entering almost automatically all trades made with the *USDT and *BNB pairs.

The project use

  • API coingecko
  • API geckoterminal
  • API binance
  • Graph library of TradingView





To install it, go to and choose the version for macOS. Click on the .dmg file to install Docker.


Refer to the official guide. Here for Ubuntu, run the following commands in a shell:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc
echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \
  $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin docker-compose

Simplest installation from Docker Hub

This is the simplest installation.

The documentation is in the overview of docker image labarrem/crypto-dashboard-ui

The first thing to do is to choose the base directory for the installation. Let's call it CRYPTO_HOME.

In a terminal, enter the following commands:

CRYPTO_HOME=<directory that was chosen>
mkdir -p $CRYPTO_HOME/dashboard
mkdir -p $CRYPTO_HOME/dashboard/icons
mkdir -p $CRYPTO_HOME/dashboard/mongodb
mkdir -p $CRYPTO_HOME/dashboard/config

In <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/config create a file named default.json with the following content (content visible in this project in demo/default.json):

    "language": "fr",
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
    "fiat_currency" : "EUR",
    "fiat_symbol": "€",
    "decimal_separator": ",",
    "coingecko_currency" : "eur",
    "mongodb_uri" : "mongodb:https://mongo:27017/?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=3000&directConnection=true",
    "mongodb_database": "crypto",
    "server_port" : 8080,
    "refresh_in_seconds" : 120,
    "coingecko_coins_url": "",
    "coingecko_quotation_url": "",
    "coingecko_chart_api": "",
    "geckoterminal_networks_url": "",
    "geckoterminal_quotation_url": "",
    "notification_ntfy_url": "",
    "notification_ntfy_topic": ".......",
    "chain_explorers": [
      "name": "Binance BSC",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Bitcoin",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Cosmos",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Ethereum",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Optimism",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Polygon",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Solana",
      "url": ""
      "name": "XRP",
      "url": ""
  "platforms_api": {
    "binance": {
      "api_key": "<BINANCE_API-KEY>",
      "secret_key": "<BINANCE_SECRET-KEY>",
      "withdraw_list_url": "",
      "payments_list_url": "",
      "convert_url": "",
      "trades_histo_url": ""
    "coinbase": {
      "api_key": "<COINBASE_API_KEY>",
      "secret_key": "<COINBASE_PRIVATE_KEY",
      "host": "",
      "accounts_path": "/v2/accounts"
    "bitpanda": {
      "api_key": "<BITPANDA_API_KEY>",
      "base_url": ""

Refer to the description of the values in the Manual installation chapter below for dashboard and updater.

Here the configurations are common.

You create (or copy from this Github project) the docker-compose-images.yml file:

    image: labarrem/crypto-dashboard-ui:stable
      - "8080:8080"
      - mongo
      - <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/icons:/home/node/app/public/images/icons
      - <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/config:/home/node/app/config
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: labarrem/crypto-dashboard-data:stable
      - mongo
      - <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/config:/home/node/app/config
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: mongo:4.4
      - <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/mongodb:/data/db
      - "27017:27017"
    restart: unless-stopped

by replacing all the strings '<CRYPTO_HOME>' with the chosen directory (value of CRYPTO_HOME) above.

Note: the dashboard service listen port depends on the information coded in this docker-compose-images.yml file but also in the default.json configuration file. The port indicated in docker-compose-images.yml is 8080:8080. This indicates that you will be able to connect on the server via port 8080 (first 8080 before ':') at http:https://localhost:8080. The second 8080 (after the ':') must match the port specified in the default.json file. You can only change the port number before the ':' character.

To launch, submit the following command and access the dashboard by http:https://localhost:8080

  docker compose -f ./docker-compose-images.yml up -d

Manual installation from Git Hub


The docker and docker-compose commands should now be available.

Perform the following commands in the shell (or the Utilities/Terminal app for MacOS) to retrieve both crypto-dashboard and crypto-updater projects from Github repositories. Create a directory to receive the archives. For example /Users/me/crypto for MacOS and /home/me/crypto for Linux. In the following we refer to this directory by <CRYPTO_HOME>.

git clone
git clone

You should now see two directories crypto-dashboard and crypto-updater It is now necessary to modify two config files:

Edit the <CRYPTO_HOME>/crypto-dashboard/config/default.json file and modify it according to your environment

    "language": "fr",
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
    "fiat_currency" : "EUR",
    "fiat_symbol": "€",
    "decimal_separator": ",",
    "mongodb_uri" : "mongodb:https://mongo:27017/?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=3000&directConnection=true",
    "mongodb_database": "crypto",
    "server_port" : 8080,
    "refresh_in_seconds" : 300,
    "coingecko_chart_api": "",
    "geckoterminal_networks_url": "",
    "chain_explorers": [
      "name": "Binance BSC",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Bitcoin",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Cosmos",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Ethereum",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Optimism",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Polygon",
      "url": ""
      "name": "Solana",
      "url": ""
      "name": "XRP",
      "url": ""
  "platforms_api": {
    "binance": {
      "api_key": "<BINANCE_API-KEY>",
      "secret_key": "<BINANCE_SECRET-KEY>",
      "withdraw_list_url": "",
      "payments_list_url": "",
      "convert_url": "",
      "trades_histo_url": ""
    "coinbase": {
      "api_key": "<COINBASE_API_KEY>",
      "secret_key": "<COINBASE_PRIVATE_KEY",
      "host": "",
      "accounts_path": "/v2/accounts"
    "bitpanda": {
      "api_key": "<BITPANDA_API_KEY>",
      "base_url": ""
variable Description
language Language used: fr (French) or en (English) only.
timezone Time zone (ie Europe/Paris).
fiat_currency This is the Fiat currency (here EUR) with which you buy your cryptos. This can be EUR, USD, GBP, etc.
fiat_symbol Currency of symbol above. This can be €, $, £, etc...
decimal_separator Decimal separator character
mongodb_uri This is the connection URL to the mongodb server. Don't change anything.
mongodb_database Name you want to give to the mongo database. Here it is crypto.
server_port Node server listening port. Here 8080.
refresh_in_seconds The portfolio and dashboard views are displayed with a refresh. Here the latter will be every 5 minutes
coingecko_chart_api API for graphs. Do not modify.
geckoterminal_networks_url URL to get networks from geckoterminal. Don't change anything.
chain_explorers URLs of major blockchain explorers. You can add more.
platforms_api For experimentation. Automatic retrieving of binance trades requires the binance block with correct values

Edit the <CRYPTO_HOME>/crypto-updater/config/default.json file and modify it according to your environment

    "language": "fr",
    "fiat_currency" : "EUR",
    "coingecko_currency" : "eur",
    "mongodb_uri" : "mongodb:https://mongo:27017/?serverSelectionTimeoutMS=3000&directConnection=true",
    "mongodb_database": "crypto",
    "coingecko_coins_uri": "",
    "coingecko_quotation_uri": "",
    "geckoterminal_quotation_url": "",
    "notification_ntfy_url": "",
    "notification_ntfy_topic": "KdiLd90OOODO"
variable Description
language Language used: fr (French) or en (English) only.
fiat_currency This is the Fiat currency (here EUR) with which you buy your cryptos. This can be EUR, USD, GBP, etc.
coingecko_currency Currency relative to the previous variable. It must be recognized by coingecko: eur, usd, gbp, etc.
mongodb_uri This is the connection URL to the mongodb server. Don't change anything.
mongodb_database Name you gave in the crypto-dashboard default.json file above.
coingecko_coins_uri API to get the list of all cryptos (called once a day)
coingecko_quotation_uri API to obtain the quotations of the cryptos used (called once every 5 minutes)
geckoterminal_quotation_url URL to access crypto prices from geckoterminal. Don't change anything.
notification_ntfy_url URL for notifications. Don't change anything.
notification_ntfy_topic Key/topic that you declared in the NTFY application (see Alertes section below).
Wallets icons

You need to specify where wallets icons reside.

You must create the local directory where icons will be stored.

mkdir <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/icons

You then need to edit the docker-compose.yml file. It should look like this:

version: "3"
    image: crypto-dashboard
    build: .
      - "8080:8080"
      - mongo
      - /datas/dashboard/icons:/home/node/app/public/images/icons
    image: crypto-updater
    build: ../crypto-updater
      - mongo
    image: mongo:4.4
      - /datas/dashboard/mongodb:/data/db
      - "27017:27017"

You must replace:

       - /datas/dashboard/icons:/home/node/app/public/images/icons


       - <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/icons:/home/node/app/public/images/icons

always replacing <CRYPTO_HOME> by the chosen path, of course.

Note: the dashboard service listen port depends on the information coded in this docker-compose.yml file but also in the default.json configuration file. The port indicated in docker-compose.yml is 8080:8080. This indicates that you will be able to connect on the server via port 8080 (first 8080 before ':') at http:https://localhost:8080. The second 8080 (after the ':') must match the port specified in the default.json file. You can only change the port number before the ':' character.

To initialize the folder with the icons supplied in project crypto-dashboard enter the following command :

cp <CRYPTO_HOME>/crypto-dashboard/public/images/icons/* <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/icons

replacing <CRYPTO_HOME> by the chosen path.


You now need to specify where the MongoDB database named in the previous two files should be located.

For example, we could design <CRYPTO_HOME>/mongodb to put the database in the directory you created above.

mkdir <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/mongodb

You then need to edit the docker-compose.yml file. It should look like this:

version: "3"
     image: crypto-dashboard
     build: .
       - "8080:8080"
       - mongo
       - /datas/dashboard/icons:/home/node/app/public/images/icons
     image: crypto-updater
     build: ../crypto-updater
       - mongo
     image: mongo
       - /datas/dashboard/mongodb:/data/db
       - "27017:27017"

You must replace:

       - /datas/dashboard/mongodb:/data/db


       - <CRYPTO_HOME>/dashboard/mongodb:/data/db

always replacing <CRYPTO_HOME> by the chosen path.

To run in docker

Docker will build the images for crypto-dashboard and crypto-updater. It will also download the mongoDB image (I put version 4.4 here because version 5 can cause problems with some processors).

cd <CRYPTO_HOME>/crypto-dashboard
sudo docker compose up -d

With MACOS, if the docker compose command fails, try without sudo.


It is possible to define alerts on the Evolution and survey views.

Notifications are sent to any device where the application open-source ntfy is installed (Android, IOS, desktop). The necessary settings were discussed above, in the default.json configuration file of crypto-updater.


If your installed host is myhost, the dashboard is accessible from the URL : http:https://myhost:8080

To start

Start by adding the missing wallets if necessary using the wallets tab. Then, using the Cryptos tab, select the cryptos you have. Then all you have to do is enter your past transactions.


If you encounter any problems or need some questions you can send me a quick email to [email protected]. I will do my best to answer you.

Screenshots (french version)

The screens below in clear mode. A dark mode is selectable.

Demo Onglet Portfolio Demo Onglet Evolution Demo Onglet Cryptos Demo Onglet Wallets Demo Onglet Ajout de transaction Demo Onglet Transactions