Kajetan Schweighofer1, Adrian Arnaiz-Rodriguez2, Sepp Hochreiter1,3, Nuria Oliver2
1 ELLIS Unit, LIT AI Lab, Institute for Machine Learning, JKU Linz, Austria
2 ELLIS Alicante, Alicante, Spain
3 NXAI GmbH, Linz, Austria
This project explores the impact of Deep Ensembles on algorithmic fairness, revealing that performance gains from Deep Ensembles can unevenly favor different protected groups, leading to disparate benefits. Through empirical analysis on facial analysis and medical imaging datasets, our study identifies differences in the average predictive diversity as a potential cause for the effect. Finally, we demonstrate that post-processing techniques can effectively alleviate the negative implications on fairness due to the disparate benefits effect, reducing unfairness while maintaining performance improvements of Deep Ensembles.
To change where the datasets are loaded, results are stored, etc. change paths in constants.py.
The environment can be installed via
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate disparate_benefits
If you faced issues installing the environment from the file directly or experience broken packages (we had them on some machines for pytorch), installing the packages manually one after another resolved these issues for us.
Download the files from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abhikjha/utk-face-cropped as they are no longer accessible on the original website https://susanqq.github.io/UTKFace/.
First, follow the instructions given in setup_chexpert.py for downloading raw data and run the file to create a downsized version of it for faster experiments and move the necessary csv files containing label and protected attribute information. An account at https://stanfordaimi.azurewebsites.net is needed to download this dataset.
Run the train_face_detection_ensemble.py and train_medical_imaging_ensemble.py in all desired configurations. The configurations to replicate are stated in the paper and are basically the standard configs for all combinations of targets, networks and seeds (42, 142, 242, 342 and 442). Afterwards, execute the eval_face_detection_ensemble.ipynb and eval_medical_imaging_ensemble.ipynb to calculate the preds. Then, all other analysis files analyze_xxx.ipynb can be executed.
If you have any questions around the code or the paper itself, feel free to reach out to [email protected]
If you find this work useful, please cite
title={The Disparate Benefits of Deep Ensembles},
author={Kajetan Schweighofer and Adrian Arnaiz-Rodriguez and Sepp Hochreiter and Nuria Oliver},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.13831},