In this moment we start creating DataFrame. We want to use ndarray as some numpy alternative and nalgebra as mathematic part of coding.
Mateusz Kubaszek - mkubasz
Paweł Walus - Losseheil
type DataFrame -> Data Enginnering
row![0.4, 0.7, "poster", true, 1],
row![3.0, 4.7, "table", true, 1],
row![3.0, 4.7, "book", true, 1],
vec!["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
type DataFrameGroupBy -> Hashmap
type Series -> Vectorize structure
row![0.4, 0.7, "poster", true, 1],
type Cell -> One element in Data Frame
- Number
- Float
- Float64
- Bool
- Text
type Matrix -> Algebraic matrix
fn push(&mut self, element: Vec<Cell>);
fn series(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Series<Cell>;
fn to_rows(&self) -> Option<Vec<Vec<Cell>>>;
fn by(&mut self, label: &str) -> Option<&mut Series<Cell>>;
fn many(&mut self, labels: Vec<&str>) -> Vec<Series<Cell>>;
fn map(&mut self, col: &str, obj: HashMap<&str, u32>) -> DataFrame;
fn concat(&mut self, df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame;
fn drop(&mut self, label: Vec<&str>) -> Option<DataFrame>;
fn drop_idx(&mut self, position: usize) -> Option<DataFrame>;
fn contains(self, label: &str) -> bool;
fn join(&mut self, df: DataFrame);
fn group_by(&mut self, label: &str) -> Option<DataFrameGroupBy>;
fn sort(&mut self, label: &str) -> Option<DataFrame>;
fn read_csv(file_name: String) -> Result<DataFrame, Box<dyn Error>>;
fn get_dummies(&mut self, label: &str) -> DataFrame;
fn from_vec<T>(vec: Vec<Vec<T>>, labels: Vec<&str>) -> DataFrame where T: PrimInt + Signed + Product;
fn to_matrix(&self) -> Option<Matrix>;
fn sigmoid(x: f64) -> f64;
fn minmax_item<T: Into<f64> + Copy>(min_max: (f64, f64), item: T) -> (f64, f64);
fn minmax<T: Into<f64> + Copy>(series: Vec<T>) -> Option<(f64, f64)>;
fn series_minmax(series: Series<Cell>) -> (f64, f64);
In first step:
- Algorithms: Evaluation Methods, Evaluation Metrics, Baseline Models.
In second step:
- Algorithms: (Simple/Multivariate) Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Perceptron.
In third step:
- Algorithms: Decision Trees, Regression Trees, Naive Bayes, k-nearest, Backpropagation.