Script to render network-related data to a world map (and optionally place it on desktop).
A project of mine from a few years ago, imported from old fossil repo.
In process of being converted from python + xplanet thing to a node-webkit app.
Current idea is to create niceish js desktop, basically:
Have kinda-heatmap of network connections there, so that paths most travelled will glow persistently.
API thru which conntrack data can be piped into the app, so that lists of connections can be grabbed elsewhere (e.g. random remote server(s)), and it's kinda required anyway as both proper event-based conntrack data (via netlink on leenooks) and traceroutes (raw sockets) require privileged component (i.e. need root euid or NET_ADMIN cap) - running node-webkit as root is just bananas.
Currently this stuff is just done via two api's of system cli binaries - "mtr" (for traceroute) and "ss" (connections - it's a netstat thing from iproute2).
Have all that as just one plugin, have more plugins for misc other geo-data \o/
"desktop" itself in this case will be an app running in a root X window and composited as a background by your favorite wm.
Google Ideas project to render firearm imports/exports on the globe (three.js, d3.js, dat.GUI and more - see also Data Arts project)
Nice wargames-style raphael.js maps for irc/visitors data: maptail, node-wargames (theme originally from, but that URL doesn't seem to work anymore)
GeoXPlanet app - source of the idea behind this project, uses XPlanet
Old fossil project: