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Just Build Me A Fucking Page

I am just so sick of all these complicated static site generators forcing you to care about taxonomies and shit like this. All I want is to have a bunch of markdown files and let them use specific templates. That is about it. Nothing fancy!

This generator is not for people who need something more complicated. Use Hugo instead. But if you need a simple blog page that needs to spit out an RSS feed or two and have the option to define different templates for different posts, well then this might be useful to you.

The only thing hard about this project is the spelling of its name.

Some facts (will be more clear when you read the whole readme):

  • You can nest your markdown file under content folder. You can use subfolders as well. Final URL will not be affected by putting markdown files in subfolders.
  • public folder gets automatically created on jbmafp --build.
  • All files in static folder will be moved to the root of public folder.
  • When you provide url in your markdown files, this will create these files in the root of public folder. No nesting allowed.
  • Comes with a small embedded HTTP server you can invoke with jbmafo --server which will server contents from public folder. Good for testing stuff.
  • After you have made your site you can easily create new content with jbmafp --new "My new shitty title". This will create a new markdown file in content folder.


git clone [email protected]:mitjafelicijan/jbmafp.git
cd jbmafp
go install .

Generate first site

  • Go to your projects folder or wherever you want to place the site.
mkdir my-shitty-website
cd my-shitty-website
jbmafp --init
jbmafp --build
  • Check out public folder and you will see a website. That is about it.
  • You can also do jbmafp --help to see all the option.

Understanding all this bullshit

  • Posts go into content folder.
  • Each post must have fields defined between --- block. All of the fields are required. If you have ever used Hugo, this is the same thing. Below is example content/
title: "My first post"
url: first.html
date: 2023-06-29T14:51:39+02:00
type: post
draft: false

This is my first post. It ain't much but it's an honest post.
  • type is used all over the place. It is used to define a template file of the page that will be generated. If type is post then the program will load templates/post.html to handle generation of the page.
  • You can use whatever name you want. I use note, post as types to separate all the pages into categories.
  • type is also used inside templates like:
      {{ range .Pages }}
      {{ if eq .Type "post" }}
      <li><a href="/{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
      {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
  • This is also use for generating RSS feed. Check templates/index.xml to see the example.
  • This opens door to quite versatile build option.
  • You can trigger additional generation of content under extras field in config.yaml file. RSS feed gets generated this way. template field tells generator which file in templates folder to use and url tells generator what the file should be called when its saved.

Entities available in template


Config {
  Title        string
  Description  string
  BaseURL      string
  Language     string
  Highlighting string
  Minify       bool

Using it inside of a template.

<div>{{ .Config.Language }}</div>


Page {
  Filepath     string
  Raw          string
  HTML         template.HTML
  Text         string
  Summary      string
  Meta         map[string]interface{}
  Title        string
  RelPermalink string
  Type         string
  Created      time.Time
  Draft        bool

Using it inside of a template.

{{ range .Pages }}
  {{ if eq .Type "post" }}
      <a href="/{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
      <div>{{ .Created.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" }}</div>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

That .Format shenanigas are used for formatting time.Time type. You can read more about it on

Payload available on page generation

Payload {

Special filters

  • first (gets first N posts)
  • last (gets last N posts)
  • random (gets random N posts)
  • filterbytype (get just the posts with specific type)
<!-- First 10 pages -->
{{ range .Pages | first 10 }}
  {{ if and (eq .Type "post") (not .Draft) }}
    <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- Last 10 pages -->
{{ range .Pages | last 10 }}
  {{ if and (eq .Type "post") (not .Draft) }}
    <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- Random 10 pages -->
{{ range .Pages | random 10 }}
  {{ if and (eq .Type "post") (not .Draft) }}
    <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- Filter by type -->
{{ range .Pages | filterbytype "post" }}
  {{ if not .Draft }}
    <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

<!-- Chain multiple together -->
{{ range .Pages | filterbytype "post" | random 20 | first 5 }}
  {{ if not .Draft }}
    <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Additional material


jbmafp was written by Mitja Felicijan and is released under the BSD zero-clause license, see the LICENSE file for more information.