This is a FastAPI-based API for managing blogs and users. It provides endpoints for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting blogs, login 'authentication' as well as creating and retrieving users.
git clone <>
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the API server:
cd app
uvicorn main:app --reload
Open your web browser and navigate to https://localhost:8000/docs to access the `Swagger UI`. This interactive documentation provides detailed information about the available endpoints and allows you to make requests directly.
Create user using User endpoint.
Then login throught the authorization icon by typing username and password
for testing purpose (username -> [email protected] || password -> hello)
POST /blog - Create a new blog.
GET /get - Retrieve all blogs.
GET /getby/{id} - Retrieve a specific blog by ID.
DELETE /blogs/delete/{id} - Delete a blog by ID.
PUT /blog/{id} - Update a blog by ID.
POST /user - Create a new user.
GET /user/{id} - Retrieve a user by ID.
This API uses a SQL database to store blogs and users. The database connection details can be configured in the blogs/ file.
The API uses password hashing to securely store user passwords. The hashing functionality is implemented in the blogs/ module.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to suggest improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.