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Flutter Apps - Unpublished

My first 10 Flutter applications I have created over period from Sep 2022 - June 2023. You can find each project repository in my github


Packages/Technologies Used

State Management: provider, flutter_riverpod, hooks_riverpod, flutter_bloc, flutter_redux, redux, redux_thunk, flutter_mobx

Utils: animated_text_kit, share_plus, intl, build_runner, freezed get_it, dartz

REST API: http, json_annotation, equatable

Database: Firebase(firebase), Hive, SQLite(sqflite)

Other: camera, webview_flutter, google_maps_flutter, google_sign_in sign_in_with_apple

Projects Description

Project Description
My Notes Notes application with CRUD operations. Implemented FireAuth using email/password and email verification as well as share_plus to call native iOS/Android system share dialogs.

Stack: Firebase, FireAuth, Firestore, BloC, i10l
Camera App App that connects to the device's camera and able to capture photos and save them to the app's gallery

Stack: camera, provider
Flash Chat Live Chat app that uses Firebase and allows multiple users to chat in real time.

Stack: Firebase, FireAuth, Firestore, animated_text_kit
Quizzer Interactive quiz app that contains multiple programming related quizzes and allows users to login with their Google or Apple accounts or log in as a guest. Implements Hero animation for better user experience

Stack: Firebase, FireAuth, Firestore, google_sign_in, sign_in_with_apple,
Custom Browser Browser app that uses webview to access websites and has custom controls for going forward, backward, refreshing the page and entering a URL

Stack: webview_flutter
Map App Map app that Implements Google Maps and has custom controls for zoom, moving the camera and going back to the current location

Stack: google_maps_flutter
State Management App Small app with a list of products that can be added or deleted from the cart. The goal of this app was to implement 8 different state management solutions like provider, riverpod (with hooks), BloC (including custom and with cubits), redux and mobX

Stack: provider, flutter_riverpod, hooks_riverpod, provider, flutter_bloc, flutter_redux, redux, redux_thunk, flutter_mobx
Custom Player Video player app with custom controls for play/pause, going 10s forward/backward, playback slider and displays playback time

Stack: video_player
Advicer Small advicer app that gives user an advice which is pulled from a REST API and able to switch themes (dark/light). The goal of the app was to implement clean architecture which has a complex fils structure.

Stack: Clean Architecture, flutter_bloc, dartz
Adaptive App App with adaptive layout that changes its looks depending on the width of the window/device it is opened on

Stack: popover


My Notes Camera App Flash Chat
1 2 3
Quizzer Custom Browser Map App
1 2 3
State Management App Custom Player Advicer
1 2 3
Adaptive App

Lessons Learned

  • Built a good knowledge of Flutter and cross-platform development
  • Got experience with the most used and popular packages used by Flutter developers
  • Tried out most of the state management solutions and got plenty of experience with BloC
  • Worked with an adaptive layout to make an app accessible on multiple platforms
  • Stored data with technologies like SQLite, Hive, Firebase and locally on the device



10 Flutter projects






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