These assignments provide us a practice exposure and knowledge enhancement of the subjects we learned.
A class ColoredBox which stores a box of characters (Dynamic 2D array).
- display function that prints the box
- displayTransposed that displays the box transposed
- displayWider that displays the box on a wider scale
- A function that takes a color and displays the box as a chess board
- getArea that returns the calculated area of the box
- static member function getMaxArea that returns the value of the static member variable.
Online Shopping System (practice on operator overloading)
Develop a set of functions for an online shopping system. The system is represented by the following structure:
Class Item that have : ID, name, quantity, price
- Operator overloading for the ==, +=,-=, >> and << operators
Class Seller that have : name, email, items,maxItems
- To add an item in the sellers items:
- If the item already exists in the seller's items you will increase the item’s quantity by the quantity of the parameter item using the (+=) in Item class, and the price of the parameter object will be ignored. Use the == operator for this where an item is equal to another if they have the same name.
- Else the item will be added to the seller’s items.
- To sell an item:
- If the quantity is <= item’s quantity you will decrease it from item Using the (-=) in Item class.
- Else print for the user the quantity left for this item.
- To Print Items:
- print each item using the (<<) operator.
- To Find an Item by ID:
- This returns an Item object (or a pointer to Item) with the specified ID if there is an item with such ID.
- To add an item in the sellers items:
Practice on Files, Inheritance and Polymorphism
There are 5 classes: FloatArray, SortedArray, FrontArray, PositiveArray & NegativeArray.
- FloatArray:
- stores a dynamic array of floats
- An add method that adds a float at the end of the array
- Overloading for the insertion operator << to write the array to a file (ofstream)
- Overloading for the extraction operator >> to read the array elements from the file (ifstream) and add them to the array
- The SortedArray inherits from FloatArray:
- An add method that adds a float at the right place in the array such that the array remains sorted with every add
- The FrontArray inherits from FloatArray:
- An add method that adds a float at the front of the array
- The PositiveArray that inherits from SortedArray:
- An add method that adds a float to the array only if it’s a positive number. It then uses the add method of SortedArray.
- The NegativeArray that inherits from SortedArray:
- An add method that adds a float to the array only if it’s a negative number. It then uses the add method of SortedArray
Sorted 10 8.4 -4 2.3 11 80 7 77 95 12 100
Array 7 3.4 2 0 9 4.7 3 9
Front 5 8 4 7.9 0.44 1
Array 6 45 23 8.5 3.98 4 2.5
Sorted 4 90 6 4 111
Sorted 8 7 3 4 0 1.1 3.2 88 9
Array 6 13.5 7.6 9 33 1 0
Front 3 7 5 1.5
Positive 7 7.9 -1 -44 9.7 4.3 -1 0
Negative 8 88 -1.5 -40 -9.7 4.3 13 0 -11
10| -4 2.3 7 8.4 11 12 77 80 95 100
7| 3.4 2 0 9 4.7 3 9
5| 1 0.44 7.9 4 8
6| 45 23 8.5 3.98 4 2.5
4| 4 6 90 111
8| 0 1.1 3 3.2 4 7 9 88
6| 13.5 7.6 9 33 1 0
3| 1.5 5 7
3| 4.3 7.9 9.7
4| -40 -11 -9.7 -1.5