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forked from opendoor/pggen

A database first code generator focused on postgres


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pggen consists of 3 main packages:

  • is a command line tool to be invoked in go:generate directives.
  • is the back end for the tool. All the command line flags exposed by the command line tool have corresponding fields in the Config struct exposed by this package, so pggen can be used as a library as well as a command line tool.
  • and its subpackages (besides cmd and gen) contain common types and utilities that need to be shared between client code and the code generated by pggen.


See for information about working on the pggen codebase.

Using pggen

The pggen command line tool has a fairly simple interface. You need to tell pggen how to connect to the postgres database that you want to generate code for either by passing the --connection-string option or by setting the DB_URL environment variable. It is a good idea to tell pggen where to put the code that it generates via the -o option, but you can also just accept the default output name. Finally, you must point pggen at a toml file which contains the bulk of the configuration telling pggen what part of the database schema to generate code for.

pggen will not generate code for any database object unless it is explicitly asked do so so via an entry in the config file. Often, configuring pggen to generate code for an object is as simple as adding that object's name to the config file and letting pggen figure out the rest, but there are finer grained knobs if you want more control.


pggen is configured with a toml file. Some of the configuration options have already been mentioned in this document, but the most complete source of documentation on configuration is the comments in gen/internal/config/config.go. An example file can be found at cmd/pggen/test/models/pggen.toml.

The examples directory contains usage examples and common patterns.


pggen offers two main features: automatic generation of shims wrapping SQL queries and automatic generation of go structs from SQL tables.

Query Shims

pggen knows how to infer the return and argument types of queries, so all you have to write is the SQL that you want to execute using standard postgres $N placeholder syntax for parameters and pggen will generate simple go wrapper functions that perform all the boilerplate needed to call the query from go. pggen will automatically generate a struct to contain the result rows that the query returns, though if you want to re-use a return type between queries you can do so by providing a return type name.

If you have the following entry in your toml file

    name = "GetIdAndCreated"
    body = '''
    SELECT id, created_at
    FROM foo
    WHERE ID = $1
    ORDER BY created_at

and the following DDL to define your database schema

    created_at TIMESTAMP,

pggen will generate a return type

type GetIdAndCreatedRow struct {
    Id *int64
    CreatedAt *time.Time

for you. GetIdAndCreated will have a Scan method which accepts a *sql.Rows as and argument. pggen will also generate two functions GetIdAndCreated and GetIdAndCreatedQuery.

GetIDAndCreated should be your go-to method for invoking this query. It accepts a context.Context and all the arguments to the query, in this case just a single int64 argument, and returns a slice of GetIdAndCreatedRows along with a possible error. This essentially turns an SQL query into a type safe RPC call to the database.

Sometimes you don't want to load all of the results of a query into memory at once, in which case GetIdAndCreatedQuery is useful. It accepts the same arguments as GetIdAndCreated and returns (*sql.Rows, error). This isn't much higher level than just placing the SQL call directly, but you still retain the benefit of having type safe query parameters. Once you have the *sql.Rows in hand, you can make use of the Scan method on GetIdAndCreatedRow to lazily load query results in a loop.

Named Return Types

If you don't provide a name for your return type pggen is happy to make one up, but if you want to override the fairly uninspired name that pggen will come up with, you can do so. This feature is also the key to processing the result types of multiple queries with the same code. In the above example, this would allow you to override the name of GetIdAndCreatedRow.

Not Null Fields

Postgres does not perform inference about the nullability of the fields returned via a query, so by default pggen will generate boxed fields for the return struct. If you know for sure that certain query result fields cannot ever be null, you may use the not_null_fields configuration option to tell pggen not to box the fields in question. If you are re-using a return type between queries, be sure to apply this flag consistently when dealing with columns that appear in multiple pggen queries, as both the field names and their nullability values must match up in order for the generated type to be reused.

Instead of providing a list of NOT NULL fields, you can also provide a more compact specification of the nullability of the result rows with the null_flags configuration option. In general it is better to use the not_null_fields configuration option, as it is more explicit, but null_flags can be more useful when a return column does not have a clear name. The value of the null flags configuration option, if it is provided, should be a string that is exactly as long as the number of fields that the query returns. For each field in the return type, the character at the corresponding position in the null flags string indicates the nullability of the field, with '-' meaning that the field is NOT NULL and 'n' indicating that the field is nullable.

When returning a type generated from a table, you do not need to set the null flags, as pggen will automatically infer the nullness of the fields from the nullness of the fields in the table.

If you knew for a fact that the id and created_at fields could not be null in the above example, you could modify your toml entry to read

    name = "GetIdAndCreated"
    body = '''
    SELECT id, created_at
    FROM foo
    WHERE ID = $1
    ORDER BY created_at
    not_null_fields = ["id", "created_at"]

or equivalently

    name = "GetIdAndCreated"
    body = '''
    SELECT id, created_at
    FROM foo
    WHERE ID = $1
    ORDER BY created_at
    null_flags = "--"

which would cause the result type

type GetIdAndCreatedRow struct {
	Id int64 `gorm:"column:id;is_primary"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `gorm:"column:created_at"`

to be generated. Note the fact that the fields are no longer boxed.

Model Structs

pggen translates table definitions into golang structs along with a stable of common CRUD operations for working with those structs. In addition to the provided CRUD operations, you can use the model structs generated by pggen as return values from your own custom queries. You can also easily use your own custom dynamically generated SQL to produce model structs by making use of the Scan method attached to all of them.

Generated Code for Tables

The generated struct for a postgres table is very similar to the generated struct for a query return value. Postgres does expose the nullability of table columns, so you don't have to worry about explicitly setting null flags for a table.

If you had the DDL

CREATE TABLE small_entities (
    anint integer NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE attachments (
    id UUID PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
    small_entity_id integer NOT NULL
    value text

and the following entries in your toml file

    name = "small_entities"

    name = "attachments"

pggen would generate the following structs for the two different tables.

type SmallEntity struct {
	Id                       int64                         `gorm:"column:id;is_primary"`
	Anint                    int64                         `gorm:"column:anint"`
	Attachments              []*Attachment                 `gorm:"foreignKey:SmallEntityId"`

type Attachment struct {
	Id            uuid.UUID `gorm:"column:id;is_primary"`
	SmallEntityId int64     `gorm:"column:small_entity_id"`
	Value         *string   `gorm:"column:value"`
	SmallEntity   *SmallEntity

If the database schema does not include a foreign key reference, you can get pggen to generate the same sort of model structs by explicitly telling it about the relationship with a toml entry like

    name = "small_entities"

    name = "attachments"
        table = "small_entities"
        key_field = "small_entity_id"

There are a few things worth noting here. First, the structs are not named exactly the same thing as the tables which they are generated from. Tables conventionally have plural names, while golang structs conventionally have singular names, so pggen will convert plural table names to singular names. This is important for interop with gorm, as gorm imposes the same rule on table vs struct names. In fact, pggen and gorm use exactly the same code to determine which names are plural and which are singular.

The second thing to note here is that SmallEntity has an Attachments field and Attachment has a SmallEntity field, neither of these show up in the DDL for the database tables. This is because pggen has noticed the foreign key constraint on the attachments table and inferred that Attachment is a child entity of SmallEntity. Child entities are not automatically filled in by the various accessor methods when a record is fetched from the database, but pggen does generate utility code which can be invoked for populating them. Child entities are only attached to a generated struct if the table which holds the foreign key is also registered in the toml file.

Lastly, struct fields are generated as either boxed or unboxed types depending on the nullability of the corresponding columns in the DDL.

Generated Methods & Values

Below is a list of the methods on PGClient which are generated for each table registered in the configuration file

  • Methods
    • Get<Entity>
      • Given the primary key of an entity, Get<Entity> fetches the entity with that key.
    • List<Entity>
      • Given a list of primary keys, List<Entity> returns a unordered list of entities with the given primary keys. List<Entity> always returns either exactly as many entities as were requested or an error (i.e. partial successes are treated as failures).
    • Insert<Entity>
      • Given an entity struct, Insert<Entity> inserts it into the database and returns the primary key of the inserted struct, or an error if the insert operation failed.
    • BulkInsert<Entity>
      • Given a list of entity structs, BulkInsert<Entity> inserts them all and returns the primary keys of the inserted structs. Note that it is possible for only a subset of the rows to be inserted if inserting some rows would violate existing database constraints. If the insert needs to be fully atomic, you can wrap the call to BulkInsert in a transaction.
    • Update<Entity>
      • Given an entity struct and a bitset, Update<Entity> updates all the fields of the given struct with their corresponding bit set in the database and returns the primary key of the updated record.
    • Upsert<Entity>
      • Given an entity, a list of conflict targets, and a bitset, Upsert<Entity> tries to insert the given entity. A nil list of conflict targets will default to the primary key for the table. If the bit for the primary key is set in the bitset it will try to insert the primary key from the provided entity, otherwise it will let the database supply a new primary key. In the event of a conflict on any of the provided conflict targets, Upsert<Entity> will update only those fields which are specified by the given bitset.
    • BulkUpsert<Entity>
      • BulkUpsert<Entity> behaves exactly like Upsert<Entity> except that it operates on whole a set of entities at once.
    • Delete<Entity>
      • Given the id of an entity, Delete<Entity> deletes it and returns an error on failure or nil on success. If soft deletes have been enabled for this entity by setting the deleted_at_field configuration option, Delete<Entity> will just set the deleted_at timestamp rather than actually removing the record from the database.
    • BulkDelete<Entity>
      • Given a list of entity ids, BulkDelete<Entity> deletes all of the entities and returns an error on failure or nil on success. Just like Delete<Entity>, BulkDelete<Entity> respects soft deletes.
    • <Entity>FillIncludes
      • Given a pointer to an entity and an include spec, <Entity>FillIncludes fills in all the decendant entities in the spec recursivly. This api allows finer grained control over which decendant entities are loaded from the database. For more infomation about include specs see the README for that package. For entities without children, this routine is a no-op. It returns an error on failure and nil on success. It returns an error on failure and nil on success.
    • <Entity>BulkFillIncludes
      • Given a list of pointers to entities and an include spec, <Entity>BulkFillIncludes fills in all the decendant entities in the spec recursivly. It returns an error on failure and nil on success.
  • Values (constant or variable definitions)
    • <Entity>FieldIndex
      • For each field in the entity, pggen generates a constant indicating the field's index (0-based). These constants are useful when working with the bitset that gets passed to Update<Entity>.
    • <Entity>MaxFieldIndex
      • The largest valid field index for the given entity.
    • <Entity>AllFields
      • A bitset with the bits for all the fields in <Entity> set
    • <Entity>AllIncludes
      • An include spec specifying all decendant tables for use with the <Entity>FillIncludes method.

Special Fields

Mostly, pggen doesn't know anything about the semantics of the fields of the tables it generates code for, it just generates type safe converters for the fields and leaves the semantics up to higher level code. There are a few types of fields that pggen will manipulate or rely on though.

Primary Keys

Every table that pggen generates a model for must have exactly one primary key field. This is needed in order to generate all the appropriate CRUD methods, as well as for resolving relationships between tables.

Foreign Keys

pggen will infer relationships between tables based on the foreign key constraints established between different tables in postgres.


It is very common for database objects to have some timestamps associated with them for tracking the life cycle of the object. By default, pggen won't do anything with timestamps, but if the created_at_field, updated_at_field, or deleted_at_field keys are set, either globally or on a specific table in the toml file, pggen will generate Update and Insert methods that automatically keep the corresponding timestamp fields up to date.

Relationships Between Tables

In addition to generating code to make working with the fields of a single struct easy, pggen can automatically detect relationships between tables via foreign key constraints in the database. If pggen notices a foreign key from table A to table B, it will assume that A belongs to B, and generate a member field in the generated struct for table B containing a slice of As. If there is a UNIQUE index on the foreign key, pggen will infer a 1-1 relationship rather than a 1-many relationship and generate a pointer member rather than a slice member. In the event that these defaults do not match up perfectly with your data model pggen provides configuration options to explicitly control the creation of 1-1 and 1-many relationships.


Sometimes you want to execute SQL commands for side effects rather than for a set of query results. To support these use cases pggen supports registering statements in the config file. Shims generated for statements return (sql.Result, error) rather than a slice of query results or an error. For example, to perform a custom insert you might write the following in your config file

    name = "MyInsertSmallEntity"
    body = '''
    INSERT INTO small_entities (anint) VALUES ($1)

which would generate a shim with the signature

MyInsertSmallEntity(ctx context.Context, arg0 int64) (sql.Result, error)

GORM Compatibility

pggen aims to generate models which are compatible with the gorm tool. We have a lot of code which uses gorm already and some people may prefer using gorm over the routines that pggen provides. pggen can still help those people by taking care of the drudge work of writing model structs which match up with the database table definitions. pggen's GORM compatibility is focused on covering the most common cases that we've encountered in practice, so it may not be complete. If you encounter a way in which pggen-generated structs are not compatible with GORM usage, try using the field_tags configuration option on the table block to inject custom annotations into the generated code. Additionally, please report the incompatibility in the issue tracker.


pggen follows semver. Any breaking change will be indicated by an appropriate bump of the version number as defined by the semver spec.

The minimum supported go language version of pggen is 1.11. pggen will not consider a msgv (minimum supported go version) bump breaking for the purposes of semver, but it will only bump the msgv for a good reason (such as that language version reaching end of life or a very significant language feature). The msgv version will never accidentally change, and if a previously supported go version breaks without some indication that it was intentional, you should file a bug report.

Comparison with Similar Tools

pggen is not the only database first code generator for go that works with postgres out there.

pggen vs xo

pggen and xo are similar in many ways. Both are command line tools which connect directly to the database to read its schema and generate code to wrap both tables and queries. Beyond the high level similarities there are a number of differences in features and design philosophy outlined in the table below.

pggen vs sqlc

sqlc is fairly unique among database first code generators in that it understands a database schema by parsing DDL statements rather than by connecting to the database and interrogating it. This allows sqlc to offer a simpler build system integration story than any other database first code generator we are aware of, including pggen. The tradeoff for implementing schema parsing this way is that sqlc needs to maintain a mirror implementation of the type inference algorithm of each of the RDBMSs that it supports, with all the compatibility bugs that implies.

Database First Code Generator Feature Comparison Matrix

pggen xo sqlc notes
Multiple RDBMS support no yes yes We trapped ourselves with the name here a bit, but if we did want to support another RDBMS we would be able to re-use much of the pggen internals in new binaries.
Configuration toml file command line flags magic comments in sql files File based configuration like sqlc and pggen use can mean faster code generation.
Supports custom code generation templates no yes no
Tries to generate idiomatic code no (prefers correct code) yes yes A big difference here is the way that the different libraries scan results sets. Both xo and sqlc generate straight line “obvious” code that is easy to read, but pggen generates more complex code which is harder to understand but will not error unexpectedly when a database migration is run while the application is running.
Infers relationships between tables yes no no pggen will automatically add pointer and slice fields connecting tables associated with one another via foreign keys. These tables can be filled in with pggen's includes system.
Transaction/Connection Support Yes (explicit calls on the generated client) Yes (via a wrapper interface for the database handle) Yes (via a wrapper interface for the database handle) Both xo and sqlc accept interfaces containing a subset of the methods on *sql.DB which allows the same code to be used for connection pools, connections, and transactions. pggen provides a specific wrapper struct for each of the different database connection handle types.
Style of Generated Query Routine methods free functions methods xo generates free functions which accept the database connection interface as well as the parameters, while pggen and sqlc attach queries to a single handle struct that contains all operations
Lifecycle timestamp support yes no no pggen can be configured to automatically fill in created_at and deleted_at timestamps.
Soft deletion support yes no no pggen can be configured to respect and fill in life cycle timestamps with its default CRUD methods, though custom queries still need to manually account for these soft deletion timestamps.
Can be called as a library in addition to a CLI yes no no Opendoor internally uses the library interface to better integrate with a bazel based build system.
Volume of generated code high medium medium If a small generated database access layer is important to you, pggen may not yet be the best choice for you
Default update allows partial updates yes no n/a pggen's update CRUD routines allow you to configure which fields are updated with a bitset. Both sqlc and xo can use custom statements to handle granular updates, but they cannot deal with dynamically choosing which fields to update at runtime quite as easily.
Default upsert support yes yes no pggen's upsert is more flexible but not as simple to use, while xo's upsert is a little simpler to work with. You must use a custom statement for upsert with sqlc.
Infers good names for query arguments no no yes sqlc can automatically infer names for query arguments in the generated go code by noticing which fields the arguments are compared with. This type of feature is possible due to sqlc's unique approach to getting database schema metadata. With pggen, you must explicitly configure names if you want them to be better than arg0.
Supports RETURNING no no yes Due to the way that pggen and xo get database metadata by creating temporary views, they are unable to support the RETURNING keyword in queries. Because sqlc parses the database schema, it can more easily support RETURNING.
Representation of NULL values pointers Null* types from the "database/sql" package Null* types from the "database/sql" package Here pggen chooses to expose nullable values as boxed values, which is less efficient than using the Null* types from the "database/sql", but we believe is more ergonomic.
Generates code for all tables in schema no yes yes pggen only generates code for tables that you have explicitly asked it to generate code for.


A database first code generator focused on postgres







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  • Go 94.1%
  • PLpgSQL 5.3%
  • Other 0.6%