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This repo provides a starting point for building a dapp on the renec blockchain.


Project Structure

  • examples: Contains a example for program & dapp
    • programs: An example Counter program
    • app: Implemented of dapp for Counter progrram.
  • dev-scripts: List of scripts support to install deps, build and deploy the program. Support running on Unix environemnt.


  • For Linux user:
 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config build-essential libudev-dev
 sudo apt install libssl-dev
  • For Mac user:
brew install openssl


choco install make

from a fresh terminal.

Program Scripts


  • To setup program dependencies, run:
make install-deps

This will install the anchor and solana cli if needed. Default solana 1.14.6, anchor 0.25.0

To use different version compatible with renec cluster, set the CLUSTER and ANCHOR_VERSION environment variables and run the command
For example:

CLUSTER=mainnet ANCHOR_VERSION=0.20.1 make install-deps

CLUSTER can either be mainnet, testnet or localnet. By setting the cluster correctly, the installer will set the corresponding cli for program's interaction.

  • To run a localnet that has the same version as renec-mainnet, run;
make localnet

Setup wallets

  • To gen a new wallet, run:
make gen-wallet name="<wallet-name>"

The wallets' screte keys will be stored in ./wallets folder.

  • To import an existing wallet, run:
make import-wallet name="<wallet-name>"
  • To request faucet token in testnet or localnet, run:
make faucet amount=1  name="<wallet-name>"

How to use ?

Rpc Endpoint

Generate new program

We have used hygen to support generate new program inside dapp-starter. You also use your custom program by Anchor in another case that fit with your development process.

  • To generate new program
      ./init-program program-name

Build & Deploy

  • Build program
PROGRAM_NAME=program-name make build
  • Deploy program:
PROGRAM_NAME=program-name CLUSTER=<cluster> make deploy name="<wallet-name>"

Notes: This command deploy the program, under .wallets/<wallet-name>.json authority. The program will be deploy to CLUSTER env, which could either be localnet, mainnet or testnet

Port Dapp from Solana

To reduce the time to convert and rebuild programs from solana. We have supported scripts to quickly re-deploy programs to renc from previously built programs.

Bash script params annotation: - program_file_path: Path to the program file used to deploy on Solana - keypair_path: Path to the keypair used to deploy on Solana - program_id_keypair: Path to the program id keypair used to deploy on Solana Deploy on Renec-Testnet

   CLUSTER=testnet make port-dapp program_file_path=path/to/ keypair_path=path/to/wallet.json program_id_keypair=path/tp/program-id/keypair.json

Deploy on Renec-Mainnet

   CLUSTER=mainnet make port-dapp program_file_path=path/to/ keypair_path=path/to/wallet.json progran_id_keypair=path/tp/program-id/keypair.json


Build & Deploy Program

  • Build program
cd examples && ./build
  • Deploy program

Notes: Sometime, you need to allowing execute the script sudo chmod +x

Run dapp

cd app && yarn && yarn dev
  • The dapp is built by next-js and typescript. It used @project-serum/anchor to interact with the program.

  • Daemon-Wallet has used to connect with renec-blockchain.


  • The example Counter program, which allows users to initialize a counter and increment the count`.



  • Node.js 16.8.0 or newer
  • build and deploy the program to the renec testnet. Make sure that you've run make build and CLUSTER=testnet make deploy before running the frontend.



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