This project was created with Create React App.
This is a website that allows a user to search for anime and stores the anime.
Uses the public Kitsu API to get the informations.
- Search for specific anime
- Search for anime in the upcoming, trending, and all time popular categories
- Supports viewmore and pagination of each categories
- Stores a users watching, watched, and planning lists
- Anime are displayed as cards in a grid-style format
- These cards are clickable and which will display more information:
- Subtype of the anime, description, rating, episodes, and a link to the trailer
- Controls to add anime to watching, watched, planning or remove them from all
- On the front of the card there quick actions that allow you to quickly add anime and displays the status of the anime in relation to your lists
- These cards are clickable and which will display more information:
- Navbar that links you to your lists and the home/ search page
- At your MyList page it displays all your anime based on your lists
- You can change lists by hovering over the current lists
- At your MyList page it displays all your anime based on your lists
- Uses React/ HTML / CSS
- Uses Kitsu API.
- Another link for JSON API.
- React axios for getting information from the API
- React Context for state managment
- The Global folder
- Mobile and all devices responsiveness Helpful link
Clone this repo and run the following commands
This will install the module to see the app's dependencies:
npm install
The missing dependencies will automatically be updated/ installed or you can manually update/ install it
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open https://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Use this link for reference
Basically use the following command to deploy to GitHub Pages:
npm run deploy
Having multiple pages may cause an issue where redirecting or refreshing the page would cause crashes. Use the following link as a reference in order to fix this problem; You only have to do the basic