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#--coding:utf-8-- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * #支持中文 mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']

names = ['300','600', '900', '1200','1500', '1800', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y = [75.35,80.96, 82.48, 82.57,81.16, 79.56, 79.00] y1= [76.00,81.94, 83.17, 83.76,83.56, 81.74, 79.97] y2 = [77.12, 82.54, 84.01, 85.37,85.16, 84.25, 83.50] y3 = [80.05, 83.94, 85.01, 86.27,86.46, 85.56, 84.20] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=45) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1(%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 names = ['300','600', '900', '1200','1500', '1800', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y = [73.35,79.96, 82.48, 83.97,84.16, 84.56, 83.00] y1= [74.00,82.04, 83.87, 84.76,85.56, 85.74, 84.17] y2 = [75.82, 83.54, 85.51, 86.07,87.56, 87.75, 86.95] y3 = [79.05, 84.94, 87.01, 88.27,88.46, 89.06, 88.20] y4 = [76.21, 81.73,83.96, 84.55, 84.85,85.19, 83.22] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.plot(x, y4, marker='<' , ms=10,label=u'E5') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=45) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1(%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

names = ['300','600', '900', '1200','1500', '1800', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y = [72.35,74.96, 75.48, 77.97,78.16,78.56, 77.00] y1= [72.47,76.04, 77.87, 78.76,80.56, 79.74, 79.77] y2 = [73.82, 79.54, 81.51, 83.07,83.56, 83.95, 82.50] y3 = [75.05, 80.94, 82.01, 84.27,84.46, 84.66, 83.90] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=45) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1(%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

#--coding:utf-8-- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * #支持中文 mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']

names = ['300','700', '1100', '1500','1900', '2300', '2700','3100','3500'] x = range(len(names))

y= [79.67,80.17,81.67, 82.5, 83.5,83.83, 82.83, 81.33,81.17] y1 = [81.30 ,83.00, 84.17, 85.17,85.17, 85.83, 85.5,84.83,84.00] y3=[82.33, 85.00, 87.00, 87.33,88.33, 88.67, 88.00,87.66,87.67] y2 =[82.17, 84.17, 85.33, 87.00,87.00, 88.00, 88.00,87.630,87.33]

#plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(78, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=45) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("accuracy(%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

names = ['300','600', '900', '1200','1500', '1800', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y= [79.87,81.45, 82.76, 83.09,82.33, 83.47, 83.33] y1 = [80.45 ,83.66, 84.31,84.61,85.47, 85.18, 84.08] y2=[81.76, 84.90, 85.06, 85.32,85.54, 85.09, 85.09] y3 =[83.66, 85.18,85.99, 86.14,86.41, 85.76, 86.02]

#plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(79, 87) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=45) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("accuracy(%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

#--coding:utf-8-- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import *
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties custom_font = FontProperties(fname=r'C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simsun.ttc') #mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ["Microsoft JhengHei"] mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False names = ['300','600', '900', '1200','1500', '1800', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y = [74.67,78.44, 81.02, 81.53,82.37, 82.29, 82.20] y1 = [75.95, 79.83,81.08, 82.95, 83.83,83.19, 82.82] y2= [78.00,80.04, 82.27, 84.33,84.26, 84.00, 84.17] y3 = [79.82, 81.54, 84.31, 85.07,86.66, 86.195, 85.95] y4 = [80.15, 82.94, 84.71, 86.77,87.45, 87.06, 86.80]

#plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(74, 88) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o',color ='black', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='<' , color ='black',ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='*',color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='+',color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.plot(x, y4, marker='^' ,color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E5') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 names = [u'汽车',u'文化', u'经济', u'医药',u'军事', u'体育'] x = range(len(names)) y = [86.52, 72.37 ,88.89 ,83.97, 72.94, 75.22] y1 = [86.19, 77.52, 89.50, 85.57, 73.62, 80.212] y2= [87.24 ,77.85 ,90.81 ,86.43 ,73.83, 81.85] y3 = [91.98 ,78.50, 93.20 ,87.37, 81.11, 83.84] y4 = [92.04 ,80.18, 93.88 ,87.94, 82.29, 84.59]

#plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 95) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o',color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='<' ,color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='*',color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='+', color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.plot(x, y4, marker='^' ,color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E5')

plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1(%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

#汽车	文化	经济	医药	军事	体育

#E1 86.52 72.37 88.89 83.97 72.94. 75.22 #E2 86.19 77.52 89.50 85.57 73.62 80.21 #E3 87.24 77.85 90.81 86.43 73.83 81.85 #E4 91.98 78.50 93.20 87.37 81.11 83.84 #E5 92.04 80.18. 93.88 87.94 82.29 84.59

names = ['500','1000', '1500', '2000','2500', '3000', '3500'] x = range(len(names)) y = [77.02,79.17, 80.02, 80.83,81.93, 80.99, 80.20] y1 = [77.85, 80.25,81.48, 81.95, 82.43,81.88, 81.42] y2= [78.00,81.04, 83.29, 84.13,84.84, 84.1, 83.57] y3 = [78.82, 82.04, 84.31, 84.87,85.33, 85.15, 84.95] y4 = [79.15, 83.64, 84.51, 85.27,86.25, 86.06, 85.80]

#plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(77, 90.5) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o',color ='black', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='<' , color ='black',ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='*', color ='black',ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='+', color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.plot(x, y4, marker='^' ,color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E5')

plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1(%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

names = ['500','1000', '1500', '2000','2500', '3000', '3500'] x = range(len(names)) y = [78.02,79.17, 80.02, 80.83,81.93, 80.99, 80.20] y1 = [77.85, 80.25,81.48, 81.95, 82.43,81.88, 81.42] y2= [78.00,81.04, 83.29, 84.13,84.84, 84.1, 83.57] y3 = [78.82, 82.04, 84.31, 84.87,85.33, 85.15, 84.95] y4 = [79.15, 83.64, 84.51, 85.27,86.25, 86.06, 85.80]

#plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o',color ='black', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='<' ,color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='*',color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='+', color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.plot(x, y4, marker='^' , color ='black',ms=10,label=u'E5')

plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=45) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 names = ['500','1000', '1500', '2000','2500', '3000', '3500'] x = range(len(names)) y = [79.15,80.91, 81.53, 82.52, 83.28,83.47, 83.12] y1 = [79.25, 81.25,81.98, 82.85, 84.38,84.43, 84.02] y2= [80.00,82.84, 83.79, 84.77,84.79, 84.61, 84.57] y3 = [81.82, 83.04, 84.21, 85.62, 85.75,85.83, 85.55] y4 = [82.15, 84.34, 85.51, 86.27,86.75, 86.86, 86.80]

#plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(78, 88) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', color ='black',mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='<' ,color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='*',color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='+', color ='black', ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.plot(x, y4, marker='^' , color ='black',ms=10,label=u'E5')

plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro-F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

#--coding:utf-8-- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import * #支持中文 mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']

names = ['300','900', '1500', '2100','2700', '3300', '3900'] x = range(len(names))

0.0, 0.8881118881118881, 3.0, 0.9878048780487805, 1.0, 0.9402985074626866, 6.0, 0.6320754716981132, 5.0, 0.9701492537313433, 2.0, 0.7709251101321586, 7.0, 0.9699248120300752, 4.0, 0.6645962732919255, 0.8328584995251662,

y = [79.77,81.76, 80.62, 83.28,83.18, 81.05, 82.90] #0.0, 0.916083916083916, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9402985074626866, 6.0, 0.6415094339622641, 5.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.8193832599118943, 7.0, 0.9624060150375939, 4.0, 0.6335403726708074, 0.8452041785375118, y1= [77.87,82.71, 84.23, 84.52,82.67, 83.09, 82.62] #0.0, 0.8951048951048951, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9402985074626866, 6.0, 0.5566037735849056, 5.0, 0.9701492537313433, 2.0, 0.8546255506607929, 7.0, 0.9548872180451128, 4.0, 0.7080745341614907, 0.8499525166191833, y2 = [80.62, 82.03, 85.66, 85.00,85.84, 85.57, 84.90]

0.0, 0.916083916083916, 3.0, 0.9878048780487805, 1.0, 0.9402985074626866, 6.0, 0.660377358490566, 5.0, 0.9701492537313433, 2.0, 0.8678414096916299, 7.0, 0.9548872180451128, 4.0, 0.7204968944099379, 0.8670465337132004,

y3 = [79.19, 83.46, 86.42, 86.70,85.66, 86.33, 85.57] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(77, 88) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("accuracy (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 #E1 88.81 92.53 77.97 98.78 66.46 97.01 63.21 96.99 #E2 89.51 94.03 83.26 95.12 67.70 95.52 64.15 96.24 #E3 90.21 93.28 83.70 96.34 70.81 94.03 64.15 95.49 #E4 91.61 94.77 86.78 98.78 72.05 97.01 66.04 95.49 names = [u'农业',u'经济', u'政治', u'艺术',u'运动', u'医药', u'环境',u'空间'] x = range(len(names)) y = [88.81, 92.53, 77.97, 98.78, 66.46, 97.01, 63.21, 96.99] y1= [89.51, 94.03, 83.26, 95.12, 67.70, 95.52, 64.15, 96.24] y2 = [90.21 ,93.28, 83.70, 96.34, 70.81, 94.03, 64.15, 95.49] y3 = [91.61 ,94.77, 86.78, 98.78, 72.05, 97.01, 66.04, 95.49] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(60, 100) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"类别") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("accuracy (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

#--coding:utf-8-- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pylab import *
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties custom_font = FontProperties(fname=r'C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simsun.ttc') #mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ["Microsoft JhengHei"] mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 15 names = ['300','900', '1500', '2100','2700', '3300', '3900'] x = range(len(names)) y1 = [75.29,80.33, 79.53, 80.52,79.41, 78.58, 77.54] y= [72.82,76.84, 74.81, 77.81,73.66, 71.90, 71.11] #y2 = [85.33, 84.34, 83.41, 80.49,80.61, 85.57, 71.56] y2 = [75.43,79.52, 81.11,83.53,81.94, 80.12, 79.57] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 85) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, color ='black', marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1,color ='black', marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') #plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2,color ='black', marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro_F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 names = [u'农业',u'艺术', u'空间', u'医药',u'体育', u'经济', u'政治',u'环境'] x = range(len(names)) y1 =[82.66, 91.56, 62.83, 70.40,80.36, 85.23, 65.69, 81.22] y= [80.87, 85.71, 60.26, 62.93, 72.38, 85.37, 63.75, 83.62] y2 =[91.67 ,88.61,70.01, 79.99, 76.11, 83.46, 77.65, 90.40] #y3 = [91.61 ,94.77, 86.78, 98.78, 72.05, 97.01, 66.04, 95.49] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(60, 100) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, color ='black',marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, color ='black',marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2, color ='black',marker='^', ms=10,label=u'E3') #plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"类别") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel(u"F1值 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

names = ['300','600', '900', '1200','1500', '1800', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y2= [74.86,79.59, 82.24, 82.87, 83.52,82.80, 82.27] y1 = [76.54,78.19, 80.10,80.52, 81.28,80.92, 79.72] #y2 = [85.33, 84.34, 83.41, 80.49,80.61, 85.57, 71.56] y = [75.52,77.60, 79.04,78.94,80.28, 79.74, 79.36] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 85) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, color ='black',marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, color ='black',marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') #plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2, color ='black',marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro_F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 names = [u'汽车',u'文化', u'经济', u'医药',u'军事', u'运动'] x = range(len(names)) y= [86.03, 58.57, 86.15, 57.75, 84.49, 86.36] y1 =[84.57, 65.93, 83.84, 68.83,82.65, 86.36]

y2 =[88.65 ,67.86,87.68, 72.96, 83.05, 88.71] #y3 = [91.61 ,94.77, 86.78, 98.78, 72.05, 97.01, 66.04, 95.49] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(57, 92) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, color ='black',marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, color ='black',marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2,color ='black', marker='^', ms=10,label=u'E3') #plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"类别") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel(u"F1值 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 names = ['300','600', '900', '1200','1500', '1800', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) #y2 = [85.33, 84.34, 83.41, 80.49,80.61, 85.57, 71.56] y = [75.96,79.10, 75.35,78.72,78.67, 75.82, 75.46] y1 = [77.82,80.18, 79.69,80.41, 79.39,76.72, 75.92] y2= [77.46,78.87, 82.91, 84.38, 82.98,77.46, 77.26] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, color ='black',marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, color ='black',marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') #plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2,color ='black', marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro_F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题 names = [u'汽车',u'文化', u'经济', u'医药',u'军事', u'运动'] x = range(len(names)) y= [86.03, 58.57, 86.15, 57.75, 84.49, 86.36] y1 =[84.57, 65.93, 83.84, 68.83,82.65, 86.36]

y2 =[88.65 ,67.86,87.68, 72.96, 83.05, 88.71] #y3 = [91.61 ,94.77, 86.78, 98.78, 72.05, 97.01, 66.04, 95.49] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(57, 92) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, color ='black', marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1, color ='black',marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2') plt.plot(x, y2,color ='black', marker='^', ms=10,label=u'E3') #plt.plot(x, y3, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E4') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"类别") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel(u"F1值 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

names = ['300','700', '900', '1100','1300', '1700', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y = [86.45,87.87, 82.91, 84.38, 83.58, 77.46, 77.26] y1 = [86.23,87.87, 84.17, 83.43, 84.53, 74.59, 75.42] y2= [86.07,87.92, 83.53, 83.66, 84.31, 74.37, 76.29] y3= [86.12,89.22, 84.19, 83.39, 83.23, 76.85, 76.67] y4= [86.26,88.85, 83.57, 83.49, 83.46, 76.82, 76.29] y5= [85.86,84.75, 84.42, 83.22, 84.13, 76.19, 76.46] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1,marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2')

plt.plot(x, y2, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='>', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='<', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro_F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题

names = ['300','700', '900', '1100','1300', '1700', '2000'] x = range(len(names)) y = [88.52,87.61, 82.60, 83.61, 81.94, 79.79, 80.28] y1 = [88.02,84.59, 81.62, 81.11, 81.93, 80.06, 79.01] y2= [87.99,84.66, 82.15, 80.68, 81.65, 80.39, 79.15] y3= [88.15,84.96, 83.33, 80.45, 81.50, 80.71, 79.09] y4= [88.02,84.67, 82.45, 79.64, 81.59, 80.47, 79.42] y5= [87.50,84.85, 81.97, 79.53, 81.63, 80.56, 79.09] #plt.plot(x, y, 'ro-') #plt.plot(x, y1, 'bo-') #pl.xlim(-1, 11) # 限定横轴的范围 plt.ylim(70, 90) # 限定纵轴的范围 plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mfc='w',label=u'E1') plt.plot(x, y1,marker='*', ms=10,label=u'E2')

plt.plot(x, y2, marker='^' , ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='+', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='>', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.plot(x, y2, marker='<', ms=10,label=u'E3') plt.legend() # 让图例生效 plt.xticks(x, names, rotation=0) plt.margins(0) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.xlabel(u"特征维度/个") #X轴标签 plt.ylabel("macro_F1 (%)") #Y轴标签 #plt.title("A simple plot") #标题


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