it is a minimal single page, AJAX based, flat-file CMS designed and developed by mim.Armand (Work in progress)
- It is not ready yet!
- It is using and app shell created by me as well accessible from here: PHP-AJAX-APP-SHELL
- It is using mimses for session and Nonce management.
- You can use this code for free fot personal or even for commercial uses (if under 20K profit! seriously if you earn more you should share it then! :))) )
- I'll update the code as it goes, so bare with me :)
- Please contact me and share your ideas and opinion with me (for example if you see a problem etc.)
=========== ####IDEAS:
- Endorsments!
Tools that can be handy:
- complet this todo list! :/
- Auth Modules
- Persona
- Session manager module
- SQLite modules
- AJAX implementation