This repository contains the source code for our raytracer project implemented in C++, which supports various features including but not limited to materials, lighting models, and advanced primitives.
- Dielectric
- Isotropic
- Lambertian
- Metal
- Diffuse lights
- Ambient light
- Specular reflections
- Sphere
- Plane
- Cylinder
- Cone
- Unlimited Cylinder
- Unlimited Cone
- Box
- Triangle
- .obj files
- Translation
- Rotation (X, Y, Z)
- Scale
- Directional light
- Ambient light
- Drop shadows
- Phong reflection model
- Ambient occlusion
- Transparency, refraction, reflection in materials
- Texturing from file or procedural generation
- Normal mapping
- Adaptive supersampling
- Multithreading
- Clustering
- Space partitioning
The project is organized as follows:
- Includes: Contains the header files.
- Src: Contains the source files.
- plugins: Contains source code for plugins.
- Assets: Contains assets usable for configurations.
- Doc: Contains the documentation.
- scenes: Contains the scene
The project can be built using the provided Makefile. To compile the source code and produce an executable named raytracer
, run the following command in the terminal:
We use libconfig++ for parsing config files (.cfg). Below is an example configuration for a scene:
aspectRatio = 1.0;
imageWidth = 400;
samplesPerPixel = 400;
maxDepth = 50;
background = { r = 0.0; g = 0.0; b = 0.0; };
adaptativeSupersampling = { activated = true, threshold = 10.0 };
position = { x = 278.0; y = 278.0; z = -765.0; };
observation_position = { x = 278.0; y = 278.0; z = 0.0; };
fieldOfView = 40.0;
spheres = (
{ x = 190.0; y = 90.0; z = 190.0; r = 90.0; material = "Dielectric"; intensity = 1.5; },
{ x = 240.0; y = 300.0; z = 500.0; r = 90.0; material = "Lambertian"; color = { r = 0.65; g = 0.05; b = 0.05; } }
quads = (
{ q = { x = 555.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; }; u = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 555.0; }; v = { x = 0.0; y = 555.0; z = 0.0; }; material = "Lambertian"; color = { r = 1.0; g = 0.0; b = 0.5; } },
{ q = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 555.0; }; u = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = -555.0; }; v = { x = 0.0; y = 555.0; z = 0.0; }; material = "Lambertian"; color = { r = 1.0; g = 0.0; b = 0.5; } },
{ q = { x = 0.0; y = 555.0; z = 0.0; }; u = { x = 555.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; }; v = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 555.0; }; material = "Lambertian"; color = { r = 1.0; g = 0.0; b = 0.5; } },
{ q = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 555.0; }; u = { x = 555.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; }; v = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = -555.0; }; material = "Dielectric"; intensity = 1.5 },
{ q = { x = 555.0; y = 0.0; z = 555.0; }; u = { x = -555.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; }; v = { x = 0.0; y = 555.0; z = 0.0; }; material = "Lambertian"; color = { r = 1.0; g = 0.0; b = 0.5; } },
{ q = { x = 213.0; y = 554.0; z = 227.0; }; u = { x = 130.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; }; v = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 105.0; }; material = "DiffuseLight"; color = { r = 15.0; g = 15.0; b = 15.0; } }
lights = (
{ q = { x = 343.0; y = 554.0; z = 332.0; }; u = { x = -130.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; }; v = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = -105.0; }; }
If you wish to contribute to the project, you can follow these guidelines:
The project includes two plugins: LowResFilter and MedianFilter. You can build them using their respective Makefiles in the plugins/code directory.
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