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V2Ray Docker Compose Setups (Single Server, Relay and Upstream Servers, Websockets + TLS + CDN) with Shadowsocks, VMess, SOCKS, and HTTP Protocols

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V2Ray Docker Compose

This repository includes Docker Compose setups for V2Ray-based solutions designed to bypass firewalls in restricted networks.

The solutions described below are for highly restricted networks where direct access to upstream servers (servers with free internet) is unavailable. If you're looking for a simpler Docker Compose setup to run V2Ray on a single server, please refer to the V2Ray Docker Compose for Single Server.

Table of contents

Server Solutions

V2Ray Upstream and Relay Servers

The "V2Ray Upstream and Relay Servers" solution offers high stability and speed (depends on the network speeds of the relay and upstream servers).

The solution uses V2Ray on the upstream server, using the Shadowsocks protocol for communication with the relay server. The relay server provides Shadowsocks protocol for users, in addition to SOCKS5 and HTTP Proxy protocols for the relay server's own use.

The Shadowsocks protocol is used because it is fast and operates at layer 4 of the network. Additionally, there are many user-friendly client applications that support this protocol.

You will need two types of servers:

  • Upstream Server: A server with access to the free internet, likely located in a foreign data center.
  • Relay Server: A server that can connect to the upstream server and is accessible to users, likely located in the same region as the users.

The flow of V2Ray Upsream and Relay Servers:

Users <-> Relay Server <-> Upstream Server <-> Internet

Step 1: Setup Upstream Server

  1. Install Docker and Docker-compose (Official Documanetation).
  2. Run git clone to download this repository.
  3. Run cd v2ray-docker-compose/v2ray-upstream-server to change the directory.
  4. Replace <UPSTREAM-PASSWORD> in v2ray.json with a Shadowsocks password like FR33DoM.
  5. If ufw is installed and enabled, run ufw allow 8000.
  6. Run docker compose up -d.
  7. (Optional) Run ./../utils/ to setup BBR and speed up the server network.

Step 2: Setup Relay Server

  1. Install Docker and Docker-compose (Official Documanetation).
  2. Run git clone to download this repository.
  3. Run cd v2ray-docker-compose/v2ray-relay-server to change the directory.
  4. Replace the following variables in v2ray.json with appropriate values.
    • <RELAY-PASSWORD>: A password for Shadowsocks users like FR33DoM.
    • <UPSTREAM-IP>: The upstream server IP address (like
    • <UPSTREAM-PASSWORD>: The Shadowsocks password from the upstream server in the previous step.
  5. If ufw is installed and enabled, run ufw allow 8000.
  6. Run docker compose up -d.
  7. Run ./ to generate client configurations.
  8. (Optional) Run ./../utils/ to setup BBR and speed up the server network.

V2Ray Behind CDN

The "V2Ray Behind CDN" solution is recommended only if you don't have relay server to implement other solutions.

This solution provides VMess protocol over Websockets + TLS + CDN (Read more) for users.

In this solution, you need an upstream server and a domain integrated with a CDN service:

  • Upstream Server: A server with access to the free internet, likely located in a foreign data center.
  • CDN Service: A Content Delivery Network service like Cloudflare and ArvanCloud.

The flow of V2Ray Behind CDN:

Users <-> CDN <-> Upstream Server <-> Internet

Follow these steps to set up V2Ray, Caddy (Web server) and CDN:

  1. In the CDN panel, create an A record for the server IP with the proxy option disabled.
  2. Install Docker and Docker-compose (Official Documanetation).
  3. Run git clone to download this repository.
  4. Run cd v2ray-docker-compose/v2ray-caddy-cdn to change the directory.
  5. Run cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid to generate a UUID.
  6. Replace <UPSTREAM-UUID> in v2ray.json with the generated UUID.
  7. Replace <EXAMPLE.COM> in caddy/Caddyfile with your domain/subdomain.
  8. If ufw is installed and enabled, run ufw allow 80 and ufw allow 443 commands.
  9. Run docker compose up -d.
  10. Visit your domain/subdomain in your web browser. Wait until the homepage is loaded.
  11. In the CDN panel, enable the proxy option for the record created during the first step.
  12. Run ./ to generate client configuration.
  13. (Optional) Run ./../utils/ to setup BBR and speed up the server network.


  • If you prefer using NGINX as your web server, please refer to V2Ray Behind CDN and NGINX.
  • Some CDN services do not provide unlimited traffic with their free plans. Please check CDN Free Plans.
  • You can skip step 10 and keep the proxy off, but this could lead to quicker server blocking.

V2Ray as Relay for Outline

The "V2Ray as Relay for Outline" solution is stable, fast, easy to set up, and highly recommended.

It allows you to use Outline proxy tools to support the Shadowsocks protocol and provides the user-friendly Outline Client application for users, along with the Outline Manager app for setting up servers, creating and managing users, and tracking their traffic.

Read more in the Outline Bridge Server repository.

Client Applications

Shadowsocks Protocol

This is the list of recommended applications for Shadowsocks protocol:

VMess Protocol

This is the list of recommended applications for VMess protocol:

HTTP and SOCKS Protocols

Moved to HTTP & SOCKS Protocols.
