Software engineer from Ethiopia.
Here are some mile stone projects i have done.
- vimrcm: is a vimrc configuration manager that lets you manage your different vimrc configurations for different languages, code bases and so on.
- Monty: A simple interpreted stack oriented scripting language built with C.
- Responsive Web Designs: Collection of responsive web design milestone projects from my freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design curriculum.
- Simple Shell: This is a simple UNIX shell built with C that performs some tasks that a standard UNIX shell can perform.
- Seal: A business website done for a Private client that works on content and video production.
- Order Receiver: This a simple telegram bot that automates the hustle of regestering orders manualy by showing available items and letting user register their orders by giving them a series of prompots.
- Post forwarder: A telegram bot that forwards a given post to a given list of groups / channels in a given time interaval reapeatdly with some other features.
- Raffle Game: A tiktok fun raffle game that a live streamer could play with their audiences.