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Cryptography is the Dharma of numbers.

This teaching is in three parts.

  • The emptiness of numbers,
  • suchness of resulting appearances,
  • and the practice yoga taught in three parts
    • hashing
    • signing
    • cyphers


The Birth of Numbers

All things appearing to be self-existent can be understood by three pairs of characteristics (lakshana).

  • universal and particular
  • unity and diversity
  • formation and disintegration

Of these pairs, the first of each causes things to appear un-separated. The opposing quality appears as a result of the second.

Relativity between separated and unseparated results in the appearance of accumulation among divisions, resulting in various forms of measure to describe such division as differences in characteristic.

The term given to individuated units of measure appearing as a constant rate of accumulation is "number." Variations between languages and even variation in numeric base all have this as their root.

Beings from another world would know nothing of 1, 2, 3, or the rest of them. If they have ten fingers, they'll likely have a number system based in 10. If they appear to have descriminating consciousness, they'll have numbers. If they do not have descriminating conscioussness, they may be Buddha.

Now that we have the idea-concept of "numbers" we also have "not numbers." Some things are numbers, and some things are not numbers, these terms are based upon the characteristics of their appearance. As such, numbers are not inherently existent, they only appear existent from a determined point of observation.

We call the space in which numbers appear the "realm of numbers." This space is not said to be self-existent, it co-dependently arises with the field of relativity between all numbers in the apparent separation between that field and "not numbers."

Within the realm of numbers, dualistic appearances describing this space are termed 0 and Infinity.

Consistent incrementation in relativity between the two is co-depedent with an opposing decrementation. This results in the appearance of negative numbers, and consistency between the two oppositional characteristics (increasing and decreasing) is the basis of observable law in descriminated appearances.ödel%27s_incompleteness_theorems

Numbers as Data

Computation is a method in which energy passes through a series of binary gates.

Data is the appearance of “information” ascribed to an observed continuity of the state of gates observed in sequence, either as a collection of sequentially occuring gates or as an observation of one or more gates over time.

These descriptions are recorded to solid state material (storage) and copied over many forms of energy transmission. The information is understood to represent an ever increasing variety of things, occupying and ever increasing amount of collective attention.

The numbers used to describe a single gate are 1 and 0. The space in which they are observed is termed “bit.”

Using 8 of these spaces, we have a continuous sequence of 8 numbers of either 0 or 1. This space is termed “byte.”

There are 256 possible configurations of bits in a byte possible in the observable space. As we add more bits the potential configurations grow exponentially.

  • The truth of numbers appearing in the realm of one bit are 0 or 1.
  • The truth of numbers appearing in the realm of one byte are of 256 unique names.
  • The truth of numbers appearing in the realm of two bytes is of 65535 unique names.
  • The truth of numbers appearing in the realm of four bytes is of 2147483647 unique names.
  • Such is the truth of all numbers appearing in sequences of bits of a uniform size.

Since all relativity in the available number space can be understood this way, we can derive power from the observable laws governing the space.

If we are given a random number, we know that number is one of a limited number of possibilities determined by the size being observed.

If we take many random numbers and sort them, and we then wish to check if a particular number is included in this collection, we can predictably seek into the arrangment using the law of averages to perform a search.

As such, secure randomization is the source of all power in the realm of numbers.

What power?

The power of prediction, derived from the entanglement of such randomization and the laws of numbers observable in a fixed space.

By expanding this space, and the rules governing the expanded space, computation process can be produced that result in three derivative powers.

  • Hashing, a process in which data of an indeterminate length results in a consistent fingerprint that fits within a fixed space and is securely separated from all other fingerprints (securely random).
  • Signing, a process in which a secure fingerprint is produced that is unique to a secret [very large number] holder who can verfiably identify such a signature as being derived from their secret without sharing the secret.
  • Cypers, a process in which a continuity of input data is securely randomized and decodable by the holders of a secret [very large number].

These are methods of understanding numbers as data which do not require prior agreement or coordination to understand. One must only know the consistency of process in order to produce compatible proof, and this remains true for all subsequent processes built from these powers that stays within the realm of cryptography, meaning that it stays within the realm of numbers as they appear within each act of observation.

Data as Numbers


Numeric teachings of the secret mantra.






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