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Centerless is a secure virtual data (memory/storage) realm resulting from the de-centering of data from its address

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Centerless is a secure virtual data (memory/storage) realm resulting from the de-centering of data from its address

  • Centerless is not centralized.
  • Centerless is not de-centralized.
  • Centerless is entirely without center.

Centerless resembles a cryptographically complete virtual memory system, with equivalencies that entangle the determinism of different data encodings and authorities, upon which higher performance data structures can be built that can read and write data from/to anywhere.

This allows for the resolution of dispute among all contention for the characteristic "center" of data.

Such as:

All of these accomplish two goals:

  1. Dispute arising between incompatible systems can be resolved via cross-compatibility,
  2. The degree to which these systems are compatible is determined by the users and cryptographers nearest that system rather than the owners, creators, or maintainers of such systems,
  3. as such, any power resulting from the appearance of unity around the central point of dispute may be liberated by applying cryptography to the characteristics of sameness in ordinary appearance of that which appears to be divergent.

Centerless is documented as a collection of pure cryptographic processes. It's not written to/for a specific language, specification, software, hardware, etc.

Such processes accept bytes, view them as numbers, and return proof as very large numbers encoded to bytes. If you've got numbers and bytes you should be able to implement centerless proofs along with the relevant data structure operations and transports in whatever system you require to accomplish the intended result.

This respository includes implementions in plain JavaScript, suitable for browsers, Node.js, and any other JS environment.

Power of the Public

This page may seem overly philosophical but it’s important to remain abstract when the potential application is so vast.

Humans have been describing our world with bytes for decades and continue to invest more and more of our being in this activity. Most of the communication between beings, our art, our culture, all of it appears to be moving as bytes.

That appearance of movement is the space of application for centerless. Cryptography is bytes in and bytes out, and Centerless is about applying cryptography to data as we already see it.

Centerless is not a new thing you put data into, it’s for describing any data you can see so that we, the public, can build upon all that we see without having to negotiate with whatever power seems to have collected around the data we already see.

We think that large companies, institutions, standards groups, governance boards, and all the accumulated interests of technology and commerce are holding power by holding data. But data is never valuable in and of itself, the value of anything depends upon an observer. All that we see we place some value on, spending attention and capital investing in that value wherever it appears to be. The value they appear to hold depends on us, they can’t “take it away” without making it valueless.

If the public can see this data, and they need us to see it in order for it be of value, then what is stopping us from building with each other upon what we already see?

Cryptography can authenticate that:

  • two (or more) parties are talking about the same thing
  • without either party trusting one another
  • and without any outside authority.

Anything we see, we can talk about in this trustless manor. We know this, but we easily forget it. Why?

Nāmarūpa (Name and Form), once something “exists” it has a name, once something has a name it is said to “exist.” We can’t talk about data without giving it a name. The name any authority uses will be centered around on them. When we try to talk about data that is absent this authority we give it a new name, and that new name results in new data, and since we are taking part in the creation of new names the new name is centered closer to our views and interests.

This dualistic tension between authority/ownership and the independent authenticatability of data is resolved by

  1. understanding that data and address, name and form, are inter-dependent and do not exist apart from each other
  2. that the appearance of data (bytes) exists apart from this duality,
  3. and that this appearance can be authenticated by cryptography which is a method that results in a name.

Centerless is built upon method rather than the resulting name. Differences between methods can be reconciled via proof, so we build upon proof rather than names.

But how can I authenticate data claimed to be “tweets” without receiving data from Tweets are things that are created, owned, and read from, that’s what the word “tweet” means!

If the Internet Archive said “this is data is tweets” would you beleive them? I would, most others would as well. Even if I didn’t, most people have no problem checking to verify.

So then, what is stopping us from building data layers and alternate applications that build on top of the data anyone can see?

The entire category of “data products” available to us to solve such problems are built for the sorts of institutions that have large data problems, data owners, rather than the public. To date, everyone who has come into contact with the cryptography to solve these problems has created new systems that encode new data resulting in new accumulations of power among the founding actors of those systems. Given enough time these systems bear the characteristics of centralization of prior systems with new names.

Centralized, De-Decentralized, and Centerless

Things are understood to be centralized when their address describes a single (center) location.

Data appears to be de-centralized when it is de-located from its singular location address using a hash digest based addess. One-way hash functions and derivative one-way cryptography are used to arrive at a hash digest that relies upon no authority or central location since anyone implementing the algorithm can produce proof. This also means that consensus and compatibility are determined by algorithmic compatibility rather than specification alignment.

In both of these systems (centralized and de-centralized),

  • there is an address,
  • and there is data being addressed.

The appearance of "de-centering" is the loss of singularity in data location because "center" had previously defined as "location".

In truth, authenticatable data structures "de-locate", rather than "de-center" data. In both systems (centrally located and cryptographically de-located), data and addresses are inter-dependent. The center of one system is a location and the center of the other is a hash digest.

The cryptography we're talking about here is very simple. We're passing data into a function that returns some form of proof: a deterministic, guaranteed unique, byte range of a predictable (fixed) size which could also be viewed as a very large number guaranteed to be “random” within a fixed albeit incredibly large number space. That's true of sha2, and it's true of git and IPFS and all systems that use hash functions to link their internally encoded descriptions of data.

The problem is that every new cryptographic process we write potentially results in a differentiated address. This means that data, the thing we're actually trying to represent, is being divided and segmented into new silos resulting from the re-centering of the address to a fixed representation of a single method of cryptography.

As an example, many data products across many categories offer features related to the hash digest of an API result or file. File and data addresses for IPFS files, Bittorrent, dat, git, and every other system built from a merkle structure that include meta information and/or represent the file as a byte array, all result in different addresses.

This difference in addresses has meant a lack of compatibility between systems and lead all of these sytems to pursue their own transport layers with minimal support for existing transports like HTTP. So, in practice, this is worse than data just being divided by encoding, it's also being divided by transport.

Centerless uses recusively composable virtual data interfaces so that the cryptography applied to them does not depend on a single identifier (center), meaning there is no single fixed address for data in centerless. We can then define structured equivalencies between data representations such that the differentiating characteristics of the encoding layer are irrelevant as long as they can read bytes that result in compatible proof.

If there's a means of cryptographic verification between formats, then centerless can treat them equally. As long as the resulting proofs match, the data from different encodings, addresses, and locations can be mixed and matched.

All data, everywhere on the Internet, using any transport (HTTP, FTP, git, Bittorrent, IPFS) is acceptible input if it ends in a matching proof. Once anyone has a matching proof they can publish the cryptography that arrived at that proccess for the benefit of others doing the same. Rather than dividing data among encodings and networks, centerless allows for the entanglement of determinism between cryptographies so that each can be used together if the sources are truly equivalent.

Input, Instructions, and Proof

Let's define "data" in the abstract as "some bytes." All data, at some point or another, is turned into bytes. This way, centerless works with all systems that work in bytes, which is all systems.

Let's call the base interface for data (secure virtual memory) Centerless.

There are three interfaces that inherit, or extend, this interface.

  1. Input (Bytes)
  2. Instructions (Array of Numbers)
  3. Proof (Array of Hash Digests)

Each of these interfaces derive from Centerless and Centerless can be seen as these interfaces collected as a triple ([ Input, Instructions, Proof]) representing a cryptographically secured virtual memory system that can produce and consume partial proofs using the same interface that provides partial selectivity for the Input.

  • Instuctions can be Input,
  • Input can be Instructions.
  • Proof can be Input or Instructions.
  • Input could be Proof but not all Inputs can be Proof.

This results in forms of recursion that may previously have appeared to be impossible as they are not expressable in any system of cryptography that exclusively builds upon its own encoding. But anyone familiar with cryptography enough to recognize the power of equivalency should see that one must only entangle the determinism of one system with another to move between statements of equality never intentionally expressed in the original encodings.

What holds these unions together are the characteristics of each interface and how they interrelate.


Input is a view of data as bytes.

  • it has a .read(offset, close) interface.

Input is also a view of data as a byte array.

  • it's a representation of data as a sequence of sized byte segments (but could be only one segment long).
  • which means you can do all kinds of generic functional programming on the array to build proofs.

Since Instructions and Proofs are valid Input they also have these characteristics.


Instructions is a view of an array of numbers.

  • there aren't more than a few encodings, so equivalencies are easy to build and validate
  • we've succesfully avoided most types! arrays of numbers are supported even more widely than JSON 🤣
  • proof functions must be able to calculate the width (number of hashes) of a resulting proof with only the Instructions. this allows Input to remain virtualized while the proof function writes into the allocated width.

Remember, proof functions can .read() from anywhere in the Input. When we build more sophisticated data structures that need more than just numbers it'll be passed as additional Input, so don't go thinking that the only thing a proof function can understand or build against is numbers.

Instructions only need to be what is necessary to selectively .read() the input and allocate the width of the proof.

Instruction interfaces implement a specific encoding scheme when they are .read() but are often able to stay agnostic of encoding. Even when they aren't agnostic of encoding, there aren't that many potential encoding schemes, so equivalency proofs can be generated and generalized for a small set of potential encodings.


Proof is a view of an array of hash digests.

  • each element of the byte array is securely randomized relativistic fingerprint,
    • so if the proof can be calculated selectively based on the read position in the proof you can work with partial proofs.
  • if you sort the digests before you write them, you can predictably seek into it as an index. the performance of this sort of index is faster than any tree you could build.
  • if you decode the trailing bytes of any element in the byte array as a number, it's a securely randomized number. just make sure you read the number from the back of the digest because if the digests are sorted it won't be very random :)

All proofs in centerless are hash function agnostic and can be built from any standard hash function (sha2, blake3, etc).

When proofs are addressed as a single block the resulting address must be a multihash. The hash algorithm and digest length of that address is the same hash algorithm and length used for every hash in the proof.

Since proofs are encoded separately from the input data and proof instructions, proofs are easily upgraded to new hash functions without re-encoding any of the underlying data layer. When addresses to foreign resources are written using a different multihash the differences between them can be closed with equivalencies just like the differences in all other Input sources.

Location Claims

Various means of retreiving data on the internet exist.

In Centerless, verifiable claims are written regarding any relevant location data needed to satisfy proof might reside. These claims map a URI to a hash digest. It may be the case that this claim is never entirely verified, as is the case when a sub-ranges of data are used.

This allows centerless to leverage numerous centralized data transmission protocols without ever becoming centralized itself.

This allows centerless to liberate data from any location you find it in, since anything you build upon in centerless depends not on the location but on the cryptography resulting from that location and can grow to include any other location that can make proof.


All extant crytopgraphic addresses for a file are one of two things

  1. the digest of a standardized one-way hash function applies to the entire file content
  2. the digest address of a merkle representation of the file as a byte array. this true of bittorrent, ipfs, dat, and others.

Input can represent both of these scenarios natively with DigestProof and ByteArrayProof.

Inputs, and equivalencies between these representations and native representations, can be implemented for

Directories and Maps


Centerless is a secure virtual data (memory/storage) realm resulting from the de-centering of data from its address






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