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Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.


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Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.

It actually can serve the content of other file types as well as sending the files itself as response.

Comes as a Node.js server. Useful for mocking, testing and developing independent of the »real« backend.

Sorry, this project is unmaintained 😢

Thanks to all contributors for your work!

We’ve just pushed a last release which fixes some bugs, make this thing run with Node 18.


Let’s say you need an endpoint like https://localhost:8081/api/example which should return:

  "response": "Yeah"

It’s a matter of seconds to create this endpoint with help of this little hapi server.

It might take a few seconds longer as setting up the well-made JSON Server but it’s way more flexible.


  • Node.js (18.12.0 or greater)


git clone
npm install

Or with help of Yeoman

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-http-fake-backend

This comes in handy, because the Yeoman generator has a sub-generator to setup endpoints of your fake backend very convenient. See

Default Address

The server runs at https://localhost:8081/ providing a page with links to all existing API endpoints.

Start the server

There are the following two options.

During development

npm run start:dev

This way the server uses nodemon to restart itself on changes.

Later (eg. for tests in CI)

npm start

Just starts the server via node.

Configure endpoints

Each endpoint needs a configuration file in /server/api/ to define routes, http method and the response.

Example configurations

Simple Example


module.exports = SetupEndpoint({
    name: 'simpleExample',
    urls: [{
        requests: [
            { response: '/response-files/simpleExample.json' }

Advanced Example


module.exports = SetupEndpoint({
    name: 'anotherExample',
    urls: [{
        params: '/read',
        requests: [{
            method: 'GET',
            response: '/response-files/anotherExample.json'
    }, {
        params: '/update/{id}',
        requests: [{
            method: ['PUT', 'PATCH'],
            response: {
                success: true
        }, {
            method: 'DELETE',
            response: {
                deleted: true
    }, ]

Serving different content types


module.exports = SetupEndpoint({
    name: 'fileTypes',
    urls: [{
        params: '/json',
        requests: [{
            response: '/response-files/simpleExample.json'
    }, {
        params: '/text',
        requests: [{
            response: '/response-files/example.txt',
            mimeType: 'text/plain'
    }, {
        params: '/html',
        requests: [{
            response: '/response-files/example.html',
            mimeType: 'text/html'
    }, {
        params: '/pdf',
        requests: [{
            response: '/response-files/example.pdf',
            sendFile: true

Faking HTTP errors and status code


module.exports = SetupEndpoint({
    name: 'statusCodes',
    urls: [
            params: '/boomError',
            requests: [{
                // Returns a 402 status code + error message provided by boom:
                // {
                //   "error" : "Payment Required",
                //   "message" : "Payment Required",
                //   "statusCode" : 402
                // }
                statusCode: 402
            params: '/customError',
            requests: [{
                // Returns a HTTP status code 406 and a self defined response:
                response: { error: true },
                statusCode: 406
            params: '/regularResponse',
            requests: [{
                // Returns a 401 error provided by boom
                // as defined on endpoint level
                response: '/response-files/anotherExample.json'
    statusCode: 401

The configuration object in Detail:

  • name
    • Is used to set the endpoint.
  • urls
    • You need to add at least one url object.
  • urls.params
    • Optional
    • URL path parameters with fixed and/or variable path segments.
    • Example:
      • params: '/update/{id}'
    • See hapi docs. For example regarding optional path parameters.
  • urls.requests
    • You need to add at least one request object.
    • Multiple request objects are needed in case you like to serve different responses via different HTTP methods with the same URL.
  • urls.requests.method
    • optional. Uses GET when not defined.
    • string, or array of strings.
    • is used to define the http method(s) to which the endpoint will listen.
  • urls.requests.response
    • Could be a string pointing to a file:
      • response: '/response-files/articles.json'
    • Or just a JavaScript object:
      • response: { success: true }
  • urls.requests.mimeType
    • Optional (string). Defaults to application/json.
    • Is used to set the content-type response header.
  • urls.requests.sendFile
    • Optional (boolean). Defaults to false.
    • Sends the file as response instead of returning the file content.
  • urls.requests.statusCode
    • Optional (boolean). Defaults to 200
    • The HTTP status code of the response.
    • Will return:
      • a status code with a self defined response if you provide a response property
      • a status code with a predefined error object provided by boom if you dont provide a response property for that request.
  • statusCode
    • Optional
    • Every subroute of this endpoint will return a HTTP error with the given status code provided by boom.

Configure server

The main config is handled via a file named .env with the following content:

# Could be either `development` or `production`

# Port of the Server

# Port for running the tests

# URL Prefix for the endpoints
# eg. https://localhost:8081/api/foo

# Custom response header


  • Yeoman Generator – Easily generate your fake backend and use sub-generators to setup endpoints like ⚡


Please be aware of the licenses of the components we use in this project. Everything else that has been developed by the contributions to this project is under MIT License.