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Effortlessly convert Spotify links to your preferred streaming service
Improved diffusion generative models with subspaces
Stanford NLP Python Library for Understanding and Improving PyTorch Models via Interventions
Alice in Wonderland code base for experiments and raw experiments data
🤗 A specialized library for integrating context-free grammars (CFG) in EBNF with the Hugging Face Transformers
Template to create a pyo project on the bela platform
Probabilistic programming with programmable variational inference.
Community spaces, consent, privacy, transparency, online.
Lecture materials for Cornell CS5785 Applied Machine Learning (Fall 2024)
A domain-specific probabilistic programming language for reasoning about reasoning
A library for mechanistic interpretability of GPT-style language models
An implementation of system-versioned tables in Postgres using only triggers, with a time travelling todo app as a showcase.
A package for defining deep learning models using categorical algebraic expressions.
An inductive logic programming system
Diagnostic benchmark suite to explicitly test logical relational reasoning on natural language
An experimental language for causal reasoning
Optimal transport tools implemented with the JAX framework, to get differentiable, parallel and jit-able computations.
AutoBound automatically computes upper and lower bounds on functions.
Reinforcement learning environments for drug discovery
Bartosz Milewski's 'Category Theory for Programmers' unofficial PDF and LaTeX source
Build and publish crates with pyo3, cffi and uniffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
Official Implementation for the ICML2022 paper "Directed Acyclic Transformer for Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation"