PCI Express™ libraries and templates for KiCad Made using guidelines from PCI Express™ Card Electromechanical Specification Rev. 1.1
- x1 cards: full size, half length, low profile
- x4 cards: full size, half length, low profile
- x8 cards: full size, half length, low profile
- x16 cards: full size, half length, low profile
- x1
- x4
- x8
- x16
- Bracket
- x1 with multiple card outlines
- x4 with multiple card outlines
- x8 with multiple card outlines
- x16 with multiple card outlines
- Full height bracket (with 3D model)
- Low profile bracket (with 3D model)
- Low profile to full height adapter bracker (with 3D model)
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