I'm a software developer based in Northern Europe. I have a diverse background with studies in physics, design, and media-science, and I earned my computer science expert in application development in early 2023. I have a passion for problem-solving and specialize in Python.
I'm an interested human with a wide range of passions. Beyond coding, I'm intrigued by Physics, Philosophy, Engineering, Art, and Music. I love exploring new concepts, learning about different fields, and finding ways to integrate this knowledge into my work.
- Languages: Python, Bash, C, Java,
- Databases: Postgresql, SQLite, MySQL
I'm always looking to collaborate on interesting projects. If you have an idea or if you need a helping hand with your projects, don't hesitate to reach out.
You can reach me at info[at]mevemo.de.
I believe in the power of open source and enjoy contributing to projects that I find interesting or beneficial. Check out my repositories to see what I've been working on recently!
Thank you for visiting my profile. Enjoy exploring