The new repository for store my dotfile.
- Using git --bare for store my dotfile
- Oh My Zsh for zsh
- vim-pathogen for vim
- vim-plug for vim
- Make sure, you already no have conflict files
- Clone this repository with command
git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfile
or you can run manual alias command
alias dotcf='git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfile/ --work-tree=$HOME'
NOTE: add alias command on your bashrc file and resource it
- Run ignore command on your local
dotcf config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
This command may be make some file on your repo is in stages of modified or delete. You need to re add file of you repo
Additional Configuration.
I use zsh for my usage.
NOTE: on oh-my-zsh when you add new plugin on your configuration.
You need to remove .zcompdump*
on your home directory.