A decorator for caching properties in classes.
💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs
The OpenAPI Specification Repository
📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
Mr. Queue - A distributed worker task queue in Python using Redis & gevent
A Python module for a template language that generates randomized data
Aggregate Python log messages into a single log entry
Deep learning software for colorizing black and white images with a few clicks.
HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000!
Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation
Free HTTPS certificates without having to trust the letsencrypt cli with sudo/root
Script for dump database + media and upload to another server
The iOS version of 2048, made using SpriteKit
Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
PostgreSQL full-text search integration with django orm.
Distributed Task Queue (development branch)