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Source Code for MetaMedSeg: Volumetric Meta-learning for Few-Shot Organ Segmentation accepted in DART Workshop at MICCAI 2022

Place data in a folder named "data" in the project root directory


Extracting slices from .nii.gz volumes:

  • place unpacked folders project root directory
  • setup parameters in preprocessing_params.json file
  • run python --params_file=preprocessing_params.json The resulting slices and masks will be saved to PROJECT_DIR/data/orgrans/task_name


Running pre-training sript for transfer:

  • setup parameters in pretrain_params.json file
  • run python --exp_type=pretrain --params=pretrain_params.json

Parameters guide

  • datasets - list of tasks to be used for pretraining (e.g. "vessel_cancer" - see folder names)
  • weights_path - path where the weights should be saved
  • max_samples - limit number of samples for each tasks to speed up training. Reasonable choice is 2000
  • loss_type - loss function, available are: iou, bce, bce_weighted. Other losses can also be used but have not been tested. Default is iou.
  • norm_type - type of normalizaton: "instance" or "batch" (default is "instance")


Running meta-learning script:

  • setup parameters in meta_params.json file
  • run python --exp_type=meta --params=meta_params.json

Parameters guide

  • tasks_per_iteration - how many tasks should be sampled per meta-iteration
  • num_shots - number of shots to be used for each task
  • outer_epochs - number of meta-epochs
  • inner_lr, inner_wd - parameters for local model in the inner loop
  • inter_epoch_decay - indicate whether the lr should decay over meta-epochs
  • meta_decay - indicate whether the meta-learning rate should decrease
  • val_shots - choose a number to reduce computation time, if set to null, then validated on the whole validation set
  • scheduler - select learning rate scheduler. Available are: "exp", "step", "plateau", "cyclic"
  • val_size - percentage of data to be hold out as a validation set (it's not necessary that all will be used)
  • weighted_update_rule:
    • null - standard reptile
    • mean - computes the average model and rewards rare models
    • meta - computes the distances from meta-model and rewards more rare
    • diff_based - penalizes models that learn more slowly
    • loss_based - penalizes models with largest difference between train and val loss
    • ft_val - rewards models that provide better initial iou for target dataset
  • invert_weights - turns rewards into penalties and vice versa depending on weighted updated rule as described above
  • norm_type - type of normalizaton: "instance" or "batch" (default is "instance")



  • setup parameters in ft_params.json file
  • run python --exp_type=ft --params=ft_params.json

Parameters guide

  • meta_weights_path - path to meta-weighted obtained during meta-learning
  • transfer_path - path to weights obtained during pretraining (we can use any other weights as well, but the result will be saved in columns with prefix "transfer")
  • targets - dataset we're fine-tuning on. Default strategy is to pass just one target dataset like in the default setting file
  • report_path - path for saving the results
  • other parameters are similar to pre-training parameters


Standard setup (except for nibabel):

  • Pytorch 1.5.1+ (last tested on 1.7.1)
  • pandas, numpy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, skimage
  • nibabel

All tasks list:

["brain_edema_FLAIR", "brain_edema_FLAIR", "brain_edema_t1gd", "brain_edema_T1w", "brain_edema_T2w", "brain_e_tumour_FLAIR", "brain_e_tumour_t1gd", "brain_e_tumour_T1w", "brain_e_tumour_T2w", "brain_ne_tumour_FLAIR", "brain_ne_tumour_t1gd", "brain_ne_tumour_T1w", "brain_ne_tumour_T2w", "colon", "heart", "hippocampus_anterior", "hippocampus_posterior", "lung", "pancreas", "pancreas_cancer", "prostate_peripheral_T2", "prostate_transitional_T2", "spleen", "vessel", "vessel_cancer"]


See example setups in "sample_setups" folder:

  • pretrain_params_config1 - params to perform main experiment
  • meta_params_config1 - config with the parameters that worked best
  • ft_params_config1 - basic fine-tuning setup to compare transfer vs meta To run: python --exp_type=ft --params_file=sample_setups\ft_params_config1.json


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