SignalServer is intended to become a web app to accompany QCTools. Some early planning documentation is available in this Vision doc.
Signalserver can run anywhere as long as the host OS has docker-engine and docker compose are installed.
Signalsever is designed using docker in mind. So please install docker-engine and docker-compose before you start.
If you are using mac or windows, you can also install docker made for either Window or Mac. You can refer to following documentations for docker installation.
##!!! Please follow docker's documentation for these installation exactly according to your OS. !!!
Once you are installed docker engine, docker compose also need to be installed. Docker-compose needs to be above version 1.7. So if you have an older version of docker-engine or docker-compose, it probably need to be updated for both. Docker compose instruction for install is below.
Once you have docker installed and confirmed docker is running, you can install signal server.
If you installed Docker by using Docker for Mac... there is one more step:
Create a directly where you want to mount the file volume for signalserver. (default is /file) So create /file directly if you don't have a strong preference about it.
Then you click on docker icon on the top right bar and select "preferences" and select "File Sharing" tab
In the File Shareing tab, click '+' icon and select /file (the directly you created in previous step). And /file should be added to "File Sharing"
Then, you need to comment out the first 4 lines of or
These four lines needs to be commented out.
#docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
#docker-machine start default
#docker-machine env default
#eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
If you are using older version of mac or windows, you still need these above four lines, so please uncomment these before you run the quickstart.
Now signalserver is ready to be installed.
If you run this script often, or if your script got stuck and don't produce any output, you may want to remove the intermediate containers/images every once in a while.
docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm -f
docker images -a -q | xargs docker rmi -f
git clone
cd signalserver
Singal server has a capacity to accept large number of files. Thus, we also want to give a user to determine where the files are stored in your host OS.
For example, the host OS has 8G of the storage but you mounted extra spece in /data directly of your host OS. And you want to designate your file storage would be in your /data directly. In this case, your file storage path is :
You can set this value either in the .env file or you can run with ./quickstart script. Default value for this value is:
If you don't have any special arrangement for space, you can just create the .env file with above line in the project root directly. (It is already created in this folder). In docker container, it will be stored in /var/signalserver/files directly.
When you have docker-engine and docker-compose is installed and .env file is created with above value, you just need to run below script.
Then, it should tell you where the IP address of the web server docker container is running.
If you didn't set up the .env file, but you still want to store the files at the specific location, you can also run the command following way.
In this point, your application is running on port of the localhost that tells you. However, you may not have frontend asset.
If it is the case, you need to open file and change the 1st line as below. In this example, this person's signalserver folder is located on Users/username/signalserver/Dockerfile-frontend So in this example, the first line of the is changed as as below.
docker build -t signalserver-frontend -f /Users/username/signalserver/Dockerfile-frontend
Once you changed your to your project's Dockerfile-frontend path, save the file and run
After you run, run again following the first step.
And it should be it!
If doing a lot of development work and building many dockers, you may want to clean up by running docker ps -a -q | xargs docker rm -f
Once you are running the signalserver and you create your credential at the site, you can upload the file not only from the site, but also using the API from signalserver. The curl command is as below.
curl -i -u "username:password" [signalserver IP]:8000/fileuploads/upload/ --upload-file [your file name]
Example: You want to upload the filename '5A_born_digital_ffv1.qctools.xml.gz' to the server and your username and password is user1 and password2
curl -i -u "user1:password2" --upload-file 5A_born_digital_ffv1.qctools.xml.gz
The file existance check returns true or false by given filename.
curl -i -u "username:password" [signalserver IP]:8000/fileuploads/check_exist/[your file name]
Example: You want to check the filename '5A_born_digital_ffv1.qctools.xml.gz' exist in the server or not. The server is and your username and password is user1 and password2
curl -i -u "user1:password2"
The delete a file by given filename.
curl -i -u "username:password" [signalserver IP]:8000/fileuploads/delete_file/ --data "filename=[yourfilename]"
Example: You want to delete the filename '5A_born_digital_ffv1.qctools.xml.gz' from the server. The server is and your username and password is user1 and password2
curl -i -u "user1:password2" --data="filename=5A_born_digital_ffv1.qctools.xml.gz"
The create group allow you to create a new group. The name needs to be unique. (It will return error message if it is not.)
curl -u "username:password" [signalserver IP]:8000/groups/create_group -data="groupname=[your groupname]"
Example: You want to create a new group named 'panda_group'. The server is and your username and password is user1 and password2
curl -i -u "user1:password2" --data "groupname=panda_group"
The Add file allow you to add a file to a group. Both file and group needs to be exist in the server. (It will return error message if one or both of them is not.)
curl -u "username:password" [signalserver IP]:8000/groups/add_file -data="groupname=[your groupname]&filename=[your filename]"
Example: You want to add a file named 'cucumber.gocart.xml.gz' 'panda_group'. The server is and your username and password is user1 and password2
curl -i -u "user1:password2" --data "groupname=panda_group&filename=cucumber.gocart.xml.gz"