Launch your ROS nodes using Python launch files, but without weird substitutions and code bloat.
Print a table with ACTUAL sizes of packages in Arch Linux!
Structured object storage, dynamically typed, to be shared between processes. C++ library and Python bindings.
Tools to process data from the ADUULM dataset
Git hook that can format and check your source files before you commit them to your repository.
cmake macros simplifying the creation of ROS2 packages and library-only packages
Logging macros for C/C++ projects. It also provides a Python library for logging in Python.
A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics in representations other than raw pixel data.
A Hybrid-A* planner with early stopping for efficient path planning and extended motion primitives to account for the motion capabilities of the U-Shift II vehicle. Author: Oliver Schumann
A header-only C++ library with full Python bindings for handling, converting, and storing 3D motions and poses.
DeepCLR: Correspondence-Less Architecture for Deep End-to-End Point Cloud Registration
An open-source Python library for extrinsic sensor calibration.
Monocular Geometric Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving. A combination of panoptic segmentation and self-supervised depth estimation. Code release for our ICCV 2021 paper
Revisiting K-Net for Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation. Code release for our IV 2023 paper.
uulm-mrm / yolov5
Forked from ultralytics/yolov5YOLOv5 🚀 trained on BDD100k
(RA-L 2023) Official toolkit for the SemanticSpray Dataset.
Transmitting UPER ASN.1 encoded ETSI messages over AMQP connections
Hot code reloading for python scripts with a main loop
Basic CPU temperature monitoring using lm-sensors
A parallelized, modern, extendable, single-header, C++11 implementation of the iLQR algorithm.
Application state in shared memory for python on GNU/Linux
Setup temporary local networks with dhcpd, supporting network booting and internet forwarding.
A simple python3/pyqt5 timer and systray to run borg backup from a laptop with changing environments