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Inbox Smart Contract

Smart contract with NodeJs. This project is a test on how to build a simple smart contract for storing a string and reading it. The contract is deployed to rinkeby testnet. Can be found here


├──               # You are here 👇
├── compile.js              # Compiler fo code 📦
├── contracts               # All smart contracts ( solidity )
│   └── inbox.sol           # Contract to interact with inbox
├── deploy.js               # Take compile code and deploy to network 🚀
├── package.json            # Scripts & dependencies 📜
└── test                    # Test for the contracts
    └── inbox.test.js       # Mocha test 🧪


The basic flow consist on the compiler taking the contract source code and genereting the bytecode and an ABI ( interface ). The bytecode will be deploy on a local test network using Ganache and the ABI will be feed to Web3 so we have programmatinc access.

To run the test use this command 👇

npm run test


To compile and deploy the contract create a .env file and fill the url of the api in Infura and your mnemonic from your wallet. Finally use this command 👇

node deploy.js