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1. py-armodel

1.1. Purpose

To support AUTOSAR model with python

1.2. Reference Documents

  1. AUTOSAR_TPS_XMLSchemaProductionRules.pdf
  2. AUTOSAR_TPS_ARXMLSerializationRules.pdf
Version Documentation Travis CI Coverage Status Pypi
GitHub version Documentation Status Coverage Status PyPI version

1.3. How to create the distribution and upload to pypi

  1. Run python bdist_wheel to generate distribution
  2. Run twine check dist/* to check the validation of distribution
  3. Run twine upload dist/* to upload to pypi repository
  4. Check the website to find out it works or not

And more details can be found at

1.4. How to perform Unit test

  • Run pip install pytest pytest-cov to install pytest.
  • Run pytest --cov=armodel --cov-report term-missing to verify all the functionality.

1.5. How to create a distribution and wheel

  • Run python sdist bdist_wheel --universal

1.6. How to create the document

  1. Run pip install sphinx to install the necessary document

1.7. Heritage

- ARObject
  - Referrable
    - MultilanguageReferrable
      - Identifiable
        - PackageableElement
          - ARElement
            - AtpType
              - AutosarDataType
              - PortInterface
                - DataInterface
                  - NvDataInterface
                  - ParameterInterface
                  - SenderReceiverInterface
            - BswModuleEntry
            - EndToEndProtectionSet
          - Implementation
            - BswImplementation
        - AtpFeature
          - AtpPrototype
            - AtpPrototype
              - DataPrototype
                - AutosarDataPrototype
                  - VariableDataPrototype
                - ApplicationCompositeElementDataPrototype
                  - ApplicationArrayElement
                  - ApplicationRecordElement
          - AtpStructureElement
            - BswModuleDescription
        - ExecutableEntity
        - SwcBswMapping
        - PortPrototype
          - AbstractProvidedPortPrototype
            - PPortPrototype
          - AbstractRequiredPortPrototype
            - RPortPrototype
  - ValueSpecification
    - ConstantReference

1.8. CLI usages

1.8.1. arxml-dump

Dump all the arxml data to screen

arxml-dump --arxml arg -h

--arxml arg The file name of arxml data -h show the help information arxml-dump usage

Dump the arxml data from test1.arxml and test2.arxml

$arxml-dump --arxml test1.arxml --arxml test2.arxml

1.8.2. arxml-swc

List all the SwComponentType in the autosar model

usage: swc-list [-h] [-v] [-f FORMAT] [--filter FILTER] Input [Input ...]

-h, --help show the help message and exit -v, --verbose Print debug information -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT Specify the short or long name of Sw-C. short : only print the short name of SWComponentType long : print the SWComponentType with ARPackage names --filter FILTER Set the filter condition. CompositionSwComponent : Print the CompositionSwComponent only. List all the SW-Components in the specific path

$arxml-swc <arxml_folder> List all the CompositionSwComponent with the long name

$arxml-swc --format long --filter CompositionSwComponent <arxml_folder> 

1.8.3. connector2xlsx

Export all the SwConnector (AssemblySwConnector, DelegationSwConnector) to excel file

$connector2xlsx src/armodel/tests/test_files/SoftwareComponents.arxml data/SoftwareComponents.xlsx

1.8.4. connector-update

Update all the SwConnector (AssemblySwConnector, DelegationSwConnector) from excel file

$connector-update src/armodel/tests/test_files/SoftwareComponents.arxml data/SoftwareComponents.xlsx data/Test.arxml

1.9. API

1.9.1. Constructor

  ARXMLParser(options={"warning": True})

1.10. Change notes:

Version 0.1.1

Add the ARRAY category support for ImplementationDataType

Version 0.1.2

Add the AsynchronousServerCallPoint support for ARXML

Version 0.1.3

Fix the attribute intervalType of Limit is empty issue.

Version 1.0.0

  1. Add the logging support
  2. Add the option to disable exception raised.
  3. Add the BswMD support

Version 1.1.0

  1. Add the InitEvent support. (Issue #5)
  2. Add the DataReceiveEvent support. (Issue #5)
  3. Add the SwcModeSwitchEvent support. (Issue #5)

Version 1.2.0

  1. Add the SwcImplementation support (Issue #9)
  2. Add the integer value for memory section alignment (Issue #9)
  3. Remove the required attributes for the Implementation according to the AUTOSAR standard 23R-11. (Issue #9)
  4. Change the START-ON-EVENT-REF to optional according to the AUTOSAR standard 23R-11. (Issue #9)
  5. Change the HANDLE-OUT-OF-RANGE to optional according to the AUTOSAR standard 23R-11. (Issue #9)
  6. Add the SensorActuatorSwComponentType support (Issue #9)
  7. Change the CATEGORY of COMPU-METHOD to optional.
  8. Change the CAN-BE-INVOKED-CONCURRENTLY to optional.

Version 1.3.0

  1. List all the SwComponentType (Issue #11)
  2. Support to parse the DelegationSwConnector (Issue #12)
  3. Correct the class definitions of PPortInCompositionInstanceRef and RPortInCompositionInstanceRef. (Issue #12)

Version 1.4.0

  1. Support to write the AUTOSAR model to arxml file (Issue #17)
    • ARPackage
    • CompositionSwComponent
    • CompuMethod
    • DataConstr
    • Unit
  2. Support to read the AUTOSAR model from arxml file (Issue #17)
    • ConstantSpecification
    • DataConstr
    • Unit

Version 1.4.1

  1. Support to read the AUTOSAR model from arxml file (Issue #19)
    • ServerComSpec
    • PerInstanceMemory
    • PortDefinedArgumentValue
    • DataWriteAccesses
    • NvBlockNeeds
    • CompositeNetworkRepresentation
    • PortGroup
  2. Support to write the AUTOSAR model to arxml file (Issue #19)
    • ServerComSpec
    • PerInstanceMemory
    • ServerCallPoint
    • ReadLocalVariable
    • WrittenLocalVariable
    • PortDefinedArgumentValue
    • RVariableInAtomicSwcInstanceRef
    • DataWriteAccesses
    • NvBlockNeeds
    • RecordValueSpecification
    • CompositeNetworkRepresentation
    • PortGroup
  3. Move the ARPackage from the Elements.

Version 1.4.2

  1. Support to read the AUTOSAR model from arxml file (Issue #23)
    • EndToEndProtectionSet
    • EndToEndProtection
    • EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype
    • EndToEndDescription
    • ApplicationArrayDataType
    • SwRecordLayout
    • SwCalprmAxisSet
    • SwCalprmAxis
    • ApplicationArrayElement
    • ApplicationArrayDataType
    • SwRecordLayoutGroup
    • SwRecordLayoutGroupContent
  2. Support to write the AUTOSAR model to arxml file (Issue #23)
    • EndToEndProtectionSet
    • EndToEndProtection
    • EndToEndProtectionVariablePrototype
    • EndToEndDescription
    • ApplicationArrayDataType
    • SwRecordLayout
    • SwCalprmAxisSet
    • SwCalprmAxis
    • ApplicationArrayElement
    • ApplicationArrayDataType
    • SwRecordLayoutGroup
    • SwRecordLayoutGroupContent
    • ImplementationDataType

Version 1.4.3

  1. Support to write the AUTOSAR model to arxml file (Issue #25)
    • BswCalledEntity
    • BswSchedulableEntity
    • BswImplementation
    • ServiceSwComponentType
    • DataTypeMappingSet
    • ModeRequestTypeMap
    • PortInterface
    • ModeInterface
  2. Support ot read the AUTOSAR model to arxml file (Issue #25)
    • ServiceSwComponentType
    • ModeRequestTypeMap
    • PortInterface
    • ModeInterface
  3. Refactor the Base ARType
    • ARFloat
    • ARNumerical
    • ARLiteral
  4. Fix Issue #22 - raise wrong Exception: Invalid ResourceConsumption of Implementation

Version 1.5.0

  1. Fix the old ARElement (Issue #27)
    • InitEvent
    • SwcTiming
    • ConstantMemory
    • ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec
  2. Add the timestamp to following ARElement (Issue #27)
  3. Timing Extension (Issue #27)
  4. Communication (Issue #27)
    • NM-PDU
    • I-SIGNAL