Released under by @melissakinsey.
This tool keeps track of expenditures using local storage to sync offline changes.
The code for this budget tracker is housed on GitHub.
AS A budget-conscious saver and frequent traveler I WANT TO enter deposits and withdrawals even when I'm offline SO I CAN manage my transactions without interruption.
To use this app, enter a deposit or a withdrawal in online or offline mode. If you're offline, your transaction will sync next time you have an internet connection. To see how the tracker works, watch this quick video demo.
- Runs on the command line.
- Uses MongoDB Atlas for offline storage.
- Uses a service worker to communicate in an offline environment.
- Uses a manifest.json file to tell the browser how to display the budget tracker. This file includes the name of the app, the icons used, and the URL at which the app lives.
This project was good for learning about using the dev tools. I'd already been using the 'Inspect Elements' panel in styling my projects, but now I know how to use the dev tools to simulate throttling and offline mode. I also learned about service worker files and manifest.json files.
This was an individual project. Thanks, as always, to my study group and TAs!
- Header adapted from image by filo/iStockPhoto.
- Badges created using Michael Currin's nifty Badge Generator
Ping me with questions or project feedback:
- GitHub: @melissakinsey
- Twitter: @KinseyMelissa
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: